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Cleanhead Jones

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Posts posted by Cleanhead Jones

  1. Originally posted by Brandon:



    I would estimate that I lost about 1/3 to half of the follicles in the first month after the surgery. Then the remaining hair started growing.





    It is my understanding that sooner or later, all the transplanted hair will fall out, then start to regrow again, 2-3 mos. after it falls out.

    I too, have retained about 1/3 of my original transplants and they are growing and getting longer. Others have told me they will fall out eventially.


    It sounds like your original grafts are just now going dormant and finally falling out. They will probably start growing back in 2-3 mos.


    But you should check with your doc to be sure, then let us know what he says. I will probably be in a panic when I loose the rest of mine too.


    Good luck to you.

  2. elshugh- Your growth looks real good at 3 mos.


    I'm just 12 days post op. A few of my hairs have fallen out but not many. I guess after day 14 I'll be going back to being cleanhead again.


    Thanks for the post and great pics. Good luck and enjoy the next few months. I will keep an eye on your website for updates. I have a site at the same place you do. Check my pics when you can. I update it pretty regularly.


    Any suggestion? Tuopee, toppik, hair style. I feel akward in a big hotel with dozens of people.


    If you have a toupee, you may want to clean it up, style it, and use it for this meeting. If the repair work is still very noticable it will probably be a distraction to the people you are meeting with and you'll feel less confident if you see them checking out your head.


    Good luck with the meeting.

  4. Thanks Smoothy.


    I just want to double check something. Is the spelling correct for Alavera Oil? This is not Aloe Vera from the burn plant, is it?

    I ask because you spelled it different in the 1st post and I just want to search for the right stuff.


    I just ordered the Nox2, Nioxin cleanser and conditioner. Thanks for all the great info.


    This is my 10 day count down until Vancouver!

  5. Originally posted by Smoothy:


    * GraftCyte spray day of surgery every 30 min for 7 days (gets copper peptide into scalp)



    * Day after surgery start NOX2 (nitro oxide- a vasodilator for the extreme capularies allowing more blood/nutrient flow into the smallest of vessels--like the scalp)



    * Shampoo per directions: with Nioxin cleanser (not conditioner, 4 weeks after add conditioner)


    * 1 shot of Alerva Oil daily (liquid form)



    Where can I get GraftCyte spray the cheapest?


    NOX2- Is this something at GNC or what is it and where can I get some - sounds like laughing gas- Nitrous-oxide ?


    Nioxin Cleanser- Where can I get it?


    Alerva Oil- What is it and where can I get some?? Internal or rub it on your head?



  6. Gillenator,


    Thanks for the great post. It was very moving and really made me think about what's really important in my life.


    Sometimes I piss and moan about trivial things that I have no control over. That's when my wife tells me to go down to the burn unit at the local hospital and then tell her who's got more problems to worry about.


    I'm very fortunate in that I don't have medical health problems, (other than mental)-I can't stand being bald and sometimes I can't control my temper or my big mouth!


    But anyway, I just want to say thanks for all the good advice and encouragement you give to everyone on this site and I wish you good luck and good health!

  7. I have read a lot of posts about selecting the hairline based on your age. Some say the younger man (20's - 30's)wants the more youthful broad hairline. Older men should opt for a more mature look.


    But what happens to those 20 something guys as they age into their 40's and 50's? If the transplanted hair never falls out, they will always have that youthful hairline.


    Anyone have any thoughts on that subject??

  8. I have read a lot of posts about selecting the hairline based on your age. Some say the younger man (20's - 30's)wants the more youthful broad hairline. Older men should opt for a more mature look.


    But what happens to those 20 something guys as they age into their 40's and 50's? If the transplanted hair never falls out, they will always have that youthful hairline.


    Anyone have any thoughts on that subject??

  9. Hair App,


    Thanks for the great post on the hair piece decision. I too, wear a piece and have been tossing options around on what to do about the "unveiling". I'm glad to see your transition is going so smoothly.


    I am NW 5A-6, so I'm probably close to the same degree as you were before HT. I have some pics under the Win a Free HT thread. I would love to see some pics of your Ht - before and afters, and your progress.


    I go in 11/5 for my procedure. Your post has given me some reassurance about peoples reactions to the new you. My wife says some people probably won't even notice. I'll just look different and they won't quite know why.


    Good luck to you and happy hair sproutin!


    I'm STILL Cleanhead Jones icon_razz.gif

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