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Posts posted by keltharan

  1. On 12/19/2018 at 6:50 PM, Raker said:


    A few that come to mind, though all European based. However, they may not want the exposure on this forum but examples of their work is available elsewhere.

    Spain - Dr Lorenzo, Dr Vila, Dr Freitas & Dr Couto

    Turkey - Dr Keser, Dr Kaan & Dr Oztan

    Belgium - Dr Feriduni 

    UK - Dr Ball

    Portugal - Dr Ferreira 


    Hello Raker. Regarding Dr. Ferreira in Portugal, could you tell me his 1st name and/or clinic?


  2. Hello man! Even though I'm a new member and still on early days with the question behind whether I should/shouldn't do a HT, I'm already contacting a few Doctors.


    Aside from the usually discussed in the forum, I really like what I see from Dr. De Freitas and Dr. Couto in Spain.


    Regarding Dr. Couto, I've received an answer from the clinic which as basically this:

    - Fully booked 2017 and 2018 for a live consultation. After that assessment, around 3,5 years for the procedure.


    Of course we can be on a waiting list in case some people give up but on a worst case scenario, we're facing around 5 years for an HT with him :(

  3. I'll take some on the weekend and post them. Good to know re cash. I still need to sort out a visa is that where i declare Im carrying over 10k? Hopefully my shaved head will look good, if not I'll have to get used it for a few months! Thanks for the support.


    Thanks JBlonde and DEBS!!! :)


    Bhat - I think I read somewhere you declare if you are carrying over 10K.


    First of all, good luck with your procedure. I'll be following closely this thread because Asmed is the strongest choice for me at the moment.


    One of the questions I have is related to how people managed the 10-15k euros transport so it would be great to have some detailed experiences here :)

  4. yeah I dont know why either. did you submit through a consultation form on website or send an email directly to Dr. Koray?


    Hello mate! I'm on the same boat as you, doing my research at the moment for a possible HT in the future.


    Regarding ASMED, did you submit the consultation in their website? I did it and after 4/5 days without a reply, I sent an email asking it they had received my info. They asked me to fill everything in the email - they sent the same form - and 24h later I had my evaluation.


    Not sure if it was a website problem in my case but the email did work.

  5. I know... I've been scared of this step forward for quite some time. Plus, the prospect of going abroad is even more scarier ehehe.


    One thing setting me back is of course the price point of this quite of intervention. There's no point in doing it and not putting the necessary grafs for a nice result. And I don't mean the density of my youth...I know that is impossible. But I also wouldn't like that strange look where it seems your hair is "floating 2cm above your head" (where you have hair but light shows all your scalp).


    My first question is therefore related with own many grafs would be needed for a good result and from that point check if my budget can get there...


    I believe I would be refered as a Norwood 5?

  6. have you done research on enough doctors to have a short list? and are you going the FUT or FUE route?

    I'm just now beginning to check on the alternatives. Honestly I was leaning towards making it in one of the clinics available here in Portugal. Even though there are not that many people posting results in here, I think it would probably be easier to do follow ups on the results in here instead of flying to Turquey for example. Plus, price is of course an important factor and there's not that much information about it in here. At least from what I've been seeing. All being said, I'll just have my first 2 consultations so I'm now taking my first steps.


    And I'm only considering FUE for now.


    Hello KO. Do you think 3k FU would be enough for density? I checked your case and you did around 3.3k FU's but I would said you had a bit more coverage than me and thicker hair...

    If you're not doing it, take the medications first, tbh. You have hair on top of your head and having it strengthen up and even having a bit of potential regrowth would help a lot.

    I'd say to not focus on lowering your hairline in the first surgery and just focus on filling in the current balding area you have. A better hairline would be best reserved for if you have enough grafts later on

    Yes, medication is something to start looking at too. I've done some "light treatment" with shampoos etc in my early 20's but it's safe to say that where I'm at now in terms of baldness is 100% the "course of nature".

  7. Hello everyone!


    I have been an avid reader of this forum for quite sometime - more so lately - since I've been finally considering the possibility of a HT.


    I'm 34 years old and I've been losing hair for the past 10 years to the point where I am now (see pictures below). Would love to have the joy of combing my hair again, middle or side part.


    Dream: lower my hair line at least a finger (say, 2cm? which would still give me a big forehead but would be an improvement) and have density. Honestly, if it's just to have low density I don't think an HT would look good :(


    I think I have - but you be the judge from the pics - very thin hair which is a negative point for me.


    Looking at good density, which is to say not much scalp see against light, how many grafs would I need for:


    - Front & top;

    - Crown


    Thanks for all the info you can give me!








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