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Posts posted by Lamarck

  1. Thanks everyone for the comments!

    1 month update (actually still two days to reach that mark)

    Right now I still keep most of the implanted hair (don't know if that's good or bad sign). The donor area is slowly recovering, but still quite noticeable.

    Hope everything goes well, specially worried about the look of those <<cornrows>> in the future.


    Here are some pics:


    Right now I still keep most of the hair 2ylpbmt.jpg








  2. Hello all,


    An update after 11 days. I upload some pics right after the operation and some of my current status.

    3500 grafs were implanted, 2500 front and 1000 crown.


    Right after surgery:





    11days post op:








    Any opinions? I will keep updating, next will be after 2nd week mark.


    Best regards

  3. Hello everyone,


    Just a quick introduction.

    I am Spanish, currently living in China, 29 years old.

    Have been losing hair since I was 19 years old, using minoxidil for about 8 years now and Propecia (1mg/day)for like 3 years. Both with overall good results, at least slowing down the issue. No side effects so far, fingers crossed.


    The thing is that after all this years, the look of my hair has been obviously getting worse and worse, so right now it's quite difficult to hide it, had to even use toppik, etc etc.

    That's why I decided to go with a HT now that I still keep some of my hair.


    I chose Dr. Yaman because I read some good reviews from him, good price, availability (again, I come from China and basically only available to do this during either Chinese New Year, which is end of January, or National Al Holiday, first October).


    I will travel tomorrow from Hong Kong to Istanbul, arrive there by 22nd Jan and get the transplant by 23rd together with the PRP.

    24 will go to the clinic to wash it etc and 25 will travel back to China.

    I have to go back to work by February 9th, so I hope to be at least OK to be in the office wearing a baseball cap and stuff without my colleagues noticing.

    I arranged 3.500 grafs, even if the doctor suggested 3000, but this will be confirmed after discussing with him face to face.


    Basically aim to recover the whole front line and gain density all over the rest of the head.


    Just wanted to finish with some pictures showing my current status, and promising that I will keep updating this with pics and comments.


    Wish me luck!!











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