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Posts posted by northface

  1. Hi Gillenator,


    I appreciate the thorough response. I am only 23. The thinning I had mentioned was an overall thinning of the hair, BUT there is no real hairloss on teh sdies and teh back..which somewaht exhibits a horsehoe pattern like the norwood scale. However, since im' still young, I really don't know. My mom's brother also has some mpb but it's not too serious, definitely not as serious as me when he was my age. So youre saying that it is possible for a derm to examine the hair areas to determine if they aer being attacked by mpb? I guess that would be my first step right? And then..if I find that I will have donor area, then I can think about getting a FUE/FIT? Should I visit a HT or a derm doctor to determine my donor area?

    thanks in advance..



  2. thank you so much!! you guys are great..i really appreciate the time you guys took to write those long explanations. I now have a good understanding of what I should be looking forward to. Right now, I would say I am in between a ludwig type 1 and type 2.. and as Robert was saying, I do have thinning on the sides AND the back.. it seems live I have been dealt with maybe the worst transplant conditions available. In addition, my hair is very thin (and I have read all the posts on thin hair transplants) and so I could potentially be a poor candidate for a hair transplant. The donor area would be hard to find because I am losing hair all over my head..it's quite strange. My mom is a serious problem with hair loss and she's definitely a ludwig 3. I forgot to mention I am male and so i guess i have female pattern baldness? I am on 1 mg fin everyday and not using minox yet. I am very tempted to start minox soon if my hair loss is still progressing at a fast rate. In the mean time, I am going to sit and wait a little longer before I make a final decision. I especialy want to put up some pictures before I do anything as well. Thank you again for your respones and I will try to put up some pictures as soon as possible becuase I know everyone on this forum is so helpful! thanks again

  3. hi,

    i've been a long reader of this forum but I'm ready to start researching on hair transplants. I know that a lot of you guys have experience on this forum so I know that I'm in the right place. I have diffused thinning..really thin..but i still have somewhat of a hairline..so I am not receding. Most of the before and after photos that I see on the websites are usually people who have pretty much peaked in their recession and get a complete new hairline. Is it possible through FUE (in 2-3 sessions) add hair to the existing diffused hair so that I don't have to go bald before I can receive a hair transplant? Sorry, I know I'm blabbering but I'm really worried about having to go all the way bald and then getting a "transformation." Thanks in advance!

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