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Posts posted by x_factor

  1. s forum and have just recently had a hair trasplant roughly 2 weeks ago....I'm also an avid weightlifter and I've heard/read many different theories on when, in what ways and how to work out after an HT. I started exercising again one week after my HT and have about every other day since then. I don't do anything that pulls my neck, really just bodyweight exercises like pushups, chinups, abs (no situps though) and lat pulldowns and isolated leg exercises like leg press, leg curls and things of that nature. I haven't noticed any pulling or tension in my donor area but I'm wondering if you guys think its ok for me to continue working out like this with it bein so soon after my HT. All advice is welcome! Thanks!



    - 1 HT ~ 3000 grafts


    you should avoid your workout in the first week and then start it gradually that wull be beneficial.

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