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Posts posted by Sk78

  1. Hi Guys

    Very sorry guys, was super busy with travel, anyways

    The HT Result is amazing after 11 months, 1000% satisfied with ASMED. My look has completely changed, I have lost weight 20kg as well.  Friends and Families are complementing that I have reduced 5 years of my age. Only draw back is I am not entirely happy with my crown, but no one notices it.

    I have stopped finastride after 6 months as I was having side effects. Overall really happy with this journey















  2. 1)

    @Justin - Thanks, Yes 3 months to 4 Month, a huge improvement.

    I am using Propecia and Lazer Helmet. I actually want to stop propecia, when should I.

    R u still continuing it.


    Also I have been tracking few people on this forum, to be honest, on comparison scale my 4 month was equal to ur 3rd month.


    I found my results are closer to Ersko72 (on month on month basis)



    2) @utxeee - Thanks for the kind words of encouragement.


    3) @Baldingtimetoldar - Thanks, you are very true, hair cut makes a difference. I met my old Mates after a year, they can not recognise that I had a transplant. After me saying to them they where like "Oo Yaaa" :)


    4) @lukeyb1687 - Thanks Mate for the kind words.

  3. Hi


    Thanks guys...! Sorry was slightly buys,

    Its been 10 week and few days now. There was no hair growth till now.


    I could suddenly see hair sproutingout.

    Hair growth in last week is the only hair growth I have seen. As per my analysis most people get their best growth between 3 to 5 Months, In next 2 weeks I will be entering to my 3 months. going forward I will post regularly.



    JustJax Thanks , yes I am in the ugly duckling phase :D. Hopefully in next 2 months , I should be ok... My update.


    jimbrann - Here is the update


    vchorro -

    Very nice, Yes, we are in the the same boat, Post pictures.





  4. Hi Mick


    Tks, Koray Erdogan charged me 2.5 (2.5*5500 graft) Euros per graft, I know its lot.

    I took close to 2 years for me to finalise Dr. Koray because of the cost.


    Other best doctors in turkey are charging 1 to 1.5 per graft and it through mini motor, I have compared more than 100 results, Mini motor does not provide a decent output.


    These doctors for Manual puch are charging around 2 Euro / Graft, So decided to go with ASMED.


    Hope this helps

  5. Hi Friends

    I want to share my experience ..and give back to this forum and members of this forum who posted there experience as well and helped me with choosing ASMED ..so its my turn now to help others still on the fence waiting wondering

    I am from UK, London, I have been contemplating for an hair transplant for last 5, 6 years and finalised the below Clinic \ Doctors.

    DHI (UK)

    Dr. Koray Erdogan (ASMED)

    Dr. Hakan Doganay

    Dr. Erkan Demirsoy

    Finally decided with Dr. Koray Erdogan because no one could match his results, Also security was a concern but after reaching Istanbul security is no

    more a concern.

    I went on a 6 days Holiday to turkey and combined the Operation (Oct 20th to Oct25th), I stayed

    Oct 20th / Friday

    Met with the Coordinator Sevinc, She was great person and very helpful and not to my expectation,

    ASMED clinic was very Clean, Very modern, it was like a hotel, in fact there was a person Playing piano in the lounge.

    Met with the Doctor , my donor area total was estimated at 9000 graft and he suggested 5000 graft and I requested 5500 to cover my crown

    completely, he agreed, then Payment was done. Head was shaved and we agreed on the hairline.

    Oct 21th and 22nd (sat and Sunday) , I stayed at the Europe side and did sightseeing.

    23rd Monday Operation - Only the Anaesthesia injections were painful, other than that the Operation was just fine.

    Had trouble sleeping that night as I was asked to sleep on the Neck Pillow.

    24rd Tuesday Operation - Again, Only the Anaesthesia injections was painful, other than that the Operation was just fine.

    again sleeping was the only Problem.

    25rd Wednesday - Went to the Hospital and Performed the First wash.

    I started writing this Blog after 20 Days of the Operation, Hair has started to Fall and its very rapid.


    Will Keep Updating my progress and pictures, Hope it benefits


    Thanks to members like Justjax for giving me the confidence.









  6. Congrats Mate, Your Result looks amazing mate. Great Result.


    Need some advise, I have been facing Male Pattern baldness since 18 Yrs now I am 38 at Norwood III Vertex living in london. Did my analysis and finalised Dr Koray Erdogan ASMED Istanbul and DHI London.


    Cannot make my mind as both are similar cost ASMED (5000 graft at 2.5 Euro/Graft),

    DHI is around 10K for 2 full day operation (but they are not confirming the no of grafts).


    In terms of results.

    I am convinced with ASMED their results are great , you being an example.


    With DHI, I am not convinced with the results

    (e.g DHI gave me an reference to their patients, see the photograph attached).

    It’s not thinker and Hair is Springiii not growing straight, I have seen this Springiii hair results with other doctors in Turkey and in UK, its does not look natural.


    AS per Dr Koray Erdogan, Springiii hair / Hair not growing straight was because surgeons using forceps to insert the grafts, Dr Solution is the insertion tool (as attached in the photograph), The hair is place in the gap of the needle and the hair is slided into channel/hole, so the hair follicle does not bend.


    Asked the same at DHI what tool they use for insertion, they show their tool very similar to the attached image and they also confirmed that they use the implanter tool not the Forceps.


    But still I am not happy with DHI results. Not sure how ASMED is getting such results ?


    Guide me.






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