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Posts posted by RG90

  1. 5 hours ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    Really depends on your donor capacity, predicted terminal NW pattern, whether you're willing to use BHT in the future, etc. Try consulting with multiple top surgeons to see what they say.

    I have good donor hair so another 1000 grafts wont hurt. But right now i am just behind the line where i want to do it. Like i said before, with some hairproducts and cut short it looks good. What is BHT? 

  2. 1 hour ago, giegnosiganoe said:

    I agree that it looks really good based on the number of grafts and the area covered. Doubt any average person would think something is wrong. I understand wanting more density though.

    How do you feel about the temple points?

    I like them very much, it doesnt look to different from my previous so it blends in pretty good and ive always had a big forehead so the hairline is at right place. Like i said i just wanted more density. But my hair quality is pretty light/fine so thats also a problem. But i wont rule out another 1000 grafts to strengthen the hairline. What would you have done? 

  3. Just got back from Turkey. 29 years old, always had that high hairline and been shedding since my early 20s. Been on and off finasteride the last 7-8 years. I send him this pic and he said about 2500-3000 grafts. 


    Decided to go with ahd clinic mostly because Hakan Doganay himself places the grafts and it was a decent price. Had a bit trouble with airplane and money transfer but it got solved good so much cred to the clinic!

    Had good donor area with a lot of tripple grafts but unfortunately my hair quality is thin. I wanted to strenghten my hairline and fill in the temples. To my dismay i saw that i was also thinning on my vortex. I never knew that because my father has hair there and i have pretty much the same hairline.

    Anyway, i dont know that much of placement so other more expeirenced might judge but hopefully they did a good job and we will see in some months




    as you can see my left temple needed way more than my right.


    They did 1000 grafts one day and the other 1500 next day. 
    Single grafts: 450
    Double grafts: 1325
    Tripple grafts: 725
  4. Hey,


    You can come to India and check with Dr Kapil Dua. He is one of the best hair transplant surgeon in world. He is board of governor of ISHRS and AAHRS, and president of AHRS


    Check his profile - https://akclinics.org/about-us/our-team/dr-kapil-dua/


    I live in Sweden so that's way to far for me.






    Rather than having some futile attempt to recruit you for surgery, let's try and give you some feedback that you really wanted.


    First lf all, it really depends if your hairline is lowered and if so, how much lower? In addition, if your hairline was lowered, it would take a high number of single hair grafts which in itself, does not provide as much visual coverage.


    Also, it will depend how much of your temporal lobe areas would be filled in.


    You appear to have medium grade hair caliber but at the same time a wide color contrast.


    Most docs will actually use a marker and draw in the area where the grafts would be placed.


    So if you were to have your hairline lowered by say 1 cm across and your temporal lobes filled in, you're looking at 2,000 grafts easily and probably more because of the high need for single hair grafts as discussed.


    Thx for the great answer!


    I was primary looking to fill the temples and maybe make front thicker and not necessarily lower it.


    Also, what do you mean by medium grade hair caliber and wide colour contrast, didn't quite understand that.

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