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Posts posted by Norwoody

  1. In shape yes, but in terms of diffusing you are going on a norwood 5. Finasteride will help you a hell of a lot more than 2000-2500 grafts which will do virtually nothing and create problems down the road.

    Also no reason to be worried about shock loss considering you aren't on finasteride so you will lose all of those hairs in a few years anyway.



    It makes little sense to be worrying about "reserves" considering you would end up using them anyway if you're not on fin and your balding pattern is already very obvious. 5000 today across the whole scalp is no different than 2500 now and 2500 in a few years, which is what you will end up with if you opt for a small transplant but you will achieve a lesser result in the short term, its harder to plan and will incur more travel expenses, time out of work and hassle. A transplanted patch in the middle of your head with nothing in front or behind is not a good look which is what you would have with 2500 grafts after a few years more of balding.


    I'd try a microdose of fin first, but if you're not up for that then a large megassession is ideal.


    Ok, thanks for the reply. This is why I come to these forums. It gives me good food for thought :)

  2. You are nowhere near a norwood 2-3 and your hairline is borderline non existent. Diffusing also in a norwood 5 pattern.


    Without knowing how quickly you are thinning, it should still be said that getting a 2000-2500 graft transplant if you weren't on finasteride would be disastrous. Most hairline procedures alone utilise more than that and you have major thinning across a norwood 5 area. Do you want to fill in a hairline, wait a few years until you are completely bald behind it so it looks ridiculous and then get another transplant, or fill in the entire area now?


    Even a 0.25mg microdose of fin would do you more good than a transplant in the long run, but if you get one without medication keep your expectations reasonable. Do you want to fill in the entire balding area so even if you lose more hair you will have decent coverage across the scalp, or do you want a hairline that is going to look ridiculous in a year or two as you lose coverage elsewhere across the entire norwood 5 area?


    Hello Jean,

    i would like to keep the hairline I currently have or even start the implants a little behind my current hairline and just thicken it out. I'm worried with 5000 grafts I'll have massive shock loss and it will use up a good portion of my reserves for future transplants.


    I have included an image that overlays a NW 3 over my lateral view.


  3. Thanks for the reply, Bill.


    About a year ago I was looking into surgeons but was having difficulty finding one that I trusted at a price I could afford. I received two consults using different pictures. One consult was estimated at 1200 grafts and the other consult was 2000 - 2500.


    This was his office response to my two concerns:


    "thank you for your Mail. Kindly be informed, that you have many telogen hair. This means, you have many weak hair which is already thinning and which you will continue to lose. Therefore, the Doctor recommends you the usage of Finasteride in order to maintain and optimise your original hair and also to avoid shockloss. But if you don't want to use it, we will respect it. It's up to you!


    Dr. Koray can see on your Photos that your hair loss is in all areas and it will not be enough to achieve a natural and satisfied density with a smaller number of Grafts."

  4. So I got an online consult from Dr. Koray Erdogan at ASMED. He has gotten some good reviews on here. However, many people have noticed that the number of transplants he recommends is higher than other physicians.

    I'm sitting somewhere between a NW2 and NW3 with some diffuse thinning on the top of my head. Shockloss is a concern of mine.


    Dr. Koray Erdogan recommended I get 5000 grafts. This seems like a lot to me. I'm including the exact pictures I sent the doctor (except with my identity hidden.) to get your opinions.

    I used some powerful light on these photos. In dimmer light my hairline actually looks pretty good.

    Also, in the consult form I said multiple times that I previously had sexual sides from Finasteride and yet in the consult he recommended I use it. I sent a second email with the both these concerns and in response they stood by their initial consult.


    Let me know if you guys think that 5000 grafts is reasonable with my case.




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