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Posts posted by ninjarambo

  1. Guys,


    My observations and research since finasteride has been introduced for treating MPB is that it's effective for a high percentage of the men who take it and I am referring to stabilizing further progression of loss. As far as increasing hair shaft diameter and regrowth, the chances of this seem to be higher for men who are not in the more advanced classes of hair loss. in other words, the men who are in the lower classes of Norwood 3 and lower. The sooner you start it after diagnosis of MPB, the better chances of avoiding surgery.


    I have however observed minoxidil to have better results in regrowth, new growth, and improvement in hair caliber. But as Matt stated, we all respond differently so there are going to be some variances both ways.


    It is best to give both medications at least 12 months, taken and applied as directed and then re-evaluate.


    I have not seen any real meaningful changes with the use of Nizoral but certainly cannot hurt to try it. Ingesting the proper daily dose of low dose finasteride is sufficient IMHO to successfully inhibit DHT without the use of Nizoral.


    One other thing about finasteride and minoxidl. The "initial" use of either can induce a shed. I have seen a number of guys get freaked out and immediately stop using them but the shed may be a good sign that you are responding favorably and the shed is temporary.


    Also remember that only finasteride inhibits DHT and out of the big 3, it is the most important one to take IMHO.


    Thank you so much for the through explanation sir. I'm afraid incase the shed will make me become a Norwood 2 or 3. As you can see I'm still a nw1 so that's why I'm kind of afraid.

  2. You get the best chance by using Finasteride and Minoxidil. Nizoral is a secondary treatment at best, but it doesn't harm to try it and it's inexpensive. You need to give the treatments a full year and it's possible that you'll experience a shed before you see improvement. The truth is, the treatments are hit and miss. Like I said, not everybody responds well. I think they're worth trying but you have to be prepared for the fact that they might not work at all.


    Thank you. The reason I was scared jumping on meds is because of the shed. I'm a Norwood 1 but was scared incase the shed would make me worse.

  3. Your hair is still looking good, other than some loss of density that is almost certainly male pattern baldness.


    The medications (Fin and Minoxidil) are better at boosting density in thinning areas rather than re-growing hair in completely bald areas. In other words, you with your situation are more likely to see benefits than someone with more defined hairline recession. Definitely worth a try.


    Thank you very much matt for being so helpful. So you think I may have a chance at restoring my hair again?

  4. So do u think finasteride will thicken his hair diameter ? What are his chances? Especially since his hair loss seems to be minimal at the moment , he still has a lot of hair to save ..

    - also how fast do u think he would go bald without meds? N do diffuse thinners like with him mimnimal recession has a better chance to not be bald later in life ?

    I’m in the situation as him so any insight would be appreciated ..

    I’ve been on fin for 5 months now myself , n it seems to help the hair from falling as easily , but I still have hair fall when I run my hands through it . At this rate I feel like I could be bald in 10 years .. even though I’m 38 n a Norwood 2 with no family history of baldness that I’m aware of ..


    Some good questions here that I hope we can get some answers to if possible.


    Legend007 in relation to your Finasteride question I think that 5 months is not enough give it at least 6 to 12 months. Also try incorporating Minoxidil and Nizoral in to your regiment as well. Fin will work from inside not allowing DHT to do it's thing while thickening up hair and Min would work from outside helping in the thickening and regrowth while Nizoral would clear your scalp of any inflammation giving it a great opportunity for a healthy regrowth. Remember healthy scalp means a place where your new hair can easily thrive.

  5. Hello everyone. OK I promise that this is the last thread I will be starting and if people say go on the Big 3 I will start it asap, but first just wanted to get some more opinions.


    Basically when my hair is not wet it look OK I guess but has lost density on top a lot, gone wispy and my hairline is see through whether my hair is wet or not.


    Now I have attached wet hair pictures and also dry hair pictures. As you can see wet hair is well........ and dry hair looks good but it's wispy in person maybe it doesn't show in the pictures. The thing is I am still a Norwood 1 and I don't want to jeopardize that since I heard that medication can make hair worse? Not sure if that's true though to be honest. Also when my hair becomes oily it looks bad as well. I just want to get my density back and have researched a lot and a lot of people say that they do really well on the Big 3.


    So looking at my wet hair and dry hair pictures, should I get on the Big 3 and how long until I see results and what sort of results would I be expecting with my current hair situation?


    Thank you all.







  6. It IS very difficult to tell from the pics you shared from a few years ago to now but I don’t think you have anything to worry about yet. As we get older our hairlines mature. Some of us have a rounder hairline as children into our teens and most of us start to get those harder edges along our hairline in our late teens into our twenties as we mature. It affects every single person differently, however, and there’s no one roadmap for how it will affect you individually. Some guys have those harder edges as children. Some guys keep that round shape into old age and hair loss never affects them.


    Bottom line is; you’re probably in your very early twenties now. If hairloss affects anyone on either side of your family it will, most likely, affect you, too. I’m no professional so my opinion is only that. An opinion. I think you’re hairline is just maturing. If it really bothers you, though, go talk with a hair restoration clinic. Preferably one that’s recommended by this forum if any are in your area. A lot of them will give you a free consultation and you’ll gain a wealth of information from them.



    Thank you very much for your reply. So which do you think I am atm? Do I have the hardee edges or the round shape? So I don't have anything to worry about?

  7. Hi I don't know maybe I've never noticed it before since I never thought about hair loss until now but when my hair is wet you can see my scalp clearly. So am I freaking balding or not? I'm confused.


    Side: https://s14.postimg.org/8jf6z50kh/20171226_192805.jpg


    Front: https://s14.postimg.org/vxn6ayfw1/20171226_192819.jpg


    Top: https://s14.postimg.org/cfsiv464h/20171226_192749.jpg


    Attached pictures are from 2017.






  8. I agree with Bill; I'm not 100% sure this can be conclusively attributed to hair transplant surgery. Looks like this individual has hair loss that resembles more of of the diffuse, central, spreading "female pattern" hair loss. I'd probably put him around a Ludwig II using the scale below:




    Sometimes people with this type of pattern respond well to things like finasteride/minoxidil. So it could be something like this with concealing/enhancing methods like Bill described above.


    If you were going to try and restore something like that surgically, one would probably want to skip over the immediate hairline region and fill as much of the frontal, mid-scalp, and vertex as possible. The entire thing would easily be 4,000+ grafts (and likely more) based upon his hair type and the area needed.


    But, again, I'm still not 100% convinced this is an HT.


    Thank you so much for your time doctor. My hair problem is like him as well except only and only under sunlight. Even when my hair is wet I'm ok but under direct sunlight with a guard 5 haircut my scalp is quite visible.


    I did have anorexia a while back and ever since then I started shedding a lot. Can't go to a dermatologist due to the costs. Do you think it could be chronic TE?

  9. There is absolutely no way anyone can tell based on pictures like that how many grafts were used during a hair transplant. Besides, how do we know that he's not using some kind of concealer and that he actually even had hair transplant surgery? The photos are not very revealing and the "after" photos only show pictures showing his hairline and not the top of his scalp.


    If you are considering hair transplant surgery, I think it might be better to discuss your own situation, post your own photos and discuss what elite surgeons recommended by this community can do for you.


    Best wishes,




    Thank you very much for your reply Bill!


    Wow can concealers actually do that? Never thought of it before to be honest. Though him being a football manager his hair lodd kind of looks like telogen effivulim since his hairline hasn't been affected.

  10. Hello everyone, I apologize in advance if this question is irrelevant.


    This is a picture of Diego Simione Atletico Madrid's Manager.


    As you can see he was a diffuse thinner but now has an amazing head of hair.


    Just wondering with his situation approximately how many grafts was needed to give him this amazing head of hair he has now?













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