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Posts posted by xt22

  1. Oh these things are likely after the procedure for a few months but for some folks it can be permanent. No one can really give odds on these things because many doctors do not reveal the number of cases of theirs this has happened to. Some Docs and reps/experts can blame a patients physiology for it or it could be the surgical protocol of the doc that caused the condition. Nerves cut wrong or scalp too tight or excessive bleeding and etc, anything can be a factor.


    Depends on what type of procedure you go for and the doc you go to for that specific procedure. If a doc is good at FUT and hasn't reported many screw ups online then Maybe the probability is better but again no guarantee. Same goes for a doc that does FUE, his or her surgical protocol should be all about patient safety.


    I'd take a look at real patients that have no treatment incentives or financial incentives and see them in person. No patients getting future freebies or discounts or online posting perks or anything or reps to sway your decision. This is a very serious procedure and you have to do very solid research. See if you can meet real patients that are willing to meet in person.


    Do not risk yourself with a doc that is unsure if they will be able to deliver or lack confidence.


    What would the chances of something like that be at one of the top 5 doctors? Is that still a concern and suppressed even at such top clinics?

  2. I was wondering if it is generally recommended for people from outside Canada to buy health insurance in Canada when visiting for Hair Transplant procedure. I know that medical insurance will not pay for any of the cost of HT but was wondering more from the point of view of whether a medical insurance would be needed if something were to go wrong in a major way during HT and had to be hospitalized or something like that, What are the odds of some such thing and what is the general practice by people outside Canada that go there for HT. Can someone please comment?

  3. Very helpful responses. I think I am beginning to get a much better sense of what to expect during and after the procedure. When you say that towards the end the numbing was wearing off, I was wondering what kind of pain or sensation you felt. Obviously it must have been tolerable or else you would have asked for more anesthesia is that right? If I experience the same as you did, would you suggest I alert the doctor right away or just put up with it as long as it is tolerable?

  4. JustJax..Thanks for responding. That's good to hear. I know that I have to be extremely careful the first few nights not to damage the transplanted hair . Are there some things that are suggested besides sleeping in 45 degree position. I read somewhere that someone slept with gloves so they would not scratch the head by mistake in sleep..are there simple things I can do that would safeguard the hair? I got myself a neck and a back support pillow.

  5. I have benefited a lot from this forum by reading the material on different topics. I am scheduled for an FUT Hair Transplant procedure in about 10 days. I have a few questions and would appreciate some guidance.


    I am a bit anxious about the pain during and after the procedure. Most people say the pain is minimal but every now and then I read some that say they were in very high pain after the procedure for the first couple of nights. Just wondering what to expect.


    How common are adverse reactions to local anesthesia? I have not had local anesthesia almost ever except for once when I suffered a fracture in my finger. That was very minor but a procedure of this intensity makes me a bit anxious. Your responses will be much appreciated.

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