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Posts posted by cantsmilebrah

  1. good news everyone!! (read in Professor Farnsworth's voice) just a quick update:


    just got a quote from dr. path and he suggested 1500 grafts of FUT


    the bad news is i wanted FUE :(


    "However, since you're young, East Asian hair type and hesitate to use medication, we recommend you to get FUT to preserve donor hair density. Overharvesting with FUE alone can cause diffuse thinning on the donor area especially in Asian hair type which has average density = 65 FU/cm2 (Caucasian hair density = 75 FU/cm2). We've seen many Asian patients who got 4000 FUE hair grafts from other clinic have diffuse thinning donor hair so we have to warn you before deciding the technique you want."


    im not quite understanding the last sentence, but does it mean if i go through with FUE, the transplanted hair has a chance to fall out? or just thin out? or both?? also, would ~1500 grafts be considered overharvesting?


    *stupid question*

    if i go with FUT can i at least decide the place the incisions take place so that it can look like i have somewhat of a battle scar? kinda like an X on the side or nah?


    nonetheless, i'll be looking forward to the early new years and get this done so i can maybe start to smile :)

  2. moar pics...


    edit: i would also like to mention that i do not plan on taking any medications such as propecia after everythings done just because i would most likely incur the negative side effects and make some unwanted gains with my luck due to simply having bad experiences with other medications... as such i will risk the possibility of losing my natty hair further but it doesnt seem to have receded any further from what i can tell...


    persuade me otherwise if you will


    brb getting insomnia from natural based sleeping aids




  3. hello fellow unfortunate souls... i have received a quote from local hasson&wong for a suggested FUE procedure for 2000 grafts, however, this is extremely expensive for me (at their rates) so i would like to consider going abroad. i was honestly quite surprised i needed that much tbh


    ive picked out from the list of surgeons through this site and have narrowed it down to the best possible, cheapest one: Dr. Damkerng Pathomvanich. i will update this thread with his quote but surely i'll get more simply from the currency rates of CAD > thai baht??


    now my question is: how should i plan a safe trip? how long do people usually stick around for?

    how to get around without knowing any of the dialect? should i just stay cooped up in the hotel? (probably advised to avoid UV rays)

    how much to actually bring along and should you exchange before or after arrival?


    i probably got more questions but cant think of any at the moment...





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