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Posts posted by omyhair

  1. day 14 the pinching on the donor area is getting harder and more painful i still cant sleep properly if anything touches my donor area it still pains alot plus since last 3 days i have been getting headaches really not a good feeling arghhh already tired of it its been 2 weeks post op sucks how long did it take for you to not feel any pain even if you touch it the donor area ???? plus when does the pinching go away ????


    I'm at Day 11 post op on a 2300 FUE. Today, finally, I feel better at about a 2 / 10.


    Just as you described, my pain kicked in on Day 4 and at Day 8 it was peaking. I have a high pain tolerance and this was likely the 2nd most painful thing I've encountered. I started to take pain killers on Day 7.


    I think you're going to have to time when you take the pain killers. I started taking Aleve (lasts 12 hours) at 6pm so it would at least last me through the night. During the day, as painful as it was, I tried to ride it out - but when in dire need I took 2 Advils (lasts 4 hours).


    The key thing is that it WILL get better. That's the biggest concern I had. It's my first HT and I was kicking myself for going through with the procedure to live with this type of pain for months.


    I still feel some zaps in the donor area and definitely it's numb. Also, on certain donor wounds if I touch it brings the shooting pain back for a few seconds - so I'm avoiding that as much as possible.


    Lastly, when pain gets ridiculously high I just took a nice warm shower and for me that worked wonders and relaxed the donor pain for some hours.

  2. Hi spyk, your growth is looking great. I just had an FUE done by Dr. Diep as well with 2300 grafts last week. I am exactly at the 1 week mark.


    Everything was going well, until Day 4 I have been feeling incredible pain in the Donor area. I haven't been able to sleep at night consistently as a result. The doc mentioned that this could be nerve damage that will resolve itself in months and to take aleve for pain relief.


    I'm almost afraid of being able to sustain months of pain of this. It's like random zapping and throngs in the Donor area.


    I'm holding out hope that I am still at Day 6 post op and the Donor will be relatively pain free soon. I am able to see the red circles / wounds in the Donor so can't 100% tell if pain is from those or from nerve endings. I'm unable to lay down on the back of my head from the pain.


    Is this something you encountered in any of your procedures?



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