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Posts posted by miked

  1. Did someone delete pictures or commentary? i see no donor area and i missed the part about 15 prior procedures. 251 grafts? multiple strips? i doubt you were able to drop the hairline much using 251 hairs (singles are almost exclusively used for hairlines).


    In my opinion permanent shock loss is a real risk you are taking when going for these micro sessions. not to mention much discomfort for what few if any would recognize as cosmetically significant improvement.


    with a history of many prior HTs you would be no stranger to the shedding that typically occurs weeks after an HT. So I guess I am a little confused and more than a little befuddled with this entire thread.

  2. If everybody did that the risks of any inhalation would be reduced



    If everybody did what? smoke and have x-rays? doubt it. If you meant wearing a filter mask... sure.


    You probably enjoy your smokes - I used to once a very very long time ago. and then an amazing thing happened. I was with a bunch of friends at a bar hosting a hypnotist. after the show he came over to our table offered to hypnotize me and proceeded to tell me that from that moment forward every cigarette i tried would taste like shit. Well that was over twenty years ago and who knows how much money that hyp saved me. not to mention potential damage to my lungs. luckily he said nothing about cigars which i still enjoy on occassion.



  3. I'll chime in and admit I am an agnostic although raised catholic and studied religion for 3 years.


    Religion makes you humble and that I suppose is a good thing. What I find most distasteful however is the idea that so many flavors of religion still exist and many are just not syncopatic with one another.


    This results in the idea that my God is better than your god. Or only through my religion will you achieve "salvation"


    My view is we are all one. We are part and parcel of this marvelous universe. We are born and we die and our atoms recombine and become other things sentient and not.

  4. Cruising on Princess. My 2nd time to that region.


    Bill perhaps we should coordinate a cruise sometime for our forum rats. It would be a nice time and maybe we can even have some of the Doctors join us and provide mini lectures and socialize over a few cocktails.


    then if one of us gets really drunk we can shave funky patterns into their heads.



  5. ok thanks


    you know its funny how we dwell on these aireal views of our heads cause they depict our MPB so well.


    Yet most people will never get to see our heads from this vantage point unless your genes dealt you a double blow and made you a midget and bald.


    There should be a guideline that uses height to figure out how much area on the apex of the scalp can safely be ignored so grafts are maximized in zones that are typically visible to others.

  6. nyny12 - to answer your question.. no not in my view. it does make some statements however that in my opinion actually weaken the argument for PRP.


    Since PRP is administered in conjunction with injury to the scalp (to borrow Dr. Farjo's term) one is left with 2 potentially influencing factors simltaneously that can affect growth. therefore one cannot be sure if growth seen with PRP is a result of the plasma or a result of the injury that accompanied it.


    Since Doctors would rather charge $600 for the more "complex" approach I doubt any would offer to run a needle roller on your head for a much more nominal fee of say $10.


    this sounds awfully similar to aeration of lawns. It is true that lawns can thicken up by merely punching holes in the soil.


    A home use roller sounds interesting. A whole generation of balding men will all of a sudden be exposed to the world of S&M.


  7. Predator


    interesting. My main concern over concealers in general would be the potential for inhalation and eventual damage to lungs. Starch, talcum, toppix etc all result in airborne particulates.


    It always strikes me that people who work at the places that make these things need to wear masks or risk lung cancer.


    Many pediatricians oppose baby powder for babies for this reason.


    My recc would be to wear a filter mask when applying the stuff and then keep an air filtration machine going in the area where you use it.

  8. sunchaser


    it is definitely your prerogative to not disclose the Doctor's name. At the same time consider the possibility that some other poor soul may experience the same agony and that perhaps this may not be quite as rare in his practice as it is indeed elsewhere and especially in the US.


    If the Doctor is well known on this board or has knowledge of it ask him to come here and explain your procedure with the community. We are all ears..


    Best wishes with your healing.

  9. Wow I am really at a loss here. For one this is a huge session(s) for FUE and would wonder why strip was not considered. Secondly the pictures suggest that plenty of the extraction occurred above the occipital. What i mean is that with your MPB there is a good chance some of the hairs extracted may not stay with you long.


    Hope all is better by now anyways. Would love to know the Doctor's name.

  10. Three Californian surgeons were playing golf together and discussing surgeries they had performed.


    One of them said, 'I'm the best surgeon in California . In my favorite case, a concert pianist lost seven fingers in an accident, I reattached them, and 8 months later he performed a private concert for the Queen of England.'


    The second surgeon said, 'That's nothing. A young man lost an arm and both legs in an accident, I reattached them and two years later he won a gold medal in track and field events at the Olympics.'


    The third surgeon said, 'You guys are amateurs. Several years ago a woman was high on cocaine and marijuana and she rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the woman's hair and the horse's rear end.


    I was able to put them together and now she's Speaker of the House.'

  11. Sunchaser


    If your experience is as you describe it, then I do not see why withholding the Dr's name is of any value.


    FUE as practiced these days by the top docs is practically non-traumatic and does not commonly send anyone to the hospital for pain management.


    disclosing the Doctor may help establish the country, his/her credentials, any prior issues, and perhaps more importantly the type of technique that was used on your head.


    Otherwise you are left with what others have posted already above.


    Hope you heal promptly and have an excellent outcome.

  12. Wow.. It does look extensive. We are positive here that the tech didn't get ambitious with the clippers prior to the strip removal right?


    luckily seems that people who experience shock loss generally have it back (though it may take many months).


    I would still see the Doc about that and make sure she is satisfied that she did not clip some crucial blood network during the excision.


    Best of luck and please keep us posted on progress.

  13. I've had both procedures and dont recall that there is any dependency that would suggest a preferred order.


    personally I would do the lasik first just so that you can better appreciate the HT without eyeglasses.


    Also you will be laying down flat for the lasik and not necessarily on a cushy pillow. that may not feel too comfy depending on how the strip closure is coming along.

  14. I too had concerns but now that I've gone through with it I realize just how stealthy HTs can be.


    I bet most women would love to grow breasts over a 6 to 12 month period to avoid the sudden appearance of mounds on their chests.


    that is essentially the case with HTs. it is a glacial transformation only to be truly appreciated via time lapse photography.


    if you don't have to shave for it then its even better.


    I have a 10 year old son that notices just about everything. However he has yet to mention anything about my hair. Running my own fingers along the donor yields no clues as to a scar. therefore I am certain neither my wife nor my mistress would ever notice it with their fingers.


    Now, this is not to say that shaving down, having 1000's of red dots on your head and an oozing staple track from ear to ear will not be noticed. That would probably need some explanation and a loving girlfriend.

  15. Folks no one who has expressed reservations about the efficacy of PRP needs to defend their views here.


    The onus is on those who claim there is improvement to come forward with pictures and data.


    For those who suggest there is improvement in a month or even two weeks then the only realistic explanation is a fattening of the hair follicle enhancing overall density. perhaps all that plasma is getting sucked up into the follicle. who knows. perhaps its the same mechanism found in a volumizing hair product. Perhaps its in your head (and no where else).


    I too remain cautiously optimistic. Dr. Greco is in my backyard and I drive by his office daily on my way to work. I cant wait for the day that it is evident that PRP promotes healthy hair and reverses miniturization of follicles. Until then I have better things to do with my $400/$600/$800

  16. Wow this thread too has turned rather interesting and argumentative.


    I think the best we can all do is follow the progress and see how folks going before us make out.


    I also believe Dr. Feller and others are wise to price this procedure in the non trivial range. After all, those who pay big bucks for speaker wire will tell you that it makes their systems sound better.


    Within a year one of two things are likely. People will line up outside these clinics clamoring for PRP due to its obvious benefits with few or no known side effects, OR this will go the way of magnetic / copper bracelets for arthritis and laser combs.


    By the way Dr. Feller do you offer PRP for HIV positive patients at the same fee? (You don't have to answer that - there's way too much gasoline on this forum already ;-) peace

  17. Predator, Hairisthere and PGP all made excellent points.


    I do not believe the tone of Dr. Feller's first post here is at all appropriate. Before we all start acting like Ross Perot, lets respect each other's opinions good, bad or indifferent provided they do not violate the TOS for the board.


    I am sure that vague ones (like the drive by's that Dr. Feller alludes to) will carry little or no weight whereas those with ample rationale or from reputable sources will tend to carry more.


    As to the OP and to stay more on topic, I see nothing not to like in terms of the results achieved. You have quite a mop on top and the results look very natural.


    Also please OP I am sure you realize that when posting results online you are inviting not only compliments, but also criticism that can be at times harsh. In the end only you and your loved ones determine success or failure.


    The beauty of sites like this is that the

    relative anonymity sometimes enables the type of criticism that no one close to you would ever mention within ear shot. In this manner if you truly have no clothes, chances are good that someone will let you know.

  18. I will just say one more thing and I will leave I promise ...I will leave you guys continue if you want.





    All I'll say is America is truly great. Another country and that HIV positive guy may be confined to a leper colony type institution awaiting death like they did in Cuba during the early outbreaks.


    Bottom line - A doctor who practices HT can never know for sure whether or not a patient is HIV positive. He must therefore practice each and every day as if they were, and pray each time they get pricked that the patient does not have any sinister virus.


    Having said that, if I were the Doctor or a member fo his staff I would have no problem practicing on someone who is "potentially" but also unlikely to be HIV positive. Once the condition is known, however, i would be very nervous when the blood starts flying. I may even decide that the fear of knowing is too much for me to keep a steady hand.


    A doctor should have the right in cases like these to recuse themselves when they are not comfortable. My 2 cents.

  19. swim


    perhaps I should have rephrased. The door seems pretty tight in allowing refusal once a doc/patient relationship is established.


    but reading this section below - "individual posing significant risk" led me to believe that if the Doctor can show that his experience treating infected individuals and that of his staff is not adequate to guarantee his or his staff's safety, then he "may" have an out.


    Perhaps showing a history of needle pricks by him or his staff may be sufficient to conclude that he and his staff needs additional training to properly handle this patient.


    the ADA prohibits a place of public accommodation from denying an individual access to health care because of disability, unless the individual poses a direct threat or significant risk to the health and safety of others that cannot be eliminated by adequate precautions or reasonable modification of policies, practices or procedures.


    Would like to see some Doctors chime in on this.

  20. Based on what I posted above, the doctor may argue within a narrow range that his skills and those of his staff may not be sufficiently evolved to safely and effectively control the risk posed by treating this patient.


    Doctors take an oath to do no harm, but I don't recall them taking any oaths saying they should put their patients interests ahead of their wellbeing.


    I am sure if the procedure is described to a jury that they would agree that the potential risk involved in a single strip HT is many times that which most healthcare professionals face over the course of a year.


    I would also emphasize the the cosmetic nature of the treatment being sought.


    Would like this to go all the way to the Florida Supreme court.

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