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Posts posted by Teddy

  1. Ok so I'm reading now that your donor is the area having issues with crusting and scabbing after the surgery.

    Did the clinic give you any hydrocortisone cream to use?


    The Belgium clinics give out an awesome post-op cream called HydroOne which works wonders.

    If not try Kirkland brand Hydrocortisone cream plus with aloe vera for the donor.


    No, what is that?


    I have D-panthenol foam and special shampoo only.



  2. Thank you all for your kind replies and advices.


    Bill, I am sorry if I sound annoying, overworried or anything, but I have a found a lot of good information here and I would like to hear as many opinions/advices as I can to ease my mind and reduce stress.

    For example, the clinic told me to wash once a day, but someone suggested to do it twice a day after 7 days and I think in my case it's working brilliantly.


    To be honest, I've been hiding at home for 2 weeks since surgery now and tomorrow I promised my girl to take her to dinner, we didn't meet in the last 14 days.

    Well, call me a coward, but I didn't tell her I had the surgery since our relastionship is just started and I am scared to ruin it, but I will tell her in the very next future. That's also why I would like to reduce the scabs as much as I could. Maybe I just need some sort of psychological comfort too, not too sure yet... :o


    Jax and Louis, at the moment I am being very gentle not applying any pressure, rubbing or scrubbing my hair. Also I am putting the shampoo in an empty soap dispenser, shaking it, and just pouring the foam on my head to be as gentle as I can.

    Do you think I should try to use shampoo directly from tomorrow (day 10) to quicken scabs cleansing? :)

  3. Aside little pain in the donor area and sometimes feeling very tired everything seems to go pretty good but last two days the front recipient area started creating all these little pieces of scabs.


    What do you think guys? Is there any way to get rid of those without putting in jeopardy the grafts? Anyway on Friday will be 10 days from surgery so they should be safe soon.


    Please check the picture and let me know any opinion/suggestion/advice.




  4. Sorry for the confusion, I was specifically talking only about the donor area in the first part of the OP. I did scratch only the donor area yesterday night before washing my head since it was full of crusts.


    I would never do the same to the recipient areas, until after 2 weeks and crusts would not fall out I guess.

  5. So today the donor area numbness is almost totally gone and I found out it's full of crusts, since of course there are no grafts to endanger overther I tried to remove some and they are nicely falling or getting stuck under my nails.

    Anyway going which sounds good to me.


    Am I doing something wrong which could cause scarring/pain/troubles in the future?


    Also, any suggestions to remove the crusts from the recipient areas faster but safely?


    Thank you in advance for you support and guidance.

  6. I must say that I had already had surgery Jax but they explained stuff after the surgery and I was almost sleeping due to anestethic and pain.


    Is it right to consider the grafts safe after 7 days? Can I wash my hair using a bit more strenght after that? Maybe let's say 10 days.


    As usual, I'd like to thank you all for the advices and replies, I truly appreciate them.

  7. I've heard a few patients saying the put the lotions in the hand luggage and got through the scanners without any questions . Depends how much they've tightened up on security following the events of the last year or so.


    Aaaaand we have a winner!!! Hahahaha thanks Chris! :)


    Also thanks to all who replied especially JustJax who i felt very close in trying to help and be as specific as he could to make me relieve a bit of stress. You're the man mate.


    Any suggestion about first shampoos now?

    I feel like I could be using too much lotion, is that dangerous?

    Is it right you can rub the donor area but not the recipient?

    How long should I use the special shampoo kit if everything goes well (cross fingers for me please)?


    Thank you guys!

  8. My clinic gave me a doctor note saying they have to allow me to bring both bottles even if they are 250ml and on Turkish Airlines website it's told there are exemptions for meds.


    I'm a bit confused though. I might try to pass the security and if they tell me something I will show the note, but this makes me feel uncomfortable already.


    Thanks for all you replies buddies.

  9. Should wear a beret, cap or hat right after the surgery to protect my head? Or should I use something else for the first days?


    I'd want to avoid to jeopardize the grafts and since it will be my first HT I thought to ask for suggestions. I would be afraid someone touches me during first days (e.g. during the flight to go back home) when the grafts are not still properly rooted in the scalp and cause loss, pain or anything else.


    Thanks in advance for any reply.

  10. Thank you so much for your replies guys I am still convinced I need the HT cause since the hairloss started I lost a lot of confidence and using concealer has never done much.


    I will have the HT soon.


    Question: should wear a beret, cap or hat right after the surgery to protect my head? Or should I use something else for the first days? Any recommendation on this matter would be most welcome! :)

  11. you need to be aware chances are the Doc wont be doing the transplant.



    I was assured the Doctor will be doing the surgery with the assistance of his technicians though. In any case I understand the surgeon dictates the grafts amount and supervise the extraction/reinstallment.

    Judging from your results I have good hopes though, after all you used them, right? :)


    Hard to say how many grafts will be sufficient for you without seeing pics, best of luck anyway

    what i will say if you are having second thoughts you may need to think about postponing the transplant, i don't know anything about the Doc you are thinking of going to.


    Would you give me an opinion if I post my pictures?


    I actually don't wear my hair that shortI i'm at an age where I don't try to have the coolest style just comb it back slightly to the right which how it seems to naturally grow, will try to get some pics up this weekend.


    I see. I wasn't really asking that cause I'm a fan of shaved hair, in that case I would not even bother in having a HT I guess hahaha :)

    I was asking mostly cause by seeing the pictures of whom underwent an HT I see the first months could be a bit hard for me going out and showing myself around, so probably would be better to shave for the first 2/3 months but that if the donor area would not make me look ridicolous anyway.

    Hope I made some sense with my overextended explanation.


    Is it ok to use Toppik, Caboki and other hair loss concealer while waiting you hair grow back after the HT?


    Thank you so much Mick50, I really appreciate you sharing your experience with me.

  12. It may be a lost in translation issue , but your posts come across as harsh and negative . .


    It surely is.

    English can be learned quite easily considering the fact it is, maybe, the language with the easiest grammar compared to others, but it also hides its trickiness; forget a please, or a conditional, and you will come across as rude and disrespectful.


    Just my honest opinion though.


    Back to OP, very awesome results Burlam in only six months and you can still improve! I hope to be as lucky as you soon.


    Which clinic did operate you if I may dare to ask?

  13. First of all thanks to the moderator/admin who moved my post and my apologies for misplacing it in the first place.


    Thanks for your post Mick50. Also, congratulations on your result, your hair look amazing mate! I am just curious about the donor area, have any picture about that? Can you shave the hair very short or it will show that you had a surgey then?


    I think your situation was more similar to mine as I have a Norwood 5 situation here and I basically want to restore all the vertex. They also said they gonna repair something from the front which is not bad if you ask me as they are thinning out :)


    Do you think 3/4000 grafts can be enough to restore all the hair lost in the vertex?


    P.s. Sorry guys, are you saying you had HT with this guy? https://www.longevita.co.uk/doctor/dr-resat-altug-aktas/

    Cause in the Longevita website is described as a plastic surgeon specialist and not a HT one :o

  14. I do not have any experience with this doctor, but i have with longevita, and i just have to say to stay away! Their service was horrible, after my hair transplant i asked for a refund,all they did was send a new "promotional" offer to me for 1700 euro. Stay away! Better use well known doctors here like Erdogan or Yaman.


    I am really sorry to hear you had a bad experience with them.


    Can I ask what happened? The hair were not growing? Or something else?


    Everydoby here agree that I should avoid Longevita, no matter which Doctor they offer me?


    The guy is telling me that they provide a warranty and if results are not good after 9 months they give another free operation. Are those just lies?

  15. Hello to everyone guys,


    First of all sorry for breaking any forum rules as this is my first time here and I am just seeking help and advice.

    I am really frustrated by my situation and finally decided to have a surgey to repair it but being my first time anxiety and concerns are kicking in.


    Long story short, I would like if anyone as had any experience wiith Longevita and dr. Berkay Tulpar. https://www.longevita.co.uk/doctor/berkay-tulpar/


    Would really appreciate any advice you can provide as I aim to have the surgery in the next 2 weeks.


    Thank you so much for your time and understanding.



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