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Posts posted by anonymousburger

  1. I received a response from the clinic.

    Since I felt a may have been a little too quick rush to judgement after reading their response, I decided to verify, as best I could, the information I was provided.

    Keep in mind, I did not dig very deep. Also, as noted below, I did not verify one of the statements due it being a semantic nightmare if I were to counter the claim.

    • “In Colorado, an MD, a PA (physician's assistant), or an NP (nurse practitioner) can perform hair restoration.” (DID NOT VERIFY)
      • The words surgeon and surgery were omitted from the statement.
      • Hair restoration includes non-surgical procedures such as wigs and hair pieces.
      • Parsing state regulations is a job better left to anyone but me.

    • “XXXX is an NP”
      • The NP credential is not listed on the the clinic surgeons profile page of the clinic website.
      • According to the Colorado Dept. of Regulatory Agencies - Colorado Medical Board, there is 1 person with that name that is a licensed Nurse Practitioner in Colorado. That person has listed their employer, and it is not this clinic.


    This information is not to suggest that the clinic is being deceitful or that anyone working there is not credentialed, licensed, or competent at their job. However, I personally am not satisfied with the alignment of what I was told and how I interpret my own verification.

  2. Thank you for responding.

    All I keep thinking is that surely no one is that brazen, or foolish.

    But to ease my mind, I just ran a quick license and public record check on that business.

    There are no licensed physicians, surgeons, or even an esthetician registered and connected to that business. Of course registering to a business may or may not be a requirement in Colorado. However, in my world, a medical degree is required of anyone going scalpel to scalp on me.

    In fairness, and now curiosity, I will wait for their response to the request for credentials and if it appears they are being evasive, I will cancel.

  3. I have planned to go to this clinic, and I had written off some of the bad reviews, since I could not find any legal proceedings or criminal records. However, sometimes it is more about what we don't see.

    All communication has been via email and I plan to fly to Denver.

    I started looking at their website for information to provide to my primary care physician so that we don't overlook potential medication interactions. While looking, I noticed that there is not a medical doctor credited, yet a surgeon is profiled prominently as a "Gold Standard" level provider.

    When asked, via email, the response was to direct me to the page about the surgeon, identified as the Medical Director,

    And now, I have run across this thread. So I have pressed further, with an email to the clinic, asking the name of the licensed medical doctor. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt, but I have started entertaining the idea that possibly, Medical Director, or "MD" is a slight of hand. That would be unfortunate. An M.D is not the same as an MD is not the same as a D. Med. And, I am pretty sure an M.D. is not a doctor at all, so if the surgeon is credentialed as an M.D. that is most likely legal, but shady as hell.

    Even though the price is great, it is not about the money when it comes to vanity and self-confidence.

    I had an FUT procedure about 12 years ago, and I could not have been happier. The surgeon was a licensed medical doctor. Now I am old enough to benefit from a second and final FUT, and unfortunately doctor is retired.

    Thank you for this thread. You quite possibly saved me a great deal of embarrassment, time, and money.

    I will let you know how the clinic responds to my request for the credentials of the surgeon.

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