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Posts posted by simonritchie

  1. It's nearly two weeks later now. Have you seen a noticeable improvement in how the scar is covered yet?


    A few things... someone mentioned the horrors of the scar.. I knew very well the scar situation. I happen to have very thick hair... my sides and the back have remained thick even as I gotten older - it's the typical front and crown we all know about. This is why FUT didn't bother me and I was an excellent candidate for it - great donor hair and coverage. I always knew I'd have more than enough coverage, and I have no desire to get a fade, voluntarily, although that is what this idiot did.


    Today was actually the first day I used any sort of covering technique. I was getting away with the hat when the office was dead, and when I was away I didn't care. So, this morning, my wife started using some toppikk. We actually then decided to use Courve, which she had to blend in with the rest of my hair, and then she filled in with toppik. It looks fine. You have to really stare at the back of my head to see it, and if someone is doing that, then they are a freak!! I'm satisfied.


    It's funny.. one of my colleagues, who has done other types of plastic surgery I told, because I know he thought about it. I showed him everything. This was when the new hairs hadn't shed yet, so you could really see how it would grow in and he thought it looked great. As for the scar, he thought it be I good conversation piece, I disagreed. He then told me one of the kids in our office actually did one and simply shaved his head and didn't care who saw the scar. I was surprised, because I am not sure how an associate can afford this, but I then found out he went to one of the robot places - I hope it works out for him. Anyway, when I was still wearing the hat,he, this associate that hd something done said, "Ah, ----, went with the buzz." I answered, "not voluntarily." He said to give it some time.. this is where it gets funny... he then emailed me later, "FUT or FUE"... this is kind of mean, I responded with, "????" like I didn't know what he was talking about it... he then responded with, "Oh, I had done something a few months ago, I thought you may have done the same.." I just said "no worries".. I guess the younger generation doesn't care as much. LOL

  2. First thing I always say nowadays is "Put the clippers away. You won't need them".

    It sounds like you warned him off sufficiently and verbalized everything right. The *Barber* just thought he knew best.

    He didn't. They rarely do. They think everyone is a European Soccer Star.


    It's funny you said, because I can tell he genuinely thought he did me a "solid" and that's exactly what I look like. After he was done, he then proceed to tell me how all his boys in Israel got the "tattoo" that covers their entire head - I assume he was referring to some micropigmetnation...yeah, of the whole head, I'm sure no one is fooled by that and it looks so "real". Anyway he asked me why I didn't do that...I simply answered, because I want my real hair.

  3. Before calling your barber an idiot, did you actually specify the length you wanted it cut at the back, or say not to cut it short?


    Did you read the thread??? Yes, I went in...I said I just had staples removed in the back and there's a scar and I WANT THE SCAR TO REMAIN CONCEALED. He then said, "you move hair from back to front, right? I've seen this before, I know what to do." Hair restorations for men in NYC are quite common. The second I walked in he knew why my head was the way it was, but yes, I confirmed, I even said "I don't want anything short than this" pointing to the length at the top. How else Am I supposed to f'n spell it out!? And considering he said, "yes, I see before, I know what to do, no problem."


    Once he started the way he did, he had to finish because then I'd have a half shaved head.


    I've also got confirmation from other members that, for whatever reason, this actually happens a lot, regardless how you spell it out for them. Perhaps they just assume everyone can go to work with a scar, despite what you tel them, and this is an easier out for them, then Actually taking the time to do what you requested. When I pointed it out, he said, "it grow back, don't worry."


    Are you a barber???

  4. I thought I'd keep this thread active as a warning for newcombers thinking about hair restoration. I think one of the biggest mistakes I made was I went to a barber and not a hair stylist. For what I am paying for in concealers, I might as well have paid for a stylist, that's my first advice. I thought it would be a pretty simple hair cut - just cut short enough to still cover the scar, but if you read the thread, you know what happened. I don't buzz my hair, so I am not privy to the jargon - fade, the degrees of the clippers, etc. I suggest one does learn. From what I have researched now, most people shouldn't go lower than a 3 - anyone who is more of an expert, please chime in.


    So, because this jackass cut it so short, Toppik won't cover it yet - it looks like a black line, it won't blend in yet, I still need more hair. I have some courve coming in today. My wife and I will experiment over the weekend. I don't know how short you can go on clippers, but it looks like he went the shortest you can.


    As for my scar, my Dr. did a great a job, and I did a good job with the cleaning process, so I think I should be ok in the healing process. One side is a little "puffier" and I don't mean that in an alarming way, it looks normal after having staples out -it was also the side that was more sensitive and "hurt" a little more coming out, so I am not surprised.



    My hair is so f'n thick back there it should've been easy. I need to make my YELP review even more harsh now I think.

  5. Man. That sucks. And I really hope you didn't have to pay him.


    I'm assuming everyone's facial hair grows differently. My scalp hair grows quite a bit faster than my facial hair, but I have friends who are the opposite. Fortunately you can wear a hat to work this week and then hopefully by Monday you'll be good to go. If not, keep wearing the hat? If the hat is a viable option, I would just stick with that as opposed to trying to conceal it and risk irritating the donor scar.


    When it happened it was so surreal. I think I was in shock that I did pay and even tipped him. It was like watching a bad dream that you don't think is real. It only hits you afterwards. because once he went down that route he had to finish. I gave him a nasty yelp review.


    My Dr. made the same point about watching out for irritating the scar, but he did say I did do a great job of cleaning when the staples were in that he thought it shouldn't be a problem, especially with Toppik, but to watch anything that would be directly applied. One side isn't as bad as the other.


    My wife also bought that scar stuff that begins with an m to help - that helps with any type of scar.


    It is NOT normal to be wearing a hat all day with someone in my position, but I'm pulling it off. My boss didn't even care though, he even asked if I lost a lot of weight Lol...the irony, I think I may have gained a little with not being able to run/excercise with the staples in.


    I do appreciate everyone's support. My tidbit, some barber says to you, "I do fade, it will be good no problem," scream, "No!!" Actually get up and walk out, no run!!

  6. It's frustrating this whole process I planned out perfectly. My wife was baby so had an excuse not to be in the office, I want to go to the office today. I had a great doctor, surgery went great, and the one reason why I was staying out of public, which I overcome, one jackass ruined. Good thing white collar world is a little more relaxed. . . Baseball hat biz cas I think I can pull off to the weekend.


    Also, does anyone know if scalp hair grows like facial hair? If so, I feel more at ease. My facial hair grows real fast. This idiot just buzzed it close as you can, it wasn't bicced, thank God!

  7. Hi Matt, the frigin ahole buzzed it, he said " I know what to do, fade willl work." He knew why I was there - I had the weird haircut we all know after two weeks after a procedure and I told him there staples were just removed. I would've been fine with the length you see at this top...what you see on the sides is the shorter length all around. MSM sounds a lot like biotin. Hell, I'll take both. Courve I think Help better than toppikk because the hair is so frickin short.


    You guys have all been great with this. I haven't been able to sleep! I can't figure out how to post pic right now lol.

  8. Wow, thanks guys for the quick responses. Yeah, my wife kind of said thAt (give it a week or so, even a few days). I'm just SO F'n pissed. I've been working from him and traveling. I just had a son, so me being not in the office was expected. My wife even said, it will already be Wednesday, just don't go on until Monday LOL. I have thick black hair, so I think that may help, it tends to grow fast, but like I said, I never had a marine cut.


    spex, I took Biotin (will continue) can I get MSM at gnc or most pharmacies? I know about toppikk and courve...do I need to order them? I'm thinking by the time they come I may not need them. Can you buy them retail? Although I will need some growth before I start using them; Although considering I'm trying conceal a scar from a buzz cut, would courve be better?Good thing the office world has gotten more lax. I think I can get away with biz cas and baseball hat in late August for a few days.

  9. I had a FUT procedure done, hair was growing in nicely etc. it was time to get the staples out and finally a real haircut. Make a long story short, this idiot buzzed my hair like marine style; once he started, I had to let him finish. He knew what was there, I told him in just had staples out, etc, plus I walked in with that infamous weird hairdo. He also commented on how he knew what I did.


    I think I'm lucky in my hair does grow back fast (and is thick), but I never had it this short and I never plan to ever again. I think I found a covering solution - I literally went to sephora with my wife, but was just curious to see if anyone had any suggestions - we haven't given it the full cover yet. Like I said, I don't ever plan to have my hair this short ever again and my hair is thick, so any temp. scalp pigmentation is probably a waste of money, then again I don't know what that costs. I'm just really pissed. I now have to go to work with a hat, good thing the office is slow.


    It doesn't have to be perfect. Even if i can pass it off as weird contour headlines or something like that. Any guidance appreciated.

  10. Be sure to look at physician CV's too, if they have a background with Bosley, Ziegler, or MHR I'd consider that a deal breaker.


    I'd also discount any doctor advertising their robot at the forefront of the practice if they do FUE.


    That's not to say that a doctor with an ARTAS can't do good work, but if the robot is the epicenter of the practice, red flag.


    And if the doctor is advertising the inferior machine known as NeoGraft as the epicenter of their practice that's an even bigger red flag.


    So in conclusion, be weary of docs with chain backgrounds, and/or who advertise their robots as a type of procedure.


    You're better off going the FUT route at this juncture anyhow, and a skilled surgeon should be able to provide both, not one or the other.


    And don't be afraid to travel, many clinics are empathetic to travel cost and provide some cost flexibility to ease the burden.


    Truthfully going to the right guy, no matter where in North America, isn't a burden in my mind.


    I traveled far out of state because i was unimpressed with local options.


    Speegs, I think my next appointment is with someone who does neograft, actually, I am looking now and they're known for Coolspa???? I need to cancel this one now! LOL

  11. Maxim is a chain, always be weary of those.


    I'm starting to see that now, meaning, if it's a chain, steer clear. I'm shocked at how so many organizations out there treat this as a mere commoditized product or service, rather than a medical procedure.


    My wife has been very supportive too. She is encouraging me to take my time and not rush it.

  12. As a New Yorker myself, and having made the mistake of having my 1st procedure with a NY practitioner, the best advice is to not limit yourself to NY surgeons. The best of the best HT surgeons are not in NYC, so be prepared to travel. Plus the NY surgeons charge way too much money for a procedure - it's just not worth paying such a premium just for the convenience of being able to take a cab home after the procedure.


    This is very helpful, as are all the comments, so thank you everyone. There was a NYC provider, Maxim, I was about to go to because the price is right, then I saw some really bad reviews and actually spoke to a person, personally, about his experience. I am not going to get into all the details, but something didn't seem right and the salesperson then began harassing when she found out this person spoke to me. I even had to tell her to "cease and desist".... anyway... there are few in the NYC area I am now finding that seem reputable, but yes, are expensive. Someone mentioned Bernstein, yeah, I can't justify giving someone $250 for a consultation; it's a cheesy sales tactic to get you vested so you don't see someone else - if you're that good, you should be able to convince me without extorting me. That is what I am really hating about this industry - too many cheesy and slimy sales tactics. I happen to have good, thick donor hair, the financial means, why not take advantage of it? But it's becoming very stressful and too much anxiety.


    If you don't mind me asking, where did you go to get yours done?




    P.S. If anything, I am learning it's worth it to take your time with this decision.

  13. There seems to be some pretty reputable ones in the NYC area... some do seem shady though. My wife thinks I'm crazy for wanting to this, but it's something I have been thinking about, I do have good donor hair, I figure I can take advantage of it; however, to have someone butcher my head and cause permanent life-long damage is definitely not worth it.

  14. Hi, I've been wanting to do this for awhile (hair restoration), but I have been worried for a few reasons. 1.) Getting a crappy job done and 2.) realistic downtime.


    I have excellent donor hair which is why I have been seeking out to this as opposed to buzzing my hair. I live in the NYC area and there seems to be a lot of shysters out there.


    I think I am starting to get a handled on who is real and who is not, but I am still worried. I think I dodged a bullet by cancelling a surgery that sounded too good to be true.


    I know a lot of people asking for recommendations for good doctors, but I am going to do a little twist... are there doctors out there in the NYC area one should AVOID AT ALL COST!


    Any help appreciated.



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