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Posts posted by GoodForehead

  1. I was born with an abnormally large forehead. I have decided to have it reduced surgically via forehead reduction.


    I am not balding at the present. I was initially losing a bit of hair in my 20s. But I am in my mid thirties now and in the past two years on a regimen of RU58841 twice daily (mixed with niacin and copper peptides), my hairline is not only stable, but it has improved. My density is back to teenage levels. So I am not worried about further loss in the future. My hair feels as good as my teens on this treatment and is only continuing to improve. (I highly recommend RU58841 if you are losing...)


    I am getting a scalp expander placed in the next week, which will allow the removal in December of ~3-3.5 cm of forehead. I am planning based on how much depth of transplants will be needed to camouflage the scar after.


    Looking at previous scars I have (eg. appendix, minor wounds), my scars tend to be "lighter" in color than the rest of my skin. I expect a similar "light line" scar from this procedure. This is similar to what happens with black people who get this procedure, eg:





    Mine should not be as noticeable as theirs, as I am not black. But it gives an idea of what I'm talking about.


    My hair is generally this texture/wave:



    How many mm of transplants will likely be necessary to cover a scar of this nature?


    Thanks a bunch!

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