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Posts posted by Optimistic1

  1. I did hair transplant 7 months ago, and the result after 6 months was good. However, in the 7 month mark, I feel the density is worse than the 6 month result and I guess the reason that I lost a lot of native hair during this month.

    Is that normal to lose a lot of native hair suddenly after hairtransplant?

    Also, do you think I lost native hair or my transplanted hair may fall?

    I don't use fenastride or minixodil and I don't want to use them. How can I protect my hair without using them? are there any other products might help protecting my native and transplanted hair without bad side effects?

  2. On 12/14/2018 at 8:15 AM, Spaceman said:

     No. The best long term outcome of a HT is achieved in combination with finasteride and/or minoxidil. Finasteride may help prevent permanent shock loss from a HT. Minoxidil may slightly accelerate growth after a HT.  But mostly they slow the loss of your remaining native hair. Finasteride in particular. You can still have a successful result without medication but it may be difficult to maintain long-term without meds.

    I don't understand what you mean with this sentence "Finasteride may help prevent permanent shock loss from a HT." Please explain.

  3. Hello,

    Some doctors recommend using finasteride and minoxidil.

    Why they recommend these? Do they help the hair transplant to work, or for the transplanted hair to continue to grow? Or just for protecting the existing native hair?

    Could I get the best outcome without using finasteride and minoxidil?

    I wish use only, as much as possible, natural products to avoid any side effects.

    Thanks in advance 

  4. Hello all

    I am going to do my hair transplant very soon.

    However, I am not sure what is the best care routine after hair transplant.

    What is the best shampoo to use? How many times per week?

    What oils to use? How many times per week?


    Please advice me with best hair care routine after transplant. I wish use only, as much as possible, natural products to avoid any side effects.


    Thanks in advance

  5. Hello all

    I am considering doing my first ht surgery at Dr. Bhatti Clinic.

    I need to take my final decision. So, what is your opinion?

    What are his pros and cons?

    What are your opinion in his results? Are the poor results too many?

    What his patients often complain of?

    Did any one complain from over-harvesting or poor density?

    Is he good at drawing the hair line?

    Is his staff qualified enough especially at extracting the grafts?


    As everyone, I don't want my donor area to be damaged, especially that I may need another surgery in the future. Also, I want excellent density and natural hair line.


    In case you may recommend another doctor or clinic .. please recommend some one on the same price level.


  6. Hello all

    After some good research, maybe not the best ever research, I am considering doing my first ht surgery at Dr. Ali Emre karadeniz Clinic.

    I need to take my final decision. So, what is your opinion?

    What are his pros and cons?

    What are your opinion in his results? Are the poor results too many?

    What his patients often complain of?

    Did any one complain from over-harvesting or poor density?

    Is he good at drawing the hair line?

    Is his staff qualified enough especially at extracting the grafts?


    As everyone, I don't want my donor area to be damaged, especially that I may need another surgery in the future. Also, I want excellent density and natural hair line.


    In case you may recommend another doctor or clinic .. please recommend some one on the same price level.


  7. A conservative doc is one that tends to err on the side of using less grafts than being spendy with them. The results can be at times a little thin if they're not dead on. An aggressive doc tends to go the other route and can usually get more density because he's willing to use more grafts the downside is less available donors down the road so it really depends on your level of loss and potential progression going forward, whether you're on meds and age, level of minaturization, it all plays into that. Dr Erdogan is an example of an aggressive doctor, look at his results and they are usually dense and well done but his estimates and graft counts are on the high end. Dr Saifi and De Reys are both well known for being conservative, to put in perspective using myself as an example when I did my hairline my average estimate consult was 2k grafts needed, if I wanted to go really dense 2500...Erdogan quoted me 3k and Saifi 1700...so you can see their tendencies in the estimates. I didn't use either, I went with Dr Bisanga in Belgium and we went right in the middle with 2500.


    So, choosing an aggressive doc will help you to get dense results.


    But if I choose a conservative doc, the results may be more thin that predicted. In the other side, I will not waste a lot of grafts which I may need it for another surgery. You know that you have a certain number of grafts you can get from the donor area.

    Also, I have the option to do another hair transplantation surgery, if I want to improve the results.


    So, the conservative attitude from the doctors is not always a negative thing in my opinion.

    What do you think about that ?

  8. I had the same experience consulting with Dr Saiffi. He estimated 1500 grafts for density whereas Dr Yaman estimated 4000. Massive difference. Dr Villnow is in the middle at 2800 grafts.


    Also see what the level of consultation is like. If it feels personal and detailed and your questions are answered you may get a good feel from them.


    As I have consulted with many doctors and for me personally I have found some pros and cons with all of them. Remember these are just my personal views from consultations and research


    Dr De Reys:


    pros- good location, very personal and not technician based (his wife is his assistant), very good reputation online, pricing very reasonable


    Cons - conservative approach if looking for a significant procedure, surgery will take a very long time as he does not have a large team (also a pro depends how you look at it) Not too many recent cases on the forums, a lot of them are from around 2014.


    Dr Villnow - pros: very experienced, not technician based, very good level of consultation and understanding, online cases look very good,


    Cons: not very much of his work online, price is slightly higher than many of the Turkish doctors,


    Dr Hakan Dogonay- pros: price is very reasonable, has some very strong results online, appears to be improving after some poor results, was once regarded as a top class doctor


    Cons: reputation online was very bad a year ago after some poor results, communication is very short and abrupt, has been known that technicians have been doing most of the work.


    Dr Saiffi - pros: good reputation online, communication is very good he even called me to discuss my expectations. He was very confident that you do not need a high number of grafts to show density. He says it's all about angle and placement.


    Cons: personally I prefer a more aggressive approach and higher graft numbers. He wants you to use a laser comb of which I do not believe in. The waiting list is very long and also the price is slightly on the high side


    Dr Yaman -

    pros: recommended on here. Aggressive approach to graft numbers. Price is very good for a recommended surgeon.


    Cons: is technician based, I haven't seen many full 1 year results on here as most of his results on here are very early stages. Communication is slow and I somewhat lost confidence due to the slow nature of the replies.


    Dr Cinik

    Pros: price is very very low, some good reviews on here


    Cons: is a technician clinic with every patient paying the same amount of money. Seems fairly new to the community and not many full 1 year results online.


    Dr Erdogan - pros: world renowned reputation. Amazing results and consistently amazing results posted online


    Cons: price is a touch higher than others (but still pretty good)


    Dr Bhatti (India)

    Pros: very good reputation online, price very good, a happy medium of graft estimation, does beard hair


    Cons: a few complaints online from a small number of patients. Also depending on where you live it is very hard to get a direct flight. From the UK I couldn't find a good flight from any London airport.



    I must stress this is from my own research and my own consultations.


    Thanks for this detailed reply that would help me for sure


    Thanks all guys for all your replies.

  9. I'm booked in with Dr Villnow in Dusselldorf Germany this September. Why don't you consult with him. He isn't very well known on here but well worth looking into.


    People will always tell you it's not about the money and of course they are correct but there is always a limit of what we can afford. As long as you aren't shopping for the cheapest then you'll be fine as long as you do vast research and educate yourself before making a decision. Do not rush.


    How much will you pay for it with Dr. Villnow and will he perform the operation personally or Dr Gerke?

  10. Hi all, please help I need lots of advice on which clinic to choose for my first ever ht and if anyone has had any experiences with these clinics or can offer an opinion on them or any others would be a great help!


    I want to do my ht either in Europe. My first choice is to do it in Germany. or if you have any other suggestions in Belgium, Hungary, Netherlands in any other European country.


    I may need from 2500 to 3000 grafts and I want to pay no more than 7000 Euro included food and accommodation.

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