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Posts posted by fnamna

  1. Awesome MrMatt.


    What a difference!!


    And i know what you mean.. Hair greed. I think everyone needs to know, a second procedure is usually a must for even more density. Best thing about Dr Nader... He doesn't break the bank, and so affordable to go back again.


    I'm hitting my 3rd month from Dr Nader HT in the crown. I can definitely vouch for him


    when did you have it done?

  2. After 25 years of wearing hats Dr Nader has definitely changed my life...I am absolutely ecstatic. I now have hair greed & will be heading back for a final procedure to get as close to perfect as possible .


    hey man

    how many did you pay per graft and did you get any special discounts?

    when did you have it done ?

  3. Dr.Schwinng will not care about you as a true doctor should he is only in it for the money and is always behind on the latest techniques.I had five surguries with him all to restore a thinning hairline,he used the largest plugs right in the front of the hair line severly scarring the hair line causing ridging and pitting.Then when the hair fell out behind the hair line he used linear grafts which caused severe pitting all throughout my scalp and looked like dolls hair.He used the open donor method and then strip both caused massive scarring.Now there are new techniques that can be used to repair the work he did but he refuses to help pay for the repair work.He can only offer more of his work which has always been horrible please stay away from him and warn anyone else to stay away from this butcher.


    oh wow

  4. You sure they aren't working, or you just haven't gotten through yet.


    Try calling in the morning, between 8-9. Because once he starts a surgery, it's all hands on deck, and it's hard to get through.


    Besides that... I only have the numbers to the office from his website.

    And his private number, but, i can't give that out, you have to get that directly from him.


    ok i keep trying


  5. Heres a screenshot of his email.


    He does reimburse for the room. Not flight.


    There are plenty of reviews on him here that go into detail... And they are all on point.


    hey man also which number you been dialling when calling the offifce?

    the 2 phone numbers listed on the website aren't working anymore





  6. MrMatt Thanks,

    I did some research on this Dr & my observations is that first his website is kinda crappy & out of date with not showing pre op/post op patient's kinda worries me.

    Also with limited research across the forums world wide that him nor his staff responding to client's in a timely mannor seems to be a ongoing problem for his clinic there is even a youtube with him & another guy speaking about this which was sometime ago I gather.

    I do get it where Drs are up against the wall with work but this is just basic problems which can be easily fixed with a dedicated person to respond.

    also same goes for his business phone line which dont give you even the opportunity to leave a voice mail, again just basics that customers want & demand.


    BIll mentioned to members maybe it could be a idea to see if he wants to become a member if he & his clinic has checked all the boxes.

    to me he failed at the first hurdel unfortunately as myself & others wouldnt put up with trying to beg this guy to respond even though he seems like he has some good potentials since he claims hes a member of international hair restoration which I havent fully looked into this.


    Im not knocking this Dr for the limited work he shows but for me anyways he got to show & do a hell of a lot more before hes a member on this forum even though the admin vets clinics pretty well prior.


    Just my 1st impressions of this Dr. Its nothing personal just looking out to vulnerable future patients thats all.

    Still wish you well with your healing.


    hey man

    i agree, its 2016 and every doc should have at least a voice mail option, something is a bit fishy.

    did you eventually end up getting HT?

    if so where was it?

  7. Yes, i went a couple months ago. October 17. Had my crown done, and full in an fut scar.


    And 8 also had my prior one done in NYC. Where i paid 3 times as much.


    The experience, professionalism and of course the price are much much better with Dr Nader.



    also forget to ask you,

    which email you used to communicat with him? was it "email@nadermedical.com"?

  8. Thanks! Just search Dr Luis Nader, his site will come up. It hasn't been updated in awhile, I assume he's to busy doing HTs.


    He uses a manual 0.75 punch & does the majority of the work himself with a staff of 5 females, one of which is a tech that helps with the graft placement. He does one patient at a time & up to 3000 grafts per session.


    @William81 The email addresses on his site are the only ones I know of, he's hard to a hold of, just have to persistent & patient. Good luck



    i've been emailing "email@nadermedical.com" which,

    what is that "@William81" you mentioned? do you have the full email?

  9. I have heard of this physician but to be honest I don't know much about him. But given the interest that people are showing in him on this topic, perhaps I ought to reach out to him in a tent to learn more. If he is indeed doing high-quality state-of-the-art hair transplant surgery, perhaps we ought to invite him to share examples of his work on this forum and be prescreen for potential recommendation. What do you guys think?



    did you guys reached out to him, whats the outcome?

  10. Pidds, like MrMatt has stated Dr. Nader is awesome. I had 2000 fue grafts done in February 2015 and every graft grew in nicely by the 6 month mark. You have nothing to worry about traveling with Santos to Reynosa. Book it and good luck.


    MrMatt i laughed so hard thinking about you with "3 grand taped around each ankle" haha I had 4 grand in various pockets.


    Have any update pics?


    hey man i guess Doc Nader accepts only cash,right?

  11. Yes, i went a couple months ago. October 17. Had my crown done, and full in an fut scar.


    And 8 also had my prior one done in NYC. Where i paid 3 times as much.


    The experience, professionalism and of course the price are much much better with Dr Nader.


    i see,

    good to hear.

    how was travel and lodging reimbursed?

    how long did it took you to get a confirmation for your session? asking because i emailed him and still no answer.

  12. I just had 3,700 grafts done by Dr. Nader earlier this week. I am very pleased with Dr. Nader's professionalism, pre-op consultation, the ease of the procedure itself, and post-op instructions and follow-up.


    Dr. Nader is pleasant to deal with, and is straight-forward about all aspects of the pro-cedure including prices.


    If you're the type of guy who has to have the latest flashy car, the hottest girlfriend, be most popular, and think that people outside of U.S.A are inferior, incompetent, and don't have medical procedures done right, then by all means, go to the most expensive Hollywood hair restoration surgerion and feel free to gift him as much money as he asks, because you are sold on the idea that the more you pay, the better it must be.


    I am not here to promote anyone, persuade anyone, argue, or post pictures of myself. I don't have to prove to anyone that I'm not a paid advertiser. Dr. Nader seems so busy, I dont' think he needs it. If you are serious about going to Dr. Nader, feel free to PM me with specific questions. I'm not a social media person, so I may not respond right away.


    Yes, I've only done this very recently and have yet to see the results, because hair needs time to grow. You can watch Tom Forrester's YouTube channel for detailed documentary of his pre, op, and post-op growth after a procedure with Dr. Nader.


    People should stop being apprehensive about surgery in Mexico. Europeans have long been traveling to Turkey and India for this, and the trend with Americans and Canadians has lately been Mexico.


    I can already see that the hairs were placed evenly and naturally, so there shouldn't be any issues once they grow out, and I'm excited to see that.


    He is sometimes hard to get a hold of, he has several thousand emails in his inbox, and his phone rings a lot, plus he's with patients sometimes 8-5, with very short breaks. That means he is in demand.


    People are much more likely to post negative comments after a bad experience, so as to punish the guilty, and warn the innocent. I have yet to see a negative post about Dr. Nader, and so far I've only seen positive ones.


    hey man

    i know he charges $2/graft, but what about the travel reimbursement (which i see on he's website), did you get it ? how much was it?

  13. Hi, kkgm07, I'm scheduled to see Dr. Nader later this month so I'm just curious if you have any updates? Everything gone well? Happy?




    hey man

    did you end up seeing Doc.Nader,

    did you have the procedure done by him? if not, then by any chance did you came across any information on this doc that made you stay away?

    im also considering FUE in Mexico and looking for reviews on the docs

  14. Hello, I'm just wondering how your HT with Dr. Nader turned out? Can you still reccomend him? I'm looking for someone that is good and affordable in Mexico, any info would be appreciated.


    hey man did you came across any good docs in mexico?

    I also want to have it done over there but Doc Nader is the only option so far, and i cant find many honest and real reviews

  15. Does anyone know of these Doctors at all? anything I should know? they do have great prices and they claim they are on the board of this and that but still very skeptical.I called the office of Dr.Nader and get nothing but constant ringing or it says this number is not in service.I did get a woman on the phone once and she put me on hold only to hang up on me..lol I would like to know if this Doctor is legit or am I wasting my time


    hey man

    im also considering Doc.Nader

    did you came across some good info about this guy? or maybe you even end up having the fue done with him?

  16. Here I am at 11 months post-op (2100 FU's) and feeling quite blas?© about the results thus far.


    As you can see by the pictures, the hairline looks best when it is not seen at all. I'm fairly pleased with the shape and placement of the hairline, with the receded temples. It doesn't look pluggy (although some recipient incision marks are still slightly noticeable) but it lacks much density. Consequently, I am left with the comb-forward look and not much else.


    The transplanted hair is still quite thinner than the rest and is growing out quite curly. I am currently using a straightener to address this issue. I still feel stubble. Will this hair eventually grow or is it in a permanently shocked state? At 11 months, can I expect much improvement from where it now stands?


    I am fairly happy with my donor scar as it remains very thin and had little to no shock loss in the surrounding area. However, there remains a pink hue around the incision.


    Currently, I'm still very dependent on concealers. I use a combination of dermmatch and toppik. I would very much like to lose reliance on them as they can often appear chalky.


    The question is what to make of these below average results. My doctor has been helpful, by making phone calls to check up on my status and answering questions. However, he is semi-retiring, which is why I requested the pre-op photos you now see posted. It is clear I have made up a lot of ground since going on Finasteride. My doctor thought it best for me to get on the meds before rushing into surgery and that was definitely a wise decision. I have now been on Finasteride for over three years.


    Or is it my physiology? My hair texture is quite thin and maybe just needs more grafts to accomplish more density. I am also a slow healer. I have had other scars on my body for years before they became undetectable. But I can't help but wonder whether if my yield is mediocre at best.


    I have by no means been butchered and will not need a 'repair' job. However, I will need another procedure in the very near future and hope the final result will far exceed where I currently stand now.


    Advice, comments, support welcome.


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    hey man

    the Doc.G that you mentioned is it doc.Gaffney in LA?

    if it is, then im lost,

    did you had a good experience with him or not?

    just asking because i'm considering him

  17. I haven't found anything yet (neg. or pos.). At this point I am keeping a blog with frequent updates of my results. I guess we will find out at the end of all this whether or not this was a good job.


    I just ordered some Scarguard to help with the appearance of the scar but since I'm barely 5 weeks post surgery and still scabbing a little I think it might be too soon to start that treatment.


    i'm also considering this doctor, simply because of he's low rate ($4/graft for FUE),

    but also cant find any reviews on him on this website, did you find any?

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