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Posts posted by Oscarito

  1. Hi, I recently had a procedure done a little over a year ago for roughly 2,300 FUE graphs. Unfortunately, I was misinformed regarding hair transplantation processes and would like to know if anyone has been successful in removing new graphs?


    I was under the assumption that I would have the full density in my temple areas, but the job is just too sparse to cover completely. My concern is if anyone has had some, if not all of their new hair transplant graphs taken out, permanently?


    I spent years saving all of the money to afford the procedure, to later learn that my hair was fine the way that it was. Any feedback is greatly appreciated as I would love to take the proper steps forward in removing the graphs, so my hair looks normal (even if I look like I'm balding.)


    Thank you

  2. Hey Everyone,


    Sorry, I haven't updated in a while, but I'm currently a little past 10 months post-fue w/ Dr. Diep. The first four pictures show my hair, currently. The last three are pre-op to give you an idea of where I was at.


    Also, I have noticed a lot of people on this forum who are seeking "perfect" density or perfect results. Unfortunately, no doctor will ever be able to achieve that type of density, and some of the patients' doctor's choose to "highlight" have had multiple HT procedures, if not several. I am extremely fortunate to have curly hair that can create the illusion of full density, but I don't want people to believe my result will be similar to yours.













    Finasteride Daily 1.25

    Biotin 5,000 mcg taken every day (Certified Organic Brand)

  3. 6-month update


    I feel good so far regarding the growth. It's still in the beginning stages as the hair is still growing out patchy, but I can tell the new recipient hair has been going through its natural shedding cycle and beginning to curl like the rest of my hair. (As long as I see a white bulb at the end of the follicle I'm good)


    I submitted a couple of pictures to give you a good idea of the density as is now with the patchy growth, and also a few others for how I style it when I go out. Hoping to see more growth as I reach 10 months, and more density around the temples.











    Also, thanks HTsoon!

  4. How's it coming? What is the aloe Vera for and where are you applying it?

    I asked Dr diep if I should use aloe Vera but he said putting anything on your head could potentially increase the chances of infection or folliculitis. Thoughts?


    Thanks for the question Renovanity. I was told very early on by one of his staff that aloe vera was okay to use. However, I immediately stopped using it once I spoke to Dr. Diep a few days later for my 1-month check-in (probably used it for a few days then stopped). I never saw any reaction or folliculitis and have only washed it since then. No products other than finasteride.


    I have a skype check-in on Wednesday to check-in on my progress and any issues that he may be concerned with. I'll post an update after the appointment.

  5. It is too early to draw conclusions. I saw my biggest change 4-9 months.

    You still have at least 7 1/2 months in front of you.


    Thanks for your comments Spyk777. I followed your journey and you have great results. I'll just try to keep calm and carry on for the next couple of months. I imagine a lot of folks are nervous since we've all shelled out on the investment.

  6. ​So I'm finally at the 4 months and two-week update. I'm not feeling too great about the density, so hoping the growth will continue to come in.


    I enclosed two pictures where I pushed my hair back to show the growth coming in around the temples, one picture that shows everything, and the last one that shows when my other hair is covering it.


    Please let me know your thoughts. Little worried at this point...





  7. Looking good Oscarito. You will see great results during that 4th and 5th month. That's also when I saw the best growth rate. After that it will appear to be thickening and your hairline will look much more prominent. You have a lot to look forward to.


    Thank you JohnCasper for your kind words. I'm really looking forward to passing the fourth month since everyone seems to have the best results around then. :)

  8. I had my HT with Dr. Diep two weeks ago (March 24th) and feel he's probably the best surgeon I could have chosen.


    I was originally scheduled for 2,000 grafts, but he ended up doing 2,275.


    1's: 546

    2's: 902

    3's: 604

    4's: 223

    Total: 2275


    The procedure went well, but I was on the lighter side prior to the operation (maybe 145lb, 5'8""). The donor area hurt the most during the surgery while placing the grafts felt like I was shaving - no pain at all. Dr. Diep noticed I was a bit out of it after lunch so he put me on an IV as well. His staff was very professional and tried to ensure I was relaxed and well taken care of.


    The only discomfort I've felt is in the donor area. It's still a bit swollen and itchy. Other than that the scabbing has mostly fallen off from the recipient area. Hoping to speed up the healing before work on Monday to reduce the redness (been using aloe vera.)


    I uploaded a pics prior to surgery, after surgery, and at about 2 weeks post-HT.







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