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Posts posted by ziker

  1. On 2/18/2021 at 10:05 PM, Gatsby said:

    Thanks for the update ziker. What is the game plan with your upcoming surgery? Will you be mixing scalp grafts with beard grafts only in the crown? Also are you taking finasteride? I'm in very similar shoes as you. I'm just waiting for the corona situation to improve so I will be allowed to travel.

    greetings bro,  the virus should be history by the summer and i will book a trip to BKK for the 4th HT in December / January.  i'm also looking to escape the USA and BKK is on my list of places to do this.  i'm a city boy so BKK suits me fine and the perfect hub for regional travel.  the freaking heat i'll have to get used to.

     i took a look at all my emails w Dr Pathomvanich to revive my memory so i can answer these questions properly.  i sent the beard pics to the Dr and he said that the beard hair could be used to make the frontal area thicker.  he would not recommend the beard hair for the crown.  i get the feeling he's reluctant to use beard hair but in cases like mine he'll use them sparingly due to my small harvest areas (sides and back of head).  

    he's harvested from the exact same area 3 times now.  it's hard to understand how this is possible yet it is.  today the hair is full and complete on the sides and back where inch wide strips were cut out,  3 times!  so yes i want to use beard hair as the Dr suggested.  i've noticed the beard hair coarseness varies w less coarse hair in the sideburn area.  

    i stopped Finasteride once i felt it affected my libido.  i'm a rocker bad boy and women are a big part of that.  i recommend Minoxidil Tablet form.  taking that has made a huge difference in the look of my HT.  the top view of my HT looks thin and sparse but a frontal view looks full (enough) and complete.  now w Minoxidil Tablets the side views also look much better.  the crown is my weak spot but i don't see it w out mirrors.  i bought a bunch of combs and have one in every pair of pants to cover the crown.  i tell the hairstylist to leave the top long enough for that purpose.  cheers


    On 2/19/2021 at 6:31 AM, SLA said:

    Here are a few additional questions if you don't mind answering, @ziker

    How many grafts have been transplanted in your 1st three transplants? All via FUT or FUE as well? How many beard grafts have you used so far?

    Thank you!

    hi,  my 3 HTs w Dr Pathomvanich have been FUT.  the first HT produced 2815 grafts,  the second was 1788 and 3rd (i'm guessing on this one) 1400,  a total of 6,003 grafts. regarding the cost that is a blur.  i'm fairly certain all 3 HTs combined cost less than 8K,  not more than 10K.  cash is king and the exchange rate flip flops so i'm vague about the cost.  i think i did well.

    what really expands the harvest area is the stretching exercises you do 6 weeks before HT surgery.  the looser your scalp is the wider scalp strip can be removed and the void can be stitched back together. w little elasticity the harvest will be much less. on the second HT i did not start the stretching until a couple of weeks before surgery.  the stretching is a hassle but you have to do it and do it intensely for more grafts.

    i haven't used any beard hair yet but i'm open to it.  i want a fuller look on top.  a mix would be a good thing in my opinion.  i let the Dr make the final decisions.

    On 2/19/2021 at 7:54 AM, JohnAC71 said:

    You have a amazing beard... it’s very similar to my own 👏 pretty sure that’s good for a few thousand grafts ! 

    i don't think Dr Pathomvanich is a fan of using beard hair but he will.  we've already talked about it.  it's the first time in my life i grew a thick one.  they're strange to have.  i didn't care for the feel of it but it was fun to do and helped my confidence for another HT.   i think he'll use less than a few hundred mixed in w the regular follicles from my head.  

    thanks for the interest w my progress.  i'm really happy i did this.  i'll get some news pics up soon.  all the best!!  good luck!


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  2. time to do an update.  this is what i have after 3 HTs in 3 and a half yrs starting in January 2017.  i would have had my 4th in January 2020 but had to deal w medical issues instead and went to India for a Kushar Stura cure.  now i'm planning on seeing Dr Path at the end of this year to cover the rear bald spot.  cheers





  3. haven't been around for a couple of years but maybe i can help w the thin hair issue.  i had 3 HTs w Dr Pathomvanich in Bangkok starting in January 2017.  a year later the second and another year later the 3rd.  my hair is also extremely fine and this doesn't help in regards to a full natural look.  what helped immensely is using Minoxidil in pill form.  the Minoxidil made my hair thicker and there's more of it.  it's not a subtle change either.  i can tell there's more hair on my back,  arms and hands so it must also be increasing the hair on my head but the main thing is it's much thicker.  so you might try the Minoxidil pill to thicken your hair up.  i haven't noticed any side effects and i've been using it daily (5mg) per day,  for 2 years.  it works.  the topical solution does not. hope this helps some guys.  

    i also tried Finasteride and thought it destroyed my libido.  as soon as i noticed i stopped using it. watch out for that stuff.  the libido loss from Finasteride can be permanent.

    otherwise i think your photos look great and congrats.  getting your hair back is like finding something special you thought was lost forever.  everyday it feels good to have it back.  


    • Like 3
  4. Dr. Path does great work! Congratulations!


    yes he does,


    i can't count how many times in my life when someone said they can do what i ask of them and then come up short. dr path delivered what he said he would deliver.


    i'm the critical type, w/ myself and everything in life but i have nothing but praise for this surgeon. i can't wait to get back for my 2nd procedure.


    i wanted to post pics of my circumstances (i/e being completely bald) because most guys here are not completely bald. i was reluctant to go forward w/ this HT but there were a few here (w/ similar circumstances as mine) that posted their experiences/photos so that gave me the courage to go forward. i hope my photos will do the same for others in my situation.


    as for the feelings my results have given me it was hard to explain but i thought of one comparison in life that describes pretty well how it feels for me.


    it feels like i found something precious i lost a long time ago. it has returned to me and i am in disbelief of my good fortune. it's just a deep happiness that this precious thing is in my life again. never to leave me again. that's how it feels for me.


    thank you for this web site, thanks to all here.

  5. haha, seems so but don't know much about beard hair being used except that it has to be mixed into the head hair and not bunched together as it is twice as thick.


    i want to minimize what the doctor takes from the sides so that's why i'm hoping he can use some beard hair. the beard hair's coarseness varies from area to area. the sideburn area is closer in thickness to my head's hair. under my chin it's very course. on the bottom edges of my neck it seems thinner and softer. i'll find out more come this january.


    because my existing hair density wasn't ideal the doctor could only harvest 2,850 follicles by fut. the sides of my head have seemed to have filled in nicely but i'm sure the supply there is limited. with the 2nd transplant i don't plan on trying to cover all the baldness but maybe 70%. i'd be happy w/ that.


    here are a couple of repeat shots at the right angle, the other is what i intend to get out of my next ht, who knows what's possible.




  6. i'm going to write as little as possible so forgive me for that. i will make up for it in my own way.


    i had my hair transplant last february w/ dr pathomvanich and the results are impressive considering my degree of baldness. i made 2 appointments w/ him last year, one for consultation (and if that went well), one for the surgery. my requirement from him were that from a face to face perspective i appear to have hair. in the consultation after 30 seconds of thought and inspection of my head he said he could do that. that's when i committed to the surgery 3 weeks later, after my wife and i toured Thailand.


    later in the month the surgery date had to be postponed due to a sunburn i acquired in bali, fortunately he could fit me in a week later so it turned out to be good and provided more time away from home.


    the day of surgery i showed up at 9am (i think) and by 10am they put me out w/ sleeping pills. the next thing i know it's all over, transplant completed. i thought everything looked fine and the doctor and staff were there to answer and help me w/ my recuperation plans. i returned to his office 2 days later for a follow-up and the next day it was the long flight back to the USA.


    during all the time since i had the procedure i have been following the doctor's orders religiously. i wasn't intending to use minoxidil or finasteride but i did w/in a couple of weeks after my return because the doctor said it would most likely improve my new growth. i am still taking both although there are side effects from the finasteride i do not like. every 3rd day i skip the finasteride just to lessen the side effects. not sure if that's doing anything but i'm doing it for now.


    the whole process was (for me) painless but a small inconvenience w/ stitches etc. this inconvenience was soon history and the waiting game began. the waiting game is the hardest part of the process (for me) and i still have a few months before i can return to BKK for my 2nd surgery. it is what it is and by now i am enjoying the fruits of the doctor's and my efforts. it is great to have hair again, much like a wonderful dream. hair isn't that important in the big scheme of things but there is something magical about this technology and it's potential.


    i am taking the time to post my experience because others here have done the same and helped me in making this huge decision to go for it. i am not a young guy anymore but the doctor told me many guys do it in their 70's so that was good enough for me. also this site helped immensely so i give back now. i am not censoring my photos because that would detract from the work that was done by dr pathomvanich. why censor? i'm proud i made this decision, it's one of the best decisions i've ever made.


    so here are some photos i think will interest some,


    1. 2 years before, 2. the day before my HT, 3. HT prep, 4. moments after surgery, 5. in hotel room, 6. swelling during the first week at home, 7. five months after surgery, 8. in august i grow a beard for new potential donor area for #2 HT (to see shape and texture), 9. today 9/30/17

















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