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Posts posted by swanlee

  1. This seems typical but what are some of the tips you can give to ease the pain and annoyance of FUE donor area during the first week? Last night had to sleep upright for the first time to ease the pain.


    Can I put aloe on it? Anything else I can put on it? Healing seems fine the area looks really good just hurts a bit and I was not given any pain meds for it. It probably doesn't need serious pain meds just really annoying.

  2. Hello


    I just got 2000 FUE grafts done by Dr. Danyo and it was a really good experience. This is my second Hair Transplant I'm in my early 40's and had one in my early 30's that went well but my hair has receded since. My first was a strip method back in 2004 it was only about 600 grafts which lasted me a good 10 years before my further hair loss became highly noticeable.


    Consultation was good no pressure he just listened to what I wanted and and made a recommendation as to the number of grafts. I did a strip method before so FUE was the best option for me and Danyo specializes in FUE. I got the shaved option since it was cheaper and I keep what is my donor area short anyway, he did not have to shave the rest of my head only the donor area.


    The surgery took about 10 hrs I was really comfortable and probably slept on and off for 3 of those hours. They gave me lunch about half way through. Danyo does all the extractions and implants himself with only a little assistance from his technicians which was nice to see.I have heard about Doctors that only do the extractions or are barely present for either phase.


    Had this done late last week but am feeling pretty good and only have some swelling around the eyes. My donor area already looks pretty decent and the transplant area is just a little scabby but it has only been a few days.


    I picked him because he was really close by and reviews said he had a good manner, no pressure and was easy to work with and those reviews were spot on.


    I'll be going back in a few weeks to get SMP done on my crown area.


    In summary:


    Nice Doctor

    Nice facilities

    Knowledgeable friendly technicians

    No pressure

    Comfortable area and relaxing during surgery

    Danyo does all his own extractions and implants

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