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Posts posted by fullheadofhair

  1. 28 minutes ago, Otis james said:

    Nice one mate. How’s it looking?  What day did you start sleeping normally?

    I like the shaved head look but the hairs are shedding now so need to get through this next phase in the journey lol.

    Dr. Pinto said I could lay on my side and sleep on day 4 from what I remember. I started sleeping normally around that time (1-2 days later). I wasn't too paranoid about it.

  2.  I had an in-person consultation with both Dr. Pinto and Dr. De Freitas in April this year.

    My consultation with Dr. De Freitas was quick which lasted maybe MAX 30 mins (if that) - he went through a powerpoint of the procedure and then inspected my hair fairly quickly using just his hands and a comb (no special instruments etc). I had let him know I had a previous transplant surgery and he didn't ask any questions or ask to see pictures with respect to that procedure whatsover which I found a bit strange. I know he does multiple surgeries per day which I did not end up feeling comfortable with, as the consultation itself felt like a production line to see prospective patients. He has obviously done well for himself as the facilities were very nice (posh area, has separate clinics in which he does consultations and where he does the surgery).

    In contrast, Dr. Pinto spent around 2 hours during my consultation with him, which included a thorough examination of my hair/head using all the special equipment, taking pictures, discussing my previous transplant, informing me about nuances specific to my case which gave me a few insights I had not considered. And overall his personality and manner made the consultation an enjoyable experience.

    I am booked with Dr. Pinto for December 2023.      

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Fue3361 said:

    If I was in your shoes, I’d never think twice and go with H&W


    10 minutes ago, Egy said:

    Even for me, H&W at eyes closed.

     That is very interesting - can you both please elaborate further as to the recommendation on H&W? Especially given I shared very little information about my personal journey so curious to understand H&W being mentioned. Thank you!

  4. I came across this forum in 2016 which eventually led me to booking my first hair transplant (FUE) in December 2017 to address my frontal third, knowing that I would also need a second hair transplant (also planned for FUE) at some point (in 5 or so years) to address the mid-scalp and crown.

    Overall my first hair transplant had a decent outcome and I was satisfied with the result, however it could have been improved upon. So therefore I’m looking to undergo a second procedure with a different surgeon – and this has brought me back to this forum 5 years after my first transplant to do my research on surgeons for my second transplant.

    I’ve been somewhat surprised to see how surgeons who were popular 5 years ago on these forums are no longer as popular (including the surgeon who I ultimately chose for my first hair transplant, who is even no longer a recommend surgeon by this site). During my research for my first hair transplant the names being thrown around as the best were Lorenzo, Erdogan, Rahal, H&W, Diep. Now 5 years later I’m seeing more and more mentions of names like Eugenix, Couto, Ferriera, de Freitas.

    The two names that have consistently come up as the best both 5 years ago and now have been Bisanga and Konior. Are there any other hair transplant surgeons that have consistently remained popular?

  5. Hi Guys - I was 4 weeks post having had 3,500 FUE and I started using Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo for 2 weeks (until 6 weeks post op). I then read somewhere that using a shampoo which contains sodium sulfate is bad for your new grafts (after the hairs shed the sodium sulfide blocks and damages the new graft from growing).


    As the baby shampoo has sodium sulfate i am now in a panic and wondering if i have caused some irreversible damage to my new hair transplant??

  6. Hey mate - don't be soo hard on yourself.


    I don't think this is a bad result. It's not amazing either but depending on expectations some people would be satisfied and others wouldn't.


    Overall, being prepared for the worse is something that every patient should consider...as their are many risks to surgery and achieving a homerun result which I don't think many people take into consideration and just assume they'll be one of the lucky ones.


    Having said that, I also had a procedure with Dr. Lupanzula and I am 4 weeks post op. I don't know what to expect after 12 months however I am preparing myself to be ready to have another procedure if it calls for it. Someone like myself who had a lot of hair loss (and perhaps yourself as well - our hair loss was very similar), I think it's almost imminent that we would need at least two procedures to be satisfied

  7. Hi everyone! I had a big hair transplant recently (3,500 FUE) in Europe and have a few questions regarding aftercare, particularly with regards to immediately after the hair transplant.


    Firstly, I'm on holidays and I wanted to do some sightseeing around Europe while im here. Does walking for maybe 4 hours a day impact the hair transplant at all?


    Secondly, does exposure to the cold winter temperatures (2-5 degrees celcius) have any impact on the outcome?


    I'm getting a little paranoid now as 48 hours after my transplant i was doing lots of walking and have been exposed to the cold weather between day 2 and day 20 post my transplant.


    Any feedback would be welcome.

  8. I have been steadily doing my research to figure out which surgeon I want to choose for my very first procedure. And of course, as time goes on and I do more research, my choice of surgeon starts to drift.


    Nevertheless, I have now narrowed my selection down to FUE from one of the Belgians (Feriduni, Bisanga, Lupanzula). Honestly I am having a difficult time in deciding on which one of the three to go with, and it would be get to get some other people's opinions on these three.



  9. so ths patient had a transplant before and still have 8k donor left? Does this mean he had around 9-10k gafts avabile?


    It would be interesting to know how Dr. Erdogan estimates donor capacity. His estimate of donor capacity always seems high...which is maybe perhaps how he justifies consistently quoting a much higher graft estimate for each procedure as compared to other physicians.

  10. Vainism, KO - Thanks, both of your views was my consideration i.e. having an experienced team operate on me, as opposed to the surgeon performing a long procedure suffering from fatigue. It's good to know that other world class clinics (Feriduni, Lorenzo and H&W) are set up in a similar way


    Sean - point noted. Point taken on fatigue playing a part if the surgeon performs multiple surgeries per day. Based on this I will request to be the first patient on my scheduled day.

  11. Hi, I have began consulting with clinics for my first FUE procedure and have narrowed my search to a handful of surgeons.


    My surgeon of choice is arguably the best in Turkey and from my understanding he performs 3 - 4 surgeries per day. Given the multiple surgeries per day, his technicians perform the extractions and implanting, with the surgeon solely performing the incisions without the help of the technicians (which I have been told is the most crucial part of the surgery).


    Given the heavy involvement of the technicians in the procedure (for extraction and implanting), should this be a concern? I have been told the technicians all have a minimum of 6 years of experience. If the skill and experience of the technicians is there, would it really matter if the surgeon isn't the one performing the extractions and implanting?

  12. Hi Guys,


    First of all thanks a lot for this forum. It has been a blessing for me to research into which doctors I want to consult with for my first procedure (FUE).


    Now that I have my list of doctors I am lining up the consultations. I would just like to know what questions I should be asking during these consults so I am as best informed as possible before making this life changing decision.



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