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Posts posted by SvenBen1970

  1. My name is Dave and I live in a small village between Gloucester and Bristol. Until I was 25 I had lovely thick hair and like most guys from the 80s/90s had many good and not so good hairstyles, but I loved my hair.


    About ten years ago I started to go thin and it was a big shock to the system. I tried everything to make it look better. Comb overs, using sprays and concealers and then when they didn't work I just put a cap on. I was basically embarrassed about losing my hair and I just felt old and ugly. My close family knew it bothered me and I'm not afraid to say there were some low moments.


    A few years ago an advert came up on my Facebook and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It showed a before and after photo of a guy bald then not bald and I was amazed. It was a treatment called Scalp Micro Pigmentation, and for the first time in ages I thought I could finally sort my hair loss issues out.


    I contacted the company and asked who had done this treatment and they said a guy called Damon Ashcroft. I arranged an appointment for as soon as they could fit me in. On meeting Damon I was completely put at ease as he was such a down to earth guy but very professional at the same time. He went over everything and made me understand the procedure. I wanted to say yes let's go ahead but I wanted some time to make sure it was the right decision. After a few days going over everything and speaking to my family I decided to go ahead.


    The treatment process was a breeze and as you can see from my photos it looks amazing. Actually the photos don't do it justice as it's even better in real life. My wife, my family love it. They love the look but most of all they love that I'm now happy.


    I've had a touch up treatment with Damon earlier this year. He actually came to my house to treat me which is another service he offers which was brilliant for me. It felt like an old friend turning up that you hadn't seen in a while, It was really good to see him. Damons a Liverpool fan like myself so we had plenty to talk about due to our passion for the club.


    Scalp Micro Pigmentation isn't for everyone, but if you're happy to have the shaved look then I wouldn't look any further than choosing Damon Ashcroft of Bespoke to treat you. He's highly experienced, really caring and will give you a a fantastic treatment just like mine.



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