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Posts posted by RazvanT

  1. Minoxidil did affects androgen receptors,jut google it people.

    I used it for 8 years ,i'm 28 now,and i didnt have any problems (was a horny mdfk),untill last year whrn i stared have erection problems then i did some blood work for hormones and my Total T was 313ng/dl (normal for 70 years old guy)everything else was normal lh,fsh,etc.

    I than realise it was rogaine causing this and stopped it.my erections were improved after a few days,still not100%recovered,it s been 3 months and my T level went from 313 to 585 so it s a good sign .so rogaine does affect male testosterone by affecting androgen receptors...there are studies demonstrating this..just google it

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