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Posts posted by vforce70

  1. Hello Guys,

    We know that each and every HTs never compete with our actual dream. Somebody gets high densly packed hair, some gets ‘just ok’ level. In that ‘just ok’ level, we can see scalp skin here & there through transplanted hairs because of minimal quantity of hair. Here I’m asking is, why shouldn’t they use hair building fiber sprays or hair Root volumizing sprays to make thick look? Is anyone here using these kind of products ? If yes, please come forward and tell positives and negatives of such products. I never see such products with my eyes. (All I know about is from commercials). Is that ok with open atmosphere ? Please explain.




    I do not advertise because this product unfortunately no longer exists! I tried Mane, Toppik, Russel etc .... but all are dangerous and dry up enormously hair ... I want to test Ha?r Cubed but it is very expensive and many users are not satisfied .. Somebody here has already tested?

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