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Posts posted by HouTx88

  1. Well I dont want to use propecia for that. My concern is if I start using it, and have side effects, or I stop, and I still have side effects (possibly permanent). Feels like I'm like gambling (like eventually the effects will come, and the way my luck has been, I'm usually the 2% ha).


    Here's what I'm planning as a strategy for my thinning:


    - Biotin 5000mg everyday

    - Take Saw Palmetto every few days

    - More water intake/exercise/better diet (more greens and vegetables)

    - Nizoral Shampoo every 2-3 days

    - Coconut oil twice a week

    - Rogaine 5%

    - Laser Cap or Laser Comb


    I have a few questions though for everyone:


    1.) Whats your take on the strategy above. Would I be able to maintain most of my hair, and regrow a good percentage of it?


    2.) Is it best to start with a month supply of rogaine or 3 month supply?


    3.) I'm African American (my hair is coarse, but very thin), would the laser comb be as effective as the cap, or would i need the cap? I'm just curious cause $2700 is quite expensive if doesnt work compared to around $200.


    4.) An op posted I should consult with more professionals. Why is that, I thought Dr. Arocha was one of the best professionals on here?


    Thanks for all the advice!

  2. Hey everyone, I recently posted a thread about my hair thinning, and which way to go about it. Ever since then, it seems like I'm more confused or going in circles.


    The first step someone suggested was to find a hair specialist. I visited Dr. Arocha in Houston, he examined my hair, said its very thin all over and could be genetics, and gave me a printout with the following:

    - Rogaine 5% daily

    - Propecia one per day

    - Nizoral Shampoo - lather every other day 5 'mins

    - Biotin 5000mg (already taking)

    - Laser Cap Pro (Laser Light Cap)

    He favored the propecia and Laser Cap Pro, along with the other methods above.


    So now, I have the shampoo (I have really bad dandruff, so I hope this helps), I'm already taking the biotin, drinking plenty of water (since I used to just drink only juice), and exercising more. I also am planning to get a 3 month supply of rogaine from target, and possibility go with the laser cap around Feb./Mar. next year.


    I am staying away from the propecia cause honestly I'm scared I'd be one of the few that might have infertility/sex side effects, and I rather lose the hair then cant have children/perform in bed ha! Dr. Arocha said he's been prescribing it for over 20 years, and very few have had those side effects. I also have gynecomastia, not sure if thats causing the hair loss, or hormone imbalance?



    But as I'm reading other members post, and suggestions, I see some saying the laser cap doesnt work, that its either propecia or surgery, that rogaine isnt a good solution (only temporary) and the shampoo can lead to further hair loss.


    So I'm back at square one.:confused: Dr. Arocha and his crew really suggested the laser cap. They said it can it keep 90% of your hair back, and grow 50% new hair. But it comes at a price ($2500+), and I think I have to wear it forever like rogaine.



    What do you suggest I do in this case? My hair isn't terrible, but its starting to thin (it was shedding a before I visited him, I think I got really stressed out, or the biotin and exercise started to kick inl, and now its stopped), and I would like to get it flourished, and hang on to it another decade or so.




    P.S. I see theres a topical finasteride, not sure if it works?

  3. Thanks for all the advice everyone,


    I actually had a visit with Dr. Arocha, and he said he saw some thining at the top, and around the left/right sides of my head. He gave me a printout with the following:


    - Rogaine 5% daily

    - Propecia one per day

    - Nizoral Shampoo - lather every other day 5 'mins

    - Biotin 5000mg (already taking)

    - Laser Cap Pro (Laser Light Cap)


    He told me he thinks the laser cap will be helpful for to use, and I basically will have to keep using it. Because the hair baldness/thining is genetics.


    I told him I didnt want propecia because of sexual concerns, but he suggested those are very rare and he's been prescribing it for over 20 years.


    I asked if I just stuck to rogaine, biotin, and the shampoo, and he said it probably would be a very little if any progress (like 19%, in addition, I think I would lose the new hair if I stopped using it).


    But he highly suggest the laser cap. He told me it could prevent 90% of the hair I have now from losing/going out quickly, and about 50% increase in hair growth after some months. He says you just put it on your head every other day for 30 mins. It is kind of expensive as well.



    I wanted to hear you all thoughts on this after following up with Dr. Arocha? Thanks in advance!

  4. Thanks for the advice David and Shampoo. I think the first step is contacting a physician, and see what is suggested. I am not sold on finasteride, just reading that some side effects can be permanent moved me away. I do like the ideal of rogaine though.


    Based on my pictures above, do I need a FUE transplant? Or can I improve with a non-surgical method? Also, what would my hair be considered on the norwood scale?


    Thanks for all the input!

  5. Hi everyone, I've been a little stressed out in the last 2 years, my hair has been thinning out, and I dont know what direction to go, in (confused)?


    My barber says he thinks in 2-3 years I'll be bald, and thinks its genetics (my father had hair, but my grandfather was bald in his 40-50's at the top).


    Is there any way I can reverse, and start growing my hair? Here's what I've done recently:


    - Started using biotin 5000mg a few weeks ago.

    - Started drinking more water.

    - Have been using Shea Butter's Shampoo for a few months.

    - Have started using jojoba oil.


    And I plan on eating less fast food (more healthy), cut out sodas, start using coconut oil, and start getting back to exercising.


    I've looked into the rogaine/Finasteride/Propecia options, and I'm a bit scared. I've been hearing people say side effects include erectile dysfunctions and sex issues, and if that's the case, thats is not me (rather be bald then a head full of hair and no sex problems). I also heard that once you started taking one of these medications, you have to permanently or your hair will fallout (dont mind that, but if it will eventually cause sex issues, then why go for it)?



    Can anyone shed some light for me, I really dont know how to go about this, and not sure if I need to see a dermatologist or hair surgeon. I'm located around the Houston area if that helps.










    Thanks in advance!

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