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Posts posted by Aus1980

  1. Hey @botchedguy95 It was the positive results which made me choose him and I'm glad I did, this was back in 2016 / 2017 so maybe it's changed. I think from memory there were 4 of us on the day and eveything went really well. 

    How is it unethical? People who go there understand that's their procedure don't they, he definitely did my design, plan and incisions. 

    Would there be 20 good surgeons who do their own extractions, maybe 50? There are about 4 billion males on the planet, 50% (a guess) suffer from hairloss so that's 2billion. ASMED help 4 or 8 a day instead of 1. I'd say with any cosmetic procedure there are risks it won't go well but we can't all access or afford a one on one treatment. If ASMED are doing 1,000 procedures a year you'll also start seeing a lot more poor results based on the overall numbers even if the % of poor results is no different to other doctors. I also think it's more likely to post a bad result online. 

    I'm not taking anything away from a poor procedure or that it isn't traumatic and I think this forum is great for publishing all good and bad reaults to help others. Agree completely we all need to choose what's best for our own situation and do the research! 

    Before finding this forum which recommended ASMED I almost forked out $20,000 Australian $ for an australian plastics doctor with very little experience to do a 700 graph hairline which would have been a terrible outcome. 

    @IMM1979 yes share away mate! 

  2. Great result @IMM1979, looks awesome! 

    I'm from Australia and had 2,200 graphs back in 2018 at ASMED. I choose Erdogan based purely off the positive results and reccomendations from this forums!!

    Crazy to see the different opinions now on the forum but he honestly changed my life and I feel like I picked up an awesome result. 

    I have had a a little more thinning and would like some more density so considering another 2,000 at some point and your post has helped. 

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  3. Update - I've received a bunch of different opinions and quotes from both Australian and overseas.


    The most graphs quoted was approx 3000 from Erdogan, he suggested that I'd need more single and double graphs for a natural hairline due to having thick hair.


    Path suggested 2300 graphs, the Australian doctors both suggested less than 2k.


    I've decided to go to Erdogan / Turkey based on his FUE technique being one of the best as well as the reviews and pictures I've seen. I'm excited.


    Flights are currently on sale for $1050 return so I've booked in for November.


    Ricky, Probably a 2A. I was told I have a receding hairline, deep temple area and thinning hair at the U turn area behind the forelock but my coverage on the crown and elsewhere is good. You were right - more than 2k required and I've attached some more photos. When my hair is at a medium length I'm able to disguise the thinning fairly well but it reached a point where it was bothering me so I cut it short.


    I will start my own thread when I have the procedure, thanks everyone for the advice, hopefully it is successful.



  4. Thanks all - I appreciate the advice and you all seem fairly determined with the advice.


    I have send pics off to both Erdogan and Path and I'll check out Dr Bisanga too.


    I'm still interested to know if anyone has had a good experience here in Australia.

  5. Hi All, first time posting - looking for some advice on Australian Doctors. I'm a NW 2 looking to get between 1000 and 2000 FUE's. I've attached a photo of my wet hair.


    I've booked initial appointments with 2 doctors.


    1) Dr Paul Spano in Melbourne.


    2) Dr Johnathan Chan in Sydney


    Both would cost around $10k - $20k depending on how many grafts I need, which I'm ok with paying provided they can do a good job!


    I'd really appreciate any advice on either of these surgeons and whether you've had a good (or bad) experience.


    My final option, which I would rather avoid due to the travel, is Thailand and Dr Path, I don't doubt it is a good option but I'd just rather stay at home.


    Really appreciate the help.


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