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Posts posted by mco27

  1. mco27 why did you stop taking Propecia and using Rogaine? I was basically the same age and loss as you.


    I stopped taking Propecia because I believe it caused me to become somewhat depressed. It's defintey not a side effect that is common, but my doctor suggested I stop taking it. I stopped using Rogaine just from pure laziness. I will start using it again after the surgery though.. Dr. Nader suggested to not start using it right now since my surgery is coming up.


    I do suffer a bit from anxiety and depression, so I'm weary about taking any oral medications that may add to it. I'll probably just stick with a topical after surgery.

  2. Hi all,

    New to the forum and new to the world of hair transplant surgery. I'm 32 and have been thinning since the age of 22. I've tried Propecia and Rogaine, but I'm not currently on anything at the moment besides 5000mg of Biotin. I've done some research on doctors who produce great results for a price that fits my budget, and I've heard great things about Dr. Nader from this forum and on YouTube. I'm about to head in for my surgery with Dr. Nader next week, and thought I'd share my experience along the way. Reading others' experiences has helped me feel more confident in taking the plunge, so I hope to do the same for those who may be thinking about seeing Dr. Nader. Here are photos of my current hairline.





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