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Posts posted by Hi12345

  1. Thanks. Is shock loss something to worry about with the existing hair being still quite prevalent


    when you say stay on the meds would people recommend trying propecia first before going for the HT. the surgeons I have consulted with have all recommended using propecia and so am wondering if I should try getting some regrowth with it first (all though most of the surgeons think it's unlikely - but they would right). I have always been too worried re sides but thinking I should give it a go now at least whether part of a HT or on its own


    Chances of a further HT if existing area does continue to thin?


    Here is me wth concealer btw


  2. Thanks. I am also considering the risk of shock loss if I do it now vs later. Is this a real risk with my situation given I do still have a reasonable amount of hair there that could be lost


    Have spoken with a couple of surgeons and all highlight that with strong hairline at the front the crown seems like the main area to focus on whether now or in the future and that taking propecia 1-2 weeks before and after will minimise any shockloss risk

  3. Hi


    I have had a slowly thinning crown for the last 8-9 years. Very little thinning on the front and in general a thick head of hair


    Regimen has only included Minoxidil and unfortunately having had decent maintenance I stopped for a 6 months and saw significant shedding. Not used Propecia as was worried about sides but probably should have


    Now at a stage where the crown is very visible (although I do get a good natural coverage with concealers albeit as the crown thins some now goes onto the scalp and so need to be more careful vs the past)



    Wondering if anyone has advice re getting a transplant now or waiting. My dillema is


    a) If I get a transplant now and only use minox will the crown existing hair not slowly thin anyway leaving the need for another transplant in a few years?


    b) If I dont experience much thinning elsewhere then in a few years time if the crown has thinned further but overall hairloss now more stable then yes I will need a bigger HT / more donor but after that there will be less need for Meds to stablise overall hair and also little further thinning in crown


    Is there logic in this thinking or can a good HT now on the crown and using just Minox where I have shown decent response in terms of maintaining lead to a good LT result and offset any further slow thinning of the scalp


    thanks a lot!




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