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Posts posted by JohnArbuckle

  1. Another big myth is the prevalence of impotence caused by finasteride, I see lots of young people on this forum needlessly fearful of their sexual performance from finasteride usage.


    Most people that experience sexual performance issues before middle age are due to anxiety and psychological issues and they may try to assign that to their finasteride when it is not the culprit.


    ^This. Also applies to dutasteride.


    Try not fapping before blaming the meds.

  2. I am on month 9 of 12 of my wait.


    I have read that sometimes he bumps patients up based on openings, but I have not had luck with this.


    This is not the longest wait out there. I submitted a request for CONSULTATION with Freitas 11 months ago and he hasn't even looked at my pictures. May be different for Spanish patients.


    Couto is reportedly booked out 3-5 years. I didn't even bother calling them.

  3. I have PRP scheduled soon with Cooley and was wondering as to post procedural guidelines. I assume, to a degree, that they are similar to those for FUE/FUT, but more lenient. Googling has shown me some basic ones, but there is a lot of variability:


    -Avoid ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen, oral Vitamin E, ginko biloba, fish oil, etc

    -Don't exercise for (x) days (there doesn't seem to be any agreement about this, anything from 3 days to 6 weeks I've seen listed.

    -Neck pillow, button up t-shirt, shower cap (I'm flying out, don't want to get folliculitis from the gross plane seat)

    -Cooley also suggests some sort of protein shake that his clinic sells, which I'll give a shot


    3 questions:

    1. Ice: some say it's a good idea, others are against it. When I had PRP on my elbow, the surgeon said it was fine.


    2. What's everyone's take on Vitamin E or aloe ointment for after surgery?


    3. I have also heard that Minoxidil is supposed to help prevent shock loss for FUE/FUT. What do you all think about this? If you apply it, how long would you wait to start? Anyone have personal experience?


    I noted some comments on witch hazel, but I don't think I'm going to mess with it as it's not a common recommendation on surgeons' websites.

  4. PRP is basically a sustained anti-inflammatory treatment for hair loss.


    The DHT that makes follicles atrophy and die does so via inflammation -- the theory is that PRP throws a wrench in this process. It will wear off, and your follicles get more sensitive to DHT based inflammation with age, so it is not permanent, and it is expensive to have it done correctly. The protocol is key -- some have suggested that if not done just right, you can induce shock loss.


    But, when you look at it like that, hair transplants often have a shelf life as well.

  5. Hi,

    This is a place to post our experiences and that is exactly what I have done. I'm not looking for anything. Let's be honest, any person who went through that exact same experience would be sharing it also. Like I said in my post, I like my results so far.


    Did you post your review under the same login or was it deleted? I only see 2 posts under your name.

  6. that is the longest waiting time I think I ever heard of getting a transplant scheduled, one year is huge waiting time,most clinics have a 3 month waiting period, dr.konior must be doing amazing work .


    Couto in Spain is 3-5 years. He has remarkable FUE results, but a large part of it is related to the fact that he did some fairly high profile celebrity soccer/football players in Europe who were very open about their results, even posting them online.


    Freitas takes about 4-5 months for even a consultation, with a wait time of 12-18 months *after* that.


    The ratio of doctors to patients in Europe is a bit more asymmetric than it is here in the USA, combined with a relatively new class of upper middle class and wealthy, whereas the procedures have been mainstream on this side of the duck pond for longer.


    Ultimately, if a doctor is busy, and still has a wait like that, he is doing something right. Don't rush the process and don't take anything for granted.


    Remember: the early bird may get the worm, but second mouse gets the cheese.

  7. Tressless is the only subreddit I've seen that has much activity.


    From the time I've spent on there, there does not seem to be a strong single subreddit, but rather each new post gets diluted into its own individual stream. Really impedes substantial depth from being generated. Some of the AMA discussions are decent, but overall its akin to trying to have a philosophical discussion in the middle of the mosh pit at an EDM rave.

  8. Older guys get their hair transplants, successful or not, and move on. Younger guys favor reddit b/c voting on comments is the new trendy thing, the web development is a solid MEAN stack so it is very fast, and its easier for them to branch into a new subreddit than join a new forum.


    For better or worse, subspecialty forums across the board taken 2nd fiddle to the megaforum mosh pits.


    That being said, this is still the best resource on the net for patient submitted cases and surgeon reviews. BT is a joke and the other forums focus more on medical tx. Spend any time on Reddit and you quickly realize that, while amusing, its little more than a bunch of 20 year old kids barely scratching the surface of hair restoration. No depth.

  9. Thanks for the helpful responses.


    How did you all do with the return flight? I don't want to rest my scar on the gross airplane headrest but beyond a neck pillow I can't think of how to avoid it.


    Also how soon were you able to shower? It seems there is some flexibility about this, but was just wondering what more experienced members had been through. This is a first time thing for me.

  10. Was wondering what other items people brought (or wish they had brought) with them for the time they spent in the hotel recovering post op, and for the flight home.


    I assume:


    -neck pillow

    -frozen peas (or ice packs)

    -food and drink

    -regular pillow so you don't have to use the hotel's

    -tylenol (advil and aspirin obviously a no no)

    -baby shampoo

    -vitamin e oil/aloe vera

    -saline spray?

    -extra bandaging/surgical tape?


    -shower cap?


    What else? Are the saline spray, surgical tape and bactroban needed?


    Also did any of you use any sort of ointment to help the healing?


    And how did you shower? Did you use a cap or were you just careful to keep your head out of the water? How soon after could you wash your head? And how soon after could you apply aloe vera/vitamin E?


    Could you wear a hat that soon afterwards on the plane? How were you able to manage the flight back?

  11. The 17000 caught my attention. Lol. Dr Konior does great work. How was the graft number decided? Did you want to keep it to this number or was it his recommendation?


    I'm curious as to how you came to that number as well. Also, could you post pics of your donor zone?


    And thank you so much for sharing. Please, please please keep us updated!

  12. Just an update from spending some time on Recuperar:


    It seems that Couto (not Cuoto) and Freitas have stolen the top positions in Spain, particularly for hairline work. Lorenzo is a close third and more preferable for generalized thinning, possibly due to his more conservative approach.


    Couto's waiting list appears to be a bit shorter for local patients, though it is still long for all three of them.


    They all have solid results and seem to heavily favor FUE. They are savage with donor zone depletion though. Couto in particular goes pretty far outside the so-called 'safe zone' when sourcing his grafts. His yields are quite strong, even in the early months.


    Still, for a specific graft count, Konior's FUT seems to have a slight edge over Couto's FUE, but they are close.


    That, combined with strip making it easier for repeat procedures in the future as compared to FUE (and the fact that Trump would no longer be president by the time your surgery date with Couto comes around), make me favor Chicago over Spain, but it depends on your specific situation.


    Wondering what the thoughts are on criteria that define a great aesthetic results?


    The ability to imitate nature, though yield must be taken into account as well.

  13. If he is (potentially) headed to NW6, would a wiser course of action be to consider an FUT first and then follow up with FUE later in life? If you do only FUE, you have a potentially lower graft yield than with FUT & FUE, correct?


    I think the idea is that if you think you will eventually lose the hair loss battle, to keep your retreat open (FUE).


    But if you think you have a chance at holding your ground, to have as aggressive of an offense as possible (FUT).

  14. If you listen to the Rolling Stones, get FUT, if you listen to Coldplay or Kanye, get FUE.


    Love it


    If you listen to


    Pearl Jam

    Gunz & Roses

    The Beatles

    Led Zeppelin

    Mo Town


    Pink Floyd

    Bob Seger



    You may be a good candidate for strip.


    If you listen to



    The Weeknd

    David Guetta

    21 pilots

    One Direction

    Chain Smokers


    Miley Cyrus

    or, ironically, the song "I'm in love with a stripper"


    You may be a good candidate for FUE.


    I only listen to Justin Bieber, so I'm screwed.

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