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Posts posted by ultimatejj

  1. Hello everyone. I'm new to social media, forums and stuff so bare with me. I started losing my hair in high school. Sure you can imagine how that was. My hat went on the day I graduated and it rarely came off. I was completely bald before I could have my first beer legally. It wasn't the end of the world but it sure felt like it. It shaped how I lived my life and where I went. I was lucky enough to marry a gorgeous girl who didn't care about it though. I never thought that would happen but I still wore the hat all the time. Work, inside the house, ALL THE TIME. I went to Hans Wieman and the sales guy basically laughed at me when I asked about transplant. He said "you don't have enough to transplant" while grinning at me from ear to ear. Then years later, I heard about SMP. I saw the pictures and was very skeptical. I had the balls to go see Mike in Chicago in February last year. I told him which pictures I liked and which I didn't. He was so sure about my results that I decided to do it. I think I started my procedure in April and had my last one in May. He was honest and said it would take 3 visits because I needed complete coverage. I was pretty excited but still thought it was too good to be true. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, it did hurt some. But Mike is awesome. Great conversations. Great music. Great artist. He completely relaxed me and man, he did an awesome job! Here we are in January of the next year and I am so happy I did it! I'm talking total life changer. My hat comes off all the time and no one has ever given the SMP a second glance. If you are debating it, go have the consultation. I can't put into words the difference it has made in my life. Thanks Mike for making it happen.





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