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Posts posted by string11

  1. Hello everyone,


    I've tried researching this topic and spoke with my doctor prior to my hair transplant surgery. I have been on testosterone 200mg (100mg injections twice per week) for the past 2.5 years, along with HCG, and 0.5 anastrozole twice a week. It' is all prescribed (purchased legally from a pharmacy). During this time, I was unfortunately not taking any hair loss prevention supplements as I was not aware of the hair loss effects of testosterone :/


    I have been taking Proscar (quarter tablet daily) and have been applying Rogaine (twice daily) since June of 2016. I had a hair transplant with Dr Haber back in September of 2016, 2,770 grafts, so I'm approaching the 4 month mark. Prior to surgery, I discussed all of this with Dr Haber and he said to continue my trt program as is, and that the hairs that are taken from the back of my head are resistant to DHT, but the hairs that remain on my head prior to surgery may be effected? Anybody on this forum on a trt program after surgery? I just don't know who else to talk to about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated


    I was considering adding Anavar to this as from what I read, it is a mild steroid to DHT and would be prescribed at 50mg.


    Will taking Proscar, Rogaine with Test 200mg, and Anavar 50mg effect anything 4 months after surgery? I'm just looking for some honest answers as I want to protect my investment.


    Thanks for your time

  2. I ended up getting an FUT (strip hair transplant). I ended up getting 2,770 grafts transplanted as I was told with the Artas, a max of 2,000 could be transplanted in one session and I needed a little more work. I attached the pictures I took today (exactly 14 weeks ago from today, got done Wednesday September 14th).


    I literally had zero down time. I sat on the couch for about 2 days and I didn't workout out for 2 weeks due to the doctors instructions (he said 10 days), and I had some swelling in the front of my head at about 3 days in which sucked, but I think its because I didn't sleep at a 45 degree angle as instructed. I was back to work at Day 5, but the people I work with definitely noticed a difference, but I had no problem telling them


    I'm 32 years old, but I don't really feel comfortable discussing price on here. To me, I was paying for the confidence of going to a highly reputable doctor like Dr Haber. I was comfortable with paying the premium to him (others will be cheaper) but I felt as I was in good hands getting a procedure done as serious as this. He has a few patents on tools used across the world like the Haber Spreader which I didn't know until during the procedure as he was telling me about it


    Hope that helps, and please let me know if you have any other questions. Best of luck in your meeting with him, have your questions written out




  3. I'm great, thanks for asking.


    I was initially hoping for more comments and replies on this but nothing happened so I didn't update lol...


    Well I'm just over 3 months of my surgery and i started to notice small growth at about 2 months. My barber has noticed over the course of the past few times I have gone in. A few of my buddies have noticed as well, and they all say it looks like "what I paid for is working." It's starting to fill in nicely but def not noticeable in like group pictures (a lot more growth to go). I'll see my family for the first time in over a month since Thanksgiving here on Xmas, and will look to see what they think as well.


    I'll post some photos tomorrow

  4. Hello everyone, I wanted to share my story of my recent hair transplant (FUT) done by Dr Robert Haber in Beachwood, OH that I had done on September 14th, 2016. 2,770 grafts were taken and what you see in my pic is the before/after (paid for 2800 so pretty close). I'm just over 5 weeks post-op now and wanted to share my story so far. The picture you see is the day before and the day after the surgery.


    I noticed some hair loss in my mid twenties (i'm 32 now), and it had bothered me for quite some time especially photos but I never thought I'd end up getting surgery to fix the issue. Well I obviously I did, and over the course of the past year, I did research and felt that I would be in good hands with a reputable doctor, like Dr Haber, but I couldn't really find much information on him as far as reviews or individuals thoughts, and living in Pittsburgh, he felt like the best option. I went in for my consultation and had the chance to meet him, and his consultant, and they answered all my questions. Felt very comfortable, gave it some thought for about a week, and booked the surgery about a month and a half out.


    I arrived 7:30am where they took pictures of my head from a variety of angles, and then proceeded into the surgery room where my new hairline would be identified. His staff was really friendly, provided music/netflix while i sat comfortably. I finished up just shy of 6:00pm and I ended up having a family member drive me home that day (I could have drove home by myself).


    I purchased the ATP solution he offered (did not sell it like an add-on) rather than just the saline solution that would be provided. I sprayed that on my head every 30 minutes until the bottle ran out which was on about the 4th or 5th day. From my understanding, the ATP helps with the healing more. I had some serious swelling in my forehead on the 3rd and 4th days and I think that was because I didn't do my best to sleep at a 45 degree angle. I had to return to work at day 5 as I'm in sales and people definitely noticed but I don't really care about telling people. The only thing I'm concerned about now is the people I told, I want to show my investment off and the anxiety that goes with wanting great results.


    I'm heavily into working out and was advised for 10 days to avoid exercise but I decided to wait 2 weeks (it killed me but I did it). For the first 2 weeks as well, I used baby shampoo on my head and would poor water over my head from a cup.


    My biggest concern that I felt like I goofed up, was at about day 7 or 8, I would very lightly massage the top of my head dry with my fingerpads and a lot of the crusting would just fall off, and I would lightly comb out. No bleeding, but in the paperwork it was advised to do that in the shower. Hope I didn't screw anything up.


    At about 3-4 weeks, most of the hairs had fallen out (would notice most of them when using rogaine which i started back up on day 5 and I also take proscar, quarter tablet daily) but I started to get some painful bumps (possibly folliculitis or pimples) and he wanted me to come back in to get checked up. Dr Haber noticed that a lot of the recipient hairs had not fallen off on their own, so he had a nurse come in and remove some of the hairs, and injected the pimples with a steriod, and I am now applying Clindamycin Phosphate lotion to the affected areas twice daily.


    My anxiety for whatever reason just gets the best of me on this and wish I could calm down a little as I'm anxious to see how this will turn out.


    Anyways, let me know your thoughts if you have the chance or if you have any questions. I'll do my best to update this as I go along. Hope this helps


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