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Posts posted by BaumansVictim2

  1. Is there anything else we can do, other than Yelp, to help protect people from Bauman the Butcher? Any ideas are most welcome. I just want to do everything I can to try to prevent anyone else from going through what I went through.


    I know of one other victim personally and he will also be scarred for life (In many ways)

  2. Dr Alan Bauman aka “Bauman the Butcher” of Bauman Medical is a smooth talking used car salesman that comes across as a competent and sincere surgeon. If someone is naive enough to pick a surgeon without doing their due diligence (as I was, unfortunately), they can find themselves in a nightmare that may span the rest of their lives. Bauman the butcher is most likely one of the worst hacks in the industry. I made the mistake of having a procedure done at Bauman medical decades ago, and am now permanently disfigured in a very noticeable way. I have an ear to ear scar that is over one half inch wide and this predictably affects my professional and personal life to this day. Upon further research and consulting with other surgeons in an attempt to mitigate the damage from my surgery at Bauman Medical, other physicians were SHOCKED at the ineptitude of the procedure and the irresponsible way that Bauman Medical handled the aftermath.


    The only good that can come from my experience is that someone will read this review and steer clear of Bauman Medical. There are plenty of other hair transplant surgeons in the U.S. that are reputable, have good reviews, and focus on their craft (as opposed to spending all of their time on marketing and paying incredibly high priced lawyers to protect them from numerous malpractice suits due to shoddy work).


    Please read this (and Carl Count’s review) and take them seriously. Had I done this, I would have avoided spending over $70,000 and MONTHS of my life trying to mitigate permanent damage caused by one of the most inept surgeons in the hair transplantation industry.


    I am permanently disfigured due to the ineptitude of Dr Bauman. I am seeking a full refund of every dollar spent at Bauman Medical

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