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Posts posted by xamyhprum

  1. Hi Xamy,


    Glad we had the chance to meet!


    The patient told me he's going to stop by when he has the chance; so I'll take more images and put up an in-depth presentation at that point in time.


    And thank you for the kind words.


    And good to meet you as well Dr. Bloxham. I'm assuming this patient is in his mid-late 20's, like myself, is that correct?


    And while I know my own hairloss to be more extreme than this patient's was when he had his procedure done, I think this is a great result, and it's the best "case study" I've come across in terms of "look" in both verisimilitude of pre-existing hair quality and to an outcome I would desire for my own HT.


    I might PM or email you with some more follow up questions on this case, Dr. Bloxham. I hope this is OK. Thanks!

  2. Xamyhprum:


    I cannot provide a surgical testimonial for Drs. Feller and Bloxham, but I have consulted with Dr. Bloxham twice and was impressed. I have followed two Feller and Bloxham patients on the discussion forums too.


    Patients "BklynBorn" and "DeckerG" may be of some assistance:






    Thanks for your reply, Bunsenburner. I will reach out to them and see if they'd be open to a convo!

  3. xamyhprum, AFAIK you cannot send or receive private messages on the same day you sign up - much less in a two hour window - so rather that try to diagnose server problems and alert the mods - relax and hang around.


    I am sure a lot of F&B patients will join in and share their experiences but most are busy getting haircuts this morning.


    Understood! And thanks for the clarifications—all boards have different protocols, and like I said, excuse any initial ignorance on my part. Cheers, voxman.

  4. Yes I'm happy to answer


    Well, it would seem that I can neither send, nor access, private messages (HTTP 500 error, meaning the servers for this site cannot establish the proper connection to the HTTPS side of things—something for the mods to look into).


    Beldarcone, you mention in your post that you had your hairline restored—were you losing it mostly from the front, or overall? Mine started in the front and is now general thinning from front to back, but I'd be looking to fill in as much as I can. F&B technique of the dense pack at the front sounds great, but the results I've seen from them are varied depending on the type of hair the patient has. While my donor is highly viable (according to Dr. Bloxham), my hair is wavy, thin and coarse (always has been) and has a tendency to get frizzy when its humid (which causes breakage overall). I also am thinning more on the left side of my head than the right, where my part is.


    How did you find that they judged your hair in order to do the transplant? Do you feel it resembles your hair as it was when you were younger now that its grown back in, or is it markedly different looking? And one of my main questions is also: how is the scar, a year on? And how was it immediately after?



  5. Had my surgery with them a year ago and could not be happier. I recommend them and am going to go back for another procedure to cover the back/top. My experience with them is here...




    Thanks for sharing Beldarcone—would it be OK if I send you a private message with some further questions? Your overview is great, but there are a few specific things I'm interested in finding out.

  6. Hi All: New here, so forgive me if any minor trespasses are made or things yet unknown about the protocols of the forum.


    Obviously, I'm here as a hairloss sufferer—27 this year, and considering a transplant in the near future.


    I've had a consultation with Dr. Bloxham at Feller & Bloxham; great guy, gave me good insights on the procedure and how to gauge expectations, and assured me I'm a good candidate for the procedure. When I asked if they had any sort of testimonial program past the posted results on their site, he referred me to reach out on forums where their practice is active and engaged with the hairloss community—this site being the primary one he directed me too.


    So as part of my further due dilligence, I was hoping to make contact with some Feller & Bloxham patients— current, recent or past—to get some 1on1 testimonials and understand the experience and outcomes better.


    Lots of people share their HT experiences more broadly on this forum (have been lurking since I began to consider HT), and Dr. Feller & Dr. Bloxham do a great job of generating a great deal of content around their practice to display results of the procedure (shout out to their YouTube channel), but I was hoping to have some more in-depth conversations with folks to get a greater sense of not only the experience with the procedure, but the aftermath, post-operative treatment and how the HT has taken root (turn of phrase, I understand how the procedure works, medically) since they had it done. I'm aware that there are many public threads for this, but I am actively looking for individual conversations.


    Because Feller & Bloxham are the only HT doctors I've consulted with and considering (I did speak to an emotionless quack up on Park Avenue here in NY, but not an HT specialist, and not a particularly nice individual), I am specifically looking to speak with prior and current patients of Feller & Bloxham for further insight. I am aware that there are many opinions on many doctors and specialists, but as of right now, speaking with patients of theirs is my direct focus.


    If there's any specific members that have serious knowledge of Feller & Bloxham's work, by all means let me know, and if there are any current or former patients who would be open to a conversation, please also let me know. I appreciate all the help and look forward to connecting with y'all!




    PS. and if I've posted this in the wrong place, mods please let me know. Thanks!

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