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Posts posted by hidden7

  1. I started using minoxidil 5% about one and a half months ago. Although there was the typical hair loss initially, I think that's stopped and now I can see these thing small strands on both my temples, so I guess it's working( pretty earlier than expected, most people say the effects are observed after about 3 months, and I noticed the tiny hairs after about a month).

    I had been thinking of posting a thread here regarding whether or not I'll have to keep using minox for my whole life to slow down my hair loss(and reverse it for now). But, today, I read some topics posted in other forums regarding it's sexual side effects. And then it hit me, ever since I started using minoxidil, I don't get many erections, in fact I hardly get any and whenever I do, it lasts for a few seconds. Also, I don't feel the sexual urge is even half as strong as it used to be, and I'm 18.


    So, now I have a choice between keeping my hair or my sexual drive for the rest of my life? Thinking about it is very depressing, If I stop using it, I lose my hair and if I continue, which I'll have to do as long as I can to avoid the reverse of it effects, I sacrifice my sexual life. If there any other way? Why the hell is there no research regarding this topic?

  2. My personal ecperience with Rogaine - erectile dysfunction. :(

    If anyone is interested in the possible side effects of Rogaine, check out this link:

    ROGAINE EXTRA STRENGTH (FOR MEN): Side effects, ratings, and patient comments


    My personal experience is this:


    I first tried Minoxi 5% topical liquid at around age 25, and had a really itchy scalp. Decided to stop.


    Then tried Propecia for a year, my libido went way down, so I stopped.


    I then became insanely horny. Had 3 crazy years, but ended up being very thin on the top of the head.


    Then started using Rogaine Foam since this January. Have seen impressive results.

    But, my libido went way down.


    I have the hottest girlfriend I've ever had now, and sometimes it is hard getting it up.


    Just a few days off it and I already feel myself way more sexual (might be psychosomatic but it's true - I get an erection from girls on the street, something I forgot happens since I started using this spray). I have been using it every 2-3 days for 10 days now.


    My scalp now has a mineralish layer - the root of many hairs has a little "mineral" thing and it just falls off. I think this is the "turbo mode" of hairloss.


    Not sure what to do! :/

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