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Posts posted by thelook

  1. Yes he does and there are a few examples on this forum.

    Cost is in the "very high" range compared to global FUE prices, but the clinic mostly charges a per day fee more than per graft rate. For FUE I think it may end up being around $10/graft.

    A large FUE session will cost you a pretty penny, so unless you are local to the area or if having small touchups I'm not sure it would be cost effective.


    Currently he's booked out more than a year but you can try to get on his waiting list or wait for possible cancellation dates to open up.



    hsrp10, thank you for your detailed response!

    The mentioned FUE cases look very amazing.


    Dr. Konior seems to offer everything a patient could ever wish for, having an excellent skill set, a great sense for asthetics, the aspiration to do most of the work by himself, and stellar work ethics.


    I think this makes the high cost and waiting time worth every single bit.

    We can only hope he will stay in the industry for a very long time, giving many patients the opportunity to benefit from his fantastic work.

  2. Looks great so far!

    This will be an impressive result, no doubt about it! :)

    Reyes1, I have some questions concerning your procedure with Dr. Konior, if you don't mind:


    - How long did you have to wait for the procedure? (time between your decision to have it and the actual day it was made)

    - How many days / hours did your procedure take approx.? (sorry if this has been answered earlier)

    - How much was your procedure in total?


    Thank you and all the best to you and your hair! ;)

  3. I finally got laid with a hottie this weekend. Got a haircut a few days before and girl didn't notice anything despite rubbing my hairline like crazy during cunni.


    I probably wouldn't have gotten laid without the HT, so at least one positive personal benefit.


    Most EPIC comment I've ever read, related to hair transplants !! :P


    Glad everything works out fine for you, totally made my day! :D

  4. I had an fue with Dr Bisanga about 4 months after the look. It actually is looking better by the month but not what was implanted as far as density. I will definitely need a touch up, but the clinic has been willing to do this so, yes they do stand by you.

    I will say this, Yes, I look better than I did before the procedure. Though kinda thin.

    One question for you the look, did Dr Bisanga score ALL of your grafts or did a female Dr score some of them?


    ndubya, so you are approx. one year after your procedure?


    Sorry to hear, the result is not what you have expected! :(

    Is the low density limited to a certain area (like in my case) or does it concern all transplanted hair?


    Did you post any pictures of your result? Would be interesting to see the comparison to my case.


    I'll be at the BHR clinic for a repair session soon. I'll let you know how it went!


    And to your question: As far as I remember Dr. Bisanga extracted all the grafts. The planting has been done by his techs.

  5. Hey man,

    I hope you can get it worked out. Sorry to hear that there are other issues.


    Did they work on another large case the same day as yours? If so maybe they need to limit the daily graft limit done to better focus on each patient's detailed needs.


    Thanks a lot, hsrp10! :)


    On the day of my procedure there was in fact another patient being worked on.

  6. It is my belief and gut feeling from looking at the result that the tech who transplanted the right temple peak was inexperienced at how to place grafts in this area. Hope BHR also corrects this.


    Hello hsrp10,


    to this day I wonder what went wrong that day. :confused:


    I've attached two current pics of the spot, which hasn't been planted until day 2.





    What do you think, TheLook? Are these hairs in your temple darker and thicker than any native hairs on the back of your head? Or do you think they are the same as the hairs on the back of your head, but because they have been moved to the front, the contrast between the front native hairs and back native hairs makes them stand out?



    Harryforreal, to tell the truth, the transplanted hair in my right temple looks very much like the ones on my back, being much stronger and darker than the sides.

    I'm almost sure it has been taken from the back of my head.


    To make things worse, many double and triple grafts have been planted into the temple increasing the unnatural look.


    When it comes to your theory:

    I believe that the hair structure (thickness, form and color) depends primarily on the hair's genetic information, not on the place it has been planted.


    It's the same with beard hair, which looks different when transplanted in regular hair regions.


    So yes, I do believe that it is possible to create good results in the temple area, IF the right donor material is selected.

    This has obviously not been the case during my procedure.


    You can see the different hair structure quite well in my attached picture. :(


  8. I'd like to thank everyone for your helpful advice! :)


    I've been thinking a lot the last couple of days. Mostly on how to repair the poor temporal peak on the right, and also if I should visit Dr. Bisanga a second time.


    Here's what I came up with:

    I will be having a second procedure at the BHR clinic indeed!


    That being said, let me explain my goals and motivation for the second transplant:


    I'd like to improve the density of my hairline, which is good but not perfect.

    Especially the area on the right side could use some additional grafts in order to look fully satisfying.


    Also, I'd like to have the mistreated area (where the slits have been planted the following day) repaired, which looks very poor at the moment.


    I believe that Dr. Bisanga is capable of achieving these goals.


    When it comes to the right temporal peak, I am not so sure.

    I will certainly hear what solution Dr. Bisanga will suggest, however, I will not accept any further work in this area, unless I'm a 100% convinced.


    At the moment I am thinking of at least extracting some of the ridiculous looking triple grafts from that area.

    This way the temporal peak would look a little softer. Additionally, I could get a follow up procedure only addressing this area, from an expert on this field.


    I've attached a couple pictures, two of them taken directly after my first transplant at BHR, the rest showing my current status.


    I'm excited about your opinion!






  9. The transplantation was in July 2015, correct. I also doubt that my situation will improve anymore, hence the desired repair procedure.

    A touch up for the temporal area has been indeed offered by BHR clinic, however, I would not want to take that risk at the moment.

    I would rather look for a true expert in this field, even if it takes some time.


    When it comes to Dr. Bisanga, however, let me say this, based on my personal experience:

    His work on the frontal hairline is close to perfect. I am very pleased with the result in this area.

    Transplanted beard hair looks good as well.


    Even the left temporal peak has been done quite well. The only real big disappointment was the right temporal peak.


    So, from my understanding, temporal peak restoration may just not be Dr. B's strong side, but this does not mean, that he isn't a good doctor.

    On a personal level, I think Dr. Bisanga is a very respectful and decent individual.

  10. Hello guys, thank you for your responses!

    And densedream, sorry to hear you're dealing with a similar situation.


    It helps a lot hearing your honest opinion, I appreciate it a lot! :)


    My HT in Brussels was in July 2015.

    From my understanding it was not a mega session, as there were 'only' around 2500 grafts placed, however in different regions (front, temples, beard).


    Placing of the grafts has been done by two female assisstants. Left side was done by a young French woman, right side by an Asian looking woman.

    That I remember well, as they were working on my head for several hours.


    The side shots in my first post are from October 2016, which is around 15 months post op. The shot where you can see more of my forehead is from mid 2016.


    Concerning your questions:


    To tell the truth, my BHR consultant did not recognize my problem for a long time at all.

    When pointing to the unnatural temporal peak I remember him writing, that he can not see anything unnatural (in German that was, as I live in Europe).


    The same thing happened with the unplanted slit area: I only discovered this by coincidence, as I was looking at old post-op pictures, wondering about the very low local hair density in that specific area.

    The cosultants response was, that Dr. Bisanga does not work this way and this can not be correct.


    As a result, I was waiting and hoping the hair would get better, which it did not.

    In addition, it has not been easy for me to build an opinion, as I was not speaking to anyone about my transplant except my BHR consultant.


    This is actually my main motivation to post this here: getting advice on my current status from a neutral source and the best way to achieve a fully satisfying result.


    I have to say, that after my first procedure I have been at the BHR clinic in mid 2016, however, a clear an honest statement, that the result is not what it was supposed to be, has not been made.


    Dr. Bisanga did however offer a follow up HT, in which my concerns were supposed to be met.

    For this second procedure a discounted charge has been offered. (I think it was 4,5 instead of 5 Euro per graft or something like that, and 5 instead of 6 Euro for beard hair)


    To the English BHR Consultant:

    Thank you for your caring and detailled response!


    While I appreciate what you have written, I disagree on what you have written about planting slits.


    I believe that it very well makes a difference if the grafts are planted right away or the next day, as the slit (=wound) starts the healing process right away. Re-opening it the next day is just an unnecessary second incision creating further stress and a lower growth ratio.

    While not being an expert on this, I have proof for my theory on my head.


    Also, from the picture, the not planted slit area is maybe the size of a quarter and a half. So it's not like there have been only 'few' incisions reopened.


    Like I mentioned earlier, when it comes to me, a lot of trust in your procedures and your expertise has been lost.


    Further, I believe it is better to admit to a mistake once it has happened, than just say that it doesn't really matter and everything will be fine.

    Then again, that's just my personal opinion.


  11. One more thing:


    As I learned after my HT (BHR, Belgium), the incisions in one area have been made on day 1, whereas the grafts haven't been harvested and planted until day 2.

    This area is located above the temporal peak (see picture), and approximatley 1 - 2 quarters large.


    This resulted in very low hair density in this area, which has been a further disappointment.


    Consequently, I can only recommend insisting that all slits will be filled with grafts right away. Otherwise valuable donor material will be wasted.


    I was really disappointed and shocked, that the so well known and decorated Dr. Bisanga did such an unprofessional job in my case! :mad:


  12. Hello dear community members!


    I have had a 2500 grafts FUE with Dr. Bisanga in 2015.

    While the frontal hairline looks really nice and natural, I am very unsatisfied with the right temporal point. :(


    There are two reasons for this:

    1) The transplanted grafts are very strong. There are multiple 2 and 3 multi grafts, resulting in a unnatural look.

    2) The hair direction is rather horizontal, very unlike the hair behind the transplanted area, which is more vertical.


    I would like to have this area restored, as I really dislike the unnatural look.


    Question is: What is the best way to restore the temporal point? :confused:


    Should the unnatural looking multi grafts be extracted or should additional grafts be transplanted into the surrounding area?

    Has anyone had an an experience like this and which restoration clinics can be recommended?


    I'm thankful for any advice! :)


    Best regards





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