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Posts posted by junior

  1. Thank you guys for the great comments. Indeed, it has been 11 months and I am really impressed by the result. I have attached some photos with my now thicker hairs (photos were taken while my hair was wet inside my room). I have been taking finasteride and minoxidyl for the past 12 months and 8 months, respectively, without any side effects. I am very happy with my hair and no longer worry about strong winds, going to the beach or the pool. 

    I hope you guys have a successful surgery and great result as well. The new hair really gives me more confidence and I hope you guys will feel the same way too. 

    I highly recommend Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong. 





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  2. 6th month update


    The transplanted hairs have thicken to the point where it looks very natural. Additionally, with the help of minoxodil small hairs around my hairline grew which helps hide the fact that my hairline are all transplanted hairs. The crown has also thickened to the point where it looks like it won’t need any work done. I am optimistic about the results next month. I have been on propecia for 7 months and minoxidil for 2 months and the results are really amazing.





  3. Hi bro, here is the 3rd month. These photos were taken under natural light.


    The hairs have grown quite well around the temple area. It is almost not noticeable at this point except when I am outside on a sunny day. I am satisfied with the work on the temple but am very concerned around the crown as it looks too thin. Dr. Laorwong did transplant hairs around the crown but I think it wasn’t enough and I am thinking of getting another transplant for it. I am taking propecia and am on my 4th month now but with no noticeable results nor sideeffects. Nonetheless, it is too early to say so I will just wait for a year to decide. :):)


    So to summarize all that. I am happy with the work on my hairline but feel I need more work done on the crown but will decide next year.


    Cheers! :D






  4. It is exactly my second month and I experienced shock loss on the recepient area (crown) and areas which is neither a donor nor recepient area. It is very concerning but I am hoping that the hair would grow back.


    Most of the hair that grew are near my temple area. At this time, it seems that the hairs in the crown area still hasn’t come out.


    Although I am a little concerned, I’ll reserve it for the 4th month mark.





  5. That's true and looking at your results make me a bit anxious. Nonetheless, I'll reserve my praise/criticism of his work 6 months from now.


    I totally agree with you regarding medical experts not giving comments. It is either because this forum is too big and they don't have time or that they only reply to cases which are unique and is interesting.


    Nonetheless, From your pictures, it seems that the hairs grew well except for the parts that didn't grow any. It makes me wonder about the reason behind it.

  6. Good write up!


    How old are you? Do you live in Thailand? And how much total did this cost?


    Thank you very much for your comment. I am in my mid 30s and I live in Asia but not in Thailand. The cost was 100 bhat per graft (I think this is a discounted price since it was 110 baht before) which is around 7600 USD in total for 2500 grafts.


    Here are some photos I have taken today after shower. It is my 11th day post op. I don't wear anything on my head anymore and nobody notices anything as the donor area has healed as well. I am just waiting for the transplanted hair to shed which should be in the next 2-3 weeks.




    Will definitely do! I plan to post each month's progress until the time it looks satisfying to me so others can see. And yes, I do have realistic expectations. I have been deciding to get a transplant for 3 years and deciding who to get it from for a year. Thanks a lot. :)



  7. Thank you for the pictures bro. I do understand how you feel regarding the results, specifically looking at the third picture, it does look like an uncovered patch. I take 1mg propecia everyday but I know results of that will be noticeable together with the results of my hair transplant.


    I understand why you wouldn't recommend this doctor. I'll wait for my 6th month to be able to say anything. But hey, you do look better than before. I wish you all the best.


    Meanwhile, here are my pictures taken after shower. Today is the 11th day post op. There is some redness which I think I scratched but I applied an antibacterial cream just to be safe.



  8. It does look better now compared to before. I saw your photos on the thread you created and I would admit I feel a little worried if 60%-65% only survived and you took a lot of precautions. Did some of the patches ever grew hair? I wonder if the patches were caused by lost grafts or just bad design. Currently, looking at the grafts that grew hair, everything seems fine. I didn't developed crusting as I kept my head moist most of the time so everything I see is hopefully everything that grows.


    The guys who gave negative comments worried me before but without photos, I can't really agree with them. To me, it sounded like other people saying bad things about propecia when scientific data doesn't make any conclusions about a lot of it.


    I had the same areas done too. Hairline + crown but I am taking propecia to ensure I don't lose my original hairs early. How about you?

  9. On August 11 I had an FUE HT with Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong. It was suggested that 2500 grafts were needed to cover my crown and hairline a few weeks ago through some photos I have sent him and the assessment didn't change on the actual day. There were only three main factors I chose this doctor: a) he has an archive of his work showing good results, b) he has 10 years of experience and does the surgery himself and c) he is a Diplomate of the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) he was a well-trained hair transplant surgeon by fellowship training program certified by ISHRS and he is a Fellow Member of ISHRS ( FISHRS).


    In my experience, things were very professional. Dr. Laorwong doesn't ask a lot of questions nor does he talk a lot but all the information he needed were in the form I filled up. After taking photos and deciding the hairline height, the procedure was done without incident (I noticed the assisstants massaged my legs before the injection which was probably a diversion). I was given a free PRP injection and was half awake (even noticed myself snoring) and was happy that everyone was very professional.


    After the surgery, I was given medication and a post op pamphlet which I followed. I never took the sleeping pills nor the pain killers as I didn't really feel any discomfort after surgery (except for recurring hiccups) and was able to sleep well at the hotel. The next day, the doctor himself washed my hair and gave me extra ointments for acne, in case it developed, and to reduce the redness in the area for free. As I wanted to go around Bangkok (which is a beautiful place by the way), I asked for an extra bandana and shower cap.


    Everyday I sprayed my head, applied petroleum jelly, wore a shower cap and a bandana, and went around. The bandana was black so people didn't really think anything about it. When I started working 3 days ago, I couldn't spray my head constantly anymore so I just applied vaseline petroleum jelly on it (the clinic gave me one as well but I used it all when I was in Bangkok), wore a shower cap, then a loose summer beanie. Nobody asked questions as the beanie was fashionable. Although, I stood out wearing a suit with a beanie.


    Today is the the 6th day and I took these photos after shower (I am still waiting for the doctor to send me my pre op and post op photos) and removal of the petroleum jelly from last night. To remove the jelly, I use a disposable kitchen towel because it is absorbent and stronger than a tissue. Moreover, the petroleum jelly sticks to it. I tap my head lightly with the kitchen towel and then reapply the jelly. I do this twice a day as I shower before work and before sleeping.


    A small information about me. I started taking propecia a month ago because I thought that getting a hair transplant was pointless if I don't take the medication. The non transplanted hairs would thin out and I would look bald again. I have been all around, as most balding guys probably do, getting information about HT, etc. in my case, I didn't experience any side effects. ED is scary but I didn't really give much thought about it as the scientific evidence doesn't really lead directly to the medication (as far as I have read). Brain fog was a big concern as my job requires intense intellectual energy all day. I didn't experience any so I was quite happy.


    So far, I can say that the current results are pretty good. I am just thankful and excited to see how it would look like in a few months.


    Thank you for reading and I am looking forward to any comments if there are any.





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