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Posts posted by SonicWannabe2009

  1. Acrobaz: unsubscribe. you are exactly what I was referring to in my post.


    Shanti, thankyou for your post i agree with a lot of your points. May I however say that realistically, isn't it quite possible that in 5 years time we have a cure for hairloss based on follicular neo-genesis? (Adreans, AA Genomics, Intercytex e.t.c). I mean I know that it has been ongoing for decades now, but we will get there eventually...and after reading into some research, I really don't think we are that far away..


    After reading your post and me being an Armani patient, I feel depressed. You're telling me its game over for me and that after 2-3 years I'm gonna look like a proper a-hole?


    I can't argue with that...I hope you are wrong, for my and other AA HT patients' stakes.



  2. I don't understand the logic in your post. I'm dispensing with the pleasantries as generally the individuals on this forum are rude and abrasive so I'm just "fitting in".


    You had an HT, your in your mid 30s and you say you are worried about original hair receding. That is but normal and that means you have to go back for a 2nd transplant which covers those areas...


    I would be worried if you told me that your transplanted hairs fell out.


    There is no doctor that would have looked at you and said, you know I don't want to give you a young hair line (although you're only 30 or so) and I want to focus on the future and start putting in hairs in in areas where you already have thick hair...


    Armani himself told me that should you continue to lose hair in the back areas of course you need to come back for another HT.



  3. Sparky, Balboa and all the others who are not pleased with their Armani HT, I apologize for coming across as a supporter of the clinic. I can understand what you are going through and I truly hope you get your desired result should you go through another surgery.


    From personal experience, I think Armani did a fantastic job, but I guess as you say it needs perfect consistency across all the patients.


    best regards,


  4. Thanatopsis, if there are so many individuals who are a) being butchered by Armani and b) then being sued if they try and revolt....aren't these the makings of the perfect class action law suit?


    The damages are in millions (if you get enough people) and a proper law firm representing a group of people could bring down Armani right? I'm just playing devils advocate here...


    I personally believe Dr. Armani has done a great job on me and other patients I have seen and met, but as I can see here there are disappointed members.


    So instead of bitching on a forum, why don't you do the class action route? (i'm not telling you to do it, I'm just trying to understand why haven't the anti-armanis of this world become one and done something about it?)

  5. Hey, I will take pictures in the coming week when I'm outside and post them...


    Just understand that I am not a paid consultant of any form for any HT clinic. Armani has asked me to send patient care my pics but I'm too lazy to even do that...I luckily mustered up the courage to make that small blog about myself and add 2-3 pics...


    Im not trying to convince you otherwise of how your HT looks. You are clearly perturbed by its appearance and thats whats important. I am merely offering you my objective view...Just because I have had a procedure which I guess turned out fine and it happens to be from Armani doesn't mean that I am a biased spy or have ulterior motives...I'm just telling you what I think.


    May I ask what products you apply to your hair? (btw those pics of mine are when there is no product in my hair).


    I see a lot of Armani bashing in this forum and while I understand there are unsatisfied patients I still believe that the argument should be more un-biased as regards Armani HTs. These are real life individuals...











    They are NOT all paid consultants...

  6. Posted November 14, 2009 12:50 PM Hide Post

    it took about two months. Shane was no longer handling the case some other reps got on board. There were phone conversations and exchange of emails that were fruitless. They wouldnt budge. My last alternative was to contact the credit card company and investigate the situation. I sent them emails regarding my correspondance with them and how they pulled a bait and switch approach and no services were rendered. This took about another two months but i was eventually able to get the some of deposit back

    didnt get it all back. All this made for a huge headac


    Listen, Im not in the mood for this BS anymore, if you all think I am employed by Armani, fine believe it. The fact and truth is, I am not...I am sick and tired of Armani bashing...


    In any case, Anouar, why didn't you get the full amount of your deposit back?


    Balboa, I just showed my girlfriend all your pics (5 months and now) and we both concur that you should let your hair grow (the small ones you keep shaving so they end up looking like beard hair) to see the hair line.


    The small white dots are nearly unnoticeable and are you seriously telling me that people walk up to you in the street and ask you about those dots? Your hair density and thickness has improved a lot vs. your before pic...I really don't know what to say. If you think I'm a paid consultant, just call armani up and ask him about me. He knows me, I was one of his patients....


    You come to this forum with the insecurity that your transplant has gone bad (which in my opinion, hasn't gone bad and it is a major improvement from before) and then people here feed on that and make you believe that yes something is wrong...


    IMO you are need for a confidence boost so take it from me, your hair looks good.

  7. LOL this is so ridiculous...you people don't even believe true patient results! Excuses after excuses, whatever, if you are in the London area I am more than happy to meet to show you in person and then we can walk on over to the place I work and I can show you that I work in a completely different field.


    It is shocking to see the paranoia, rudeness and arrogance on this website.


    Einstein, grow up man seriously, scoring points with the B spot and protecting Balboa isn't gonna get you anywhere.


    Balboa I really DO NOT CARE if you believe me or not, but your insistence on conspiracy theories (that I am a paid consultant, that my pictures are fake) just confirms my point that you are paranoid. You only patients who have had their heads butchered to come here and post...you do not welcome successful Armani results. Those who are successful are lying. AWESOME ATTITUDE PEOPLE.

  8. Balboa,


    In reference to your last post telling me that I am probably linked to Armani in some way because I used the term "bump";


    Please note that I got the term "bump" from you from this thread...



    I saw your five month pics in that thread and read the word BUMP again and again and that why I used it. Capiche?


    Also all this BS about Armani being a known butcher...I mean people grow up, wake up...he does all the HTs for the royalty in the middle east, he does it for the Hwood stars and Bwood stars and he did a good job on me. Yes there are bad instances as well and I agree that consistency is very important but this whole "known butcher" stuff is just not accurate.


    I REITERATE, I am simply an Armani patient. I have a job and I work in London in a completely different field. I have no motives, there is no subterfuge, if I was a paid consultant why would I be ashamed of letting you know...


    In any case, I'm really not interested in this discussion anymore. I apologize to have offended you all. If there are any people thinking about getting a HT with the Armani clinic, please visit my blog:




    And I am happy to share with you my experience in detail.

  9. Hey Balboa,


    Thanks for explaining the situation, I now fully understand your reasons. But honestly, (again this is me just looking at the pics) overall I'm sure if I saw you and your hair was dry it would look good icon_smile.gif. If you are opting for corrective surgery, all the best, I'm hoping it goes well.


    Btw, re: the oddly placed grafts, possibly a daft recommendation but what happens if you let it grow out and then just comb them back when they are long? Don't they blend in with the normal hair?



  10. You wrote:

    "That is one of the most illogical and shortsighted comments I have ever read on any forum. "


    Wow, and you're telling me about empathy? I find you rather belligerent if not downright combative. Your presence is completely unnecessary here wouldn't you agree? I mean what exactly are you adding to this particular thread? As I have stated above (and followed by profusely apologizing to Balboa), I am genuinely interested in his condition. I offered him my pictures and then commented on his...


    Suddenly you show up trying act as the voice of reason offering me placatory advice which quite frankly is irrelevant as I am not here for advice...


    You went on to write:

    "gain, you display your lack of knowledge by thinking I work for a "competitor" SMG is not a competitor with Armani."


    Buddy, denial is not going to change the fact that Armani is 1 hair transplant doctor running a business and SMG is another...LOL. Hence you are competitors whether you like it or not. Yes there granularity between your procedures and Armani's but check out Websters if you don't believe me. No need to attack my lack of knowledge.


    I sympathize with my balding brothers as I too am one of them, but understand belligerent pissed off folk such as yourself are very very low on my priority list.


    So I recommend again, kindly BACK OFF, as I am genuinely concerned about a fellow Armani patient...(and not trying to screw him as your tirade above suggests)

  11. Hey Balboa,

    I apologize i didn't mean to be rude at all. In all honesty I saw your 5m pics this morning and your hair-line looked great. That's just an objective view.


    Of course I'm not trying to and I cannot make you believe that your hair-line looks good if you believe it doesn't.


    In the end its your satisfaction that counts and again I am sorry that you aren't happy with your results.


    If you don't mind me asking, I see what looks like beard hair growing out of your hair-line. Did you use some beard area hair as donor hair (i know this option exists at their clinics)?


    To "the B Spot": I wasn't trying to discredit Balboa. This is the pic I saw and to me it looks like a great hairline a vast improvement over his before pic.




    Also you work for a competitor right? So my recommendation is, keep outta this one. This is from one Armani patient to another.

  12. Uhhh...I'm sorry but this is some kind of a joke right Balboa? Why are you asking Armani for a refund?


    I just saw your post op 5 month pic....your hair transplant looks amazing! Perfect thickness...I barely can notice the bumps...


    I seriously hope we are not dealing with a case of utter paranoia here. Hair Transplants are a major operation...the body will take 1-2 years to heal...


    WOW man...

  13. Hey Balboa,


    I can sense the anger and frustration in your post. I am sorry for your experience. Can I see your pics if possible?


    You mentioned Bobby? Do you mean Bobby S from London, their representative? I found him very helpful throughout the whole experience...


    Anyway I'm not trying to challenge you, I'm just saying that he has done 10,000 procedures over the last decade and yes there are going to be outliers but the majority are probably happy patients or else the clinic would have gone under no?


    Can you show me your pics?


    Here are mine taken yesterday at 14.5 months post op.


    2-3 weeks after surgery (note here grafts have fallen out and the typical redness doused in the jojoba oil is showing icon_smile.gif




    Current photos:








    My only complaint is a bit of pimples and redness but I actually think some hair are still growing icon_smile.gif. Look I'm trying to be unbiased here and from my personal experience...I love Dr. Armani! (god I think I'm gonna get bashed now lol).

  14. Hi everyone,


    I don't know if any of you remember me but I was on these forums for a few weeks after my procedure in Dubai last year (August end).


    I am a bit sad to see how much Armani bashing is happening here...those of you who know me know that I live in London, am 27 years old and am 14 months post op. I had my procedure with the Armani clinic in Dubai last year.


    I promise you I am not a paid person by the clinic. I work in financial services in the city of London. Please listen to what I have to say:


    Before I start, I feel for the chinese gentlemen, but like with the poster who did not inform us that he was undergoing chemotherapy, I feel that you should ask the chinese gentlemen if there is something in his diet or some other medical condition he may have before jumping to the conclusion that it was a botched up procedure.


    Last year, I had my 3,500 grafts procedure (FUE). On the day of the procedure, Armani's team and he himself said that my donor area is not ready to have that many taken out so he will only do 3,200 and I could come back in a few months time to have the rest. I found that honest...


    Over a year after the procedure, I can only say that my life has changed for the better. I get compliments on the new hair, yes some people say its still a little red but that has reduced a lot! My face looks different and for the money I paid, I am so happy icon_smile.gif! The team has been very supporting, I even receive a blackberry message from Dr. Armani himself from time to time.


    The negative: yes there may be some thin spots, but this is just NORMAL! Touchups are always an option but my god if i remember my hair loss situation before the procedure and after, Dr. Armani has helped in a big way.


    Now maybe something that did help with the growth was a) I don't smoke, b) I don't drink, c) I go to the gym 5x a week d) I don't use any products in my hair...


    But every thing has turned out fine icon_smile.gif. I would like to go back for a touchup but its not a necessity now as I start my new job soon! (which is very high stress icon_frown.gif

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