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Posts posted by CamEfollicle

  1. Hi guys,



    I am 23 years old, and I have recently had a hair system fitted. I originally went to visit Doctor Bisanga in Brussels, and he advised me that this would be the best option for my current situation as I'm still a little too young to delve into a hair transplant.


    The system looks great, and it makes a huge difference to my appearance! :) Soon, I shall be starting university, and I need some help regarding my hair system (please :D)


    - Is there a particular product that is okay to style your system with? I have just been using a basic hairspray, but I'm afraid in case it damages the hair.


    - The general hold of the system is good, but the hairline, back and edges around the head appear to always come loose/flap out a bit. You can't notice, but of course I personally can. What can I do about this?


    - How often should you wash your system? I have been washing it once per week, is that too little?


    - I would really appreciate any tips that you can give to me about longevity and maintaining the system to help it last longer and not to damage the hair. :confused: It's a lace system by the way.


    - I also go to the gym and play football (soccer), so I'm hoping that these activities will be okay and my system will be fine.


    Thank you, and I would be incredibly grateful for any feedback.

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