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Posts posted by Bobdillan01

  1. I am just curious. I had a transplant (fut) nearly five months ago and it is going really well, fantastic really. I had great follow up within the first couple weeks. In fact the first night after my surgery I had to call the doctor and he met me back at the clinic to inject more numbing solution.


    After all the hair washing and staple removal I haven't heard anything from them. I am a bit stubborn and I haven't called them either but part of me thinks that they would want to make sure everything is going well, or perhaps want some follow up pictures. I just feel a little disappointed in that aspect. Is it normal to not have any further follow up?

  2. I had a fut procedure just over a month ago. The back of my head is pretty well hidden but it looks a little rough on both the left and the right sides. It's not the end of the world but it looks a bit concerning to me. Should I contact the doctor or is this normal? My head is still pretty pink but I expected that.




  3. I am sure this question has been asked a million times, and I know the answer will vary. I can't seem to find a post that addresses it directly.


    I have never really been able to sleep on my back, especially with an airline pillow around my neck. How long do they say to wait before I can be a side sleeper again?


    I will give the doctor a quick call tomorrow toask them of course, as well. They are closed today and I want some hope haha.

  4. Hey tj! I would say the same thing. Before I went back for more sedation, I honestly don't think I have ever experienced pain like that. But as soon as he finished a few extra needles I had instant relief and I haven't experienced any real pain since.


    I was thinking about writing up a review but we will see. I will say this though I heard people talking about the swelling but I didn't put two and two together haha. I look like the hulk, right before he turns green.


    Also, if anyone is having severe pain, talk to your doctor.

  5. Thanks for the reply guys. I ended up having to go back and get the area sedated. It basically brought me to tears. Thank god dr hasson was able to come in and do that for me. Still feels good this am. If I was to guess why it would be because the pain medication they gave me had Tylenol as one of its main ingrdients and Tylenol does absolutely nothing for me.

  6. Hi,


    I have an appointment with Dr. Wong in less than a month. I'm feeling a little unsure as of now. Partly because I didn't choose Wong he was just assigned to me instead of Hasson. Should I be concerned? I've seen good results from Wong, just not as many as Hasson. Also I attached photos that are about a year old. Do I seem like a good candidate? I'm 33 now.

    I just posted the exact opposite of your post. I was just assigned Hasson but it seemed like a saw more results for Wong. So funny. I have been researching fut for a while now. I am going to their clinic next week for my fut.
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