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Posts posted by cosmicray

  1. Ok, here are the "final" pics.  My hair is a bit linger now, and this is straight out of the shower with dry hair.  As you can see, it's still certainly noticeably thinner than the rest of my head.  I explained my thoughts on this in the post above.  I believe I have one more follow up with Dr. Vories this December, so I'll see what he has to say.  After my June meeting with him, he thought I had a "long way to go," but I frankly don't see a lot of change between now and then.  I'll post my "10 month" compare, as well.  Im interested in everyone's honest opinion of my results.  Thanks!



  2. Hey, everyone!  Sorry for the time off.  It's now been almost a year and a half since my surgery.  I'll be sure to get some pics tomorrow after I get home from work and get them posted.  I'm generally happy with the result, but it's still thin up towards the front of the crown.  It's easy to make it look good with some "plumping powder" and maybe some of the "fibers" they sell out there.  So, for the times I usually would have found a way to wear a hat, I'm comfortable not wearing one, now.  In the future, if money allows, I think I'd go back and get more done just to have it look more full on its own.  While Dr. Vories never said he didn't think 2000 grafts would fill my crown, I was always leery that 2000 wouldn't completely cover the entire area to the point where I would LOVE my result.  

    Anyway, I'll get the pics up tomorrow.  Thanks for being patient!

  3. Ok, I slacked off a bit on the 8 and 9 month pics, but here's month 10. I'll be honest, I'm a little frustrated, but I think I'm comparing a crown surgery to a lot of frontal surgeries, time-wise, which isn't rational. I've been told over and over that crowns take a lot longer, and I met with Dr. Vories at the 6 month mark, and his basic comment was that I have a LONG way to go. Basically, I have no valid reason to think it'll be anything but great in the end, still. lol....buuuuut I think we all know how the waiting can be.


  4. Hi, my name is Zac and while I'm waiting (very patiently) for my hair to grow I figured I'd take the time to share my results.


    Thanks to all who have shared their results and stories in the past, as they've helped me a great deal in preparing for the process.


    I just turned 40 years old in July, about a month after my surgery with Dr. Vories in South Carolina. It took me a few years to decide to have the transplant, but the only thing really holding me back was the cost. I felt Dr. Vories was fairly priced in comparison to most I'd researched, and his results seemed to be on par with the best I'd seen, if not better.


    I made an appointment for a 2000 graft session to fill in my crown for June of 2017. My experience at his clinic was great. Everyone there made me feel comfortable. They fed me lunch and we watched Caddyshack (my choice..they have hundreds on Apple TV) for the portion of the surgery where I was upright.


    For the extraction I laid on my stomach with my head facing right for 500, then left for 500 more, then with my head straight down in a massage style pillow for the final 1000. We ended up with 2004 grafts extracted. The only painful part was the numbing, which is a decent needle prick over and over in the area he's working.


    I sat upright (but leaning back a bit) for the rest of the surgery. Again, the pain was fairly mild and only during the numbing portion. He started to implant a few a little soon on one spot, and I simply told him I could feel it so he numbed me up a little more and on we went.


    So far I feel good about the decision and the process. I have pics I'll attach below from before, 1 day, 3 days, 2 weeks, 1 month, and 2 months. The 3 month mark will come in mid-September, at which point I'll continue to load new pics monthly.


    Thanks again to all who operate this website and all who have contributed to the forum.

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