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Posts posted by happycanarelli

  1. (Laughing). I thought this was supposed to be a forum for SUPPORT and POSITIVE feedback. Comically, for whatever reason, individuals feel the need to inject, hate and negativity, needlessly into a conversation.


    Ultimately, it doesn't matter whether i chose Turkey or the US.


    It was MY choice, MY money, and most importantly, MY HEAD!


    Needless to state, in the end, and not for spiteful purposes, i hope that my HT is successful and that I can pass that (images and advice) along to anyone else who is inside of a decision making process.


    This is what I hope to contribute to myself and anyone else in need.

  2. Anyway...:cool:


    Getting back to the important stuff.


    Here is my one-month update (minus a day, going out of town, no time tomorrow)


    I have begun to shed dead skin and hair. Curious as to how much more i will lose.


    I'm patient but overall happy so far with results. Hoping my new hairline stays and the donor area heals completely .


    I am currently using Minoxidil 5% for the crown area in hopes that it blends with/into the newly transplanted area. :D

    Nonetheless, if the crown doesnt work due to Minoxidil, i will reevaluate my donor area and its status. Then make decision as to if i will go in for second procedure...to fill it in.


    I also added my before photos (below this post) that i had sent out to the clinics before consulting.














  3. Gman, what is your deal? Why is it that you have to attack and be negative? I am trying to help anyone that wants to inquire and feel comfortable with their options and you've simply been visiting my thread as if you're some kind of HAIR POLICE.


    If you don't have anything positive to contribute, i respectfully ask that you simply take it somewhere else. It just makes no sense why you're trolling around my thread and not being helpful whatsoever.


    Furthermore, you sound foolish labeling me some kind of salesman. The ignorance you display is mixed with hate.


    Lastly, I ask that you remove your recent post as I'd prefer to keep it positive and only convey a message of helpfulness and contribute positive feedback, just as i did when i was looking to get my procedure done.


    Not the opposite.

  4. I just got back from Istanbul. I live on the West Coast. I was scared sh^%less as well guys. It's just as dangerous here in the US relative to how at anytime and at any place, shootings and possibly a bomb going off (NYC couple weeks ago).


    I called the US Embassy in Turkey, the Istanbul police, and the Istanbul tourist police. They all chuckled when I asked about the safety...especially because I am an American. I assure (since I actually went and got the preocudure done), the media completely exaggerates.


    Post your questions and I'll gladly answer them. I actually wish there was someone or material that could have been present for the experience. I would have gone years ago.




    • Like 1
  5. Gman, I will definitely update. I always looked for detailed updates on these sites and so I will be as elaborate as possible. I will also provide pics accordingly. (up-close pics)


    The doctor did approx. 85% of all the work herself. The nursing staff assisted her with the rest.


    I researched through two individuals that were actual patients and based my decision off of what they stated and most importantly, what i saw.


    FOR ME PERSONALLY, it does in fact make a difference on whether male or female are present. I felt more at ease with a female staff. Comforting. I think that if it was mostly or all males, it would have made me feel uncomfortable. Again, this is only my opinion.


    Once again, I will most definitely keep this site updated with my progress.

  6. Hey everyone. Just came back (Oct 1st) from Istanbul, Turkey. 4200 grafts. Happy as heck and simply wanted to share.


    Istanbul is great. I went at the end of September and wished I had gone over the summer instead of waiting.

    I went to RealHairCenter in Istanbul and the doctor is incredible. She did a majority of the surgery with the help of her nurses. The supporting staff in charge of logistics were just as important as the procedure itself because of the way they handled the transportation, hotel, and hospitality, all of which calmed my nerves and made this experience much easier than expected.


    Not sure if I can post link to the clinic but this is the name for messaging the staff (Gusun or Sham) via Facebook:

    Zeynep Gunel


    You can also Facebook-message the clinic:



    Name of doctor: Dr. Zeynep Gunel - female - RealHairCenter

    Name of staff: Gusun (guh-sun) and Sham (like SH-om) - both females

    Driver: Mustafa (moos-ta-fa) - manager, great guy




    Email me if you have any questions. I believe it's only fair i repay for all the help I have gotten from this site and its members.










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