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Posts posted by Anonymous84

  1. I had 2 FUE procedures with Dr. Rahal in Ottawa. It's an hour flight from the NY area where I live and its in North America so to me, that's as local as you can get. He's a top notch surgeon and his FUE results are as good as his strip surgeries. I had several consultations with excellent doctors in the US and Canada before settling on Rahal, and I'm glad I did. You also now have Hasson & Wong doing FUE in Canada. I'm sure there are many doctors in the US as well, but these 2 were always on my short list. Good luck.


    Thanks Home1212. I appreciate the thoughtful feedback.

  2. I agree with everyone above, do your homework on this website, take your time, schedule a consult, and choose the doctor you’re most comfortable with. I had surgery with Carolina Hair Surgery in 2012. Dr. Vories consults with all his patients via web consult online as well as in person at one of his two clinics. He maps out a plan for you and extracts and places all of the grafts himself. Best of luck with your decision and your off to a great start comunicating on this website. To see my before/afters since 2012 visit my website at My FUE Hair Transplant.


    Hello John,


    Firstly, I'd like to thank you for commenting and providing your input/advice. Would I be correct in stating that you are from Louisville, KY? Ironically enough, I live in New Albany, IN which is only about 20 minutes north of Louisville. I would definitely like to learn more about your journey and the procedure you had done with Dr. Vories. I haven't figured out how to send private messages yet. What would be the best method for me to contact you in a more direct manner?

  3. What you guys are brining up is exactly why I asked about punch size. I've heard that if the punch size is too large or areas are over-harvested then it can damage the donor zone for future procedures and cause scarring that is more noticeable than it should be. Using the FUE technique is supposed to limit scarring and ultimately speed up the healing process if I'm not mistaken, but if not done correctly it can have the opposite effects.

  4. Thanks for sharing Kaledale1. I'm anxious to see your results. 730 to 5 doesn't seem bad for the amount of grafts you had placed. May I ask you a few questions?


    1) Did the Dr. John Diep use any type of robot assistance during the procedure or was the procedure done manually?


    2) In regards to post op care how long did they recommend you be off work and avoid any strenuous activity?


    3) Will you be allowed to wear a head covering after the initial few days to conceal any redness, swelling, etc. until it subsides or will that cause issues with the grafts taking in the recipient area?

  5. Like Voxman said, if you stay on this forum long enough, you'll start to see who a lot of the top surgeons are (or at least the ones that tend to get the most love). You can also use the list of recommended surgeons on this site as a starting point. Read posts from guys who talk about their research and how they chose the surgeons they did, etc. Then once you narrow down your choices, set up consultations, talk to former patients, etc. Take your time and be thorough and you'll set yourself up well for a successful procedure.




    Thank you for sharing. It looks like you achieved tremendous results. Quite frankly, this has proven to be a pretty daunting task to say the least. It’s nice to have a community to be able to discuss this openly. Might I ask you a few questions about your procedure?


    1) Was your FUE transplant conducted manually or was some sort of robotic assistance used?


    2) How involved was Dr Mohebi with the actuall procedure? Did he extract the grafts from the donor zone as well as place them in the recepient zone(s)?

  6. Hello Fellow Members,


    I am here seeking counsel and advice for a FUE hair transplant. As with most men, I find a certain identity with my hair and have great concerns about balding or going bald. The stress it generates for me probably only contributes to the problem and ultimately I have decided to explore my options.


    I would say that I'm in the fact finding phase of my journey. Money isn't necessarily an issue, but I want to be sure that if I make this kind of investment I actually see results. This is absolutely why I will put in the time to do my research. If anyone could provide any advice/testimonials regarding reputable FUE physicians or their recommendation I would greatly appreciate it. I would prefer to stay in the US, but wouldn't necessarily rule out traveling abroad. Thanks in advance and God bless you all.

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