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Posts posted by DannyK87

  1. Just so people are aware, phil did pay for 2 recuts and refits, hes alowing me to return the system for it to be corrected at the hairline. Its damaged through no fault of my own. Im hoping once this is resolved i can get to experience an amazing hairline again (i wasnt fully bald, j had receded and had a patch on my crown). Hopfully my illness (i have bpd =s) will settle a bit after this and i can crack on and finaly enjoy my hair. Not been perfect but phil is amending it. I would of deleted my previous rant but i dont know how to.

  2. Hi. Got my hair system fitted in december, phil wasnt in as he had agreed to be. Some randomer called stuart fitted it which was utter crap! System was way too big, the fool didnt think to cut the system down. Left excess lace all around the system, 3mm!!! What a joke. Left eye liner on my head to which he then placed the system over, was visable through it. Joke!! He allowed me to leave with a frigging lift at the front,, can this guy be anymore useless?? After my 5hour drive home the system looked horrendous. Now this is the part where phils attitude changed. After money is evchanged hes a different animal. Got all emails to upload on here if needed. Last night i messaged him with regards too the system going back for correction, stated that having to be bald through no fault of my own is not acceptable and questioned if the nots are bleached or not, phil just replys with attitude

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