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Posts posted by HTTT

  1. Thanks for the info Reyes1. I've been using Regenepure DR product everyday (don't use the NT) and haven't noticed any side effects. I think this one is a case of trial and error. In any case, have started to wind it back to three times a week now. So long as I don't lose any hair there's no point wasting the product (and my money) on additional amounts I don't need!

  2. You might like to try Regenepure DR. That is if you're not simply looking for a thickening shampoo, but something which can actiuvely fight the hair loss. Like Nizoral, has ketoconazole (1%). Directions aren't for daily use however I use it daily (wouldn't with Nizoral as it dries the hair out too much). If you don't want to use it daily you can use their Regenepure NT shampoo on the 'off' days. Not exctly cheap but I found it worked pretty well for me.

  3. Based on the comments and e-mails I get on my site from men suffering from MPB, my sense is that there are a lot of men who just aren't aware that treatments exist. The strength of feeling is definitely there, however. To a large extent men have been brought up to expect hair loss, so the possibility of treating it often doesn't even enter the equation. For those that are searching for a solution, however, the desperation and despair is very real and the number of treatments they have tried is often staggering.

  4. As a side note, in the earlier stages of my hair loss, I became so intrigued by the phenomenon of how many homeless people I saw around with perfect heads of hair I researched an article called: Can Vitamins Really Regrow Your Hair? To your point I was specifically referring to vitamins and minerals such as zinc, vitamin E, etc. as opposed to herbs such as saw palmetto. My conclusion at that time was that vitamins and minerals have a minimal effect. Certainly an interesting subject and, clearly, my research was by no means conclusive.

  5. I'm a bit late to this party but for thickening up my existing hair rahua shampoo works pretty well - just started using it last week and definitely an improvement over the Avalon organics I was using before. Quite impressive given the list of natural ingredients. I've also been using regenepure DR as a daily wash for about 9 months and find that works quite well, too. They say every second day but as only 1% ketoconazole upped it to daily and haven't noticed any adverse effects (and had a positive impact on rate of hair fall).

  6. I read - same as every one else here who has done some research on hair loss causes and treatments - a lot of theories about diet and the role it plays in MPB. The link seems tenuous to me. As BaronVonHairline points out - there are a lot of fat folks hanging around McDonalds with damn fine heads of hair. There are also plenty of homeless with absolutely perfect hairlines, too (I don't think anyone would claim they indulge in good nutritional practices).


    Can it improve the quality of your hair? Probably, insofar as it a requirement for keeping the body (including the hair) functioning well (I know when I get ill my hair certainly lacks life). Can it reverse, or halt, androgenetic alopecia (MPB)? For me, the hint is in the name: genetic.

  7. Haven't head of those. If you're still in the market for trying something else that will make your hair feel (and look) a bit thicker, I just started trying Rahua. Had been using Avalon organics (Lavender) up to that point. Rahua definitely makes a difference. Not sure about the $$$ though - wife bought it for herself!

  8. Good question. Been hearing some buzz about this on the internet but a quick search doesn't reveal much other than that a company call Perfect Image Solutions had to pull several products containing azelaic acid due to FDA warnings. Apparently this was due to the 15% and 10% concentrations of Mionoxidil however. Also note some buzz that Lipogaine have removed azelaic acid as well.

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