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Posts posted by worriedsince2001

  1. Happy Friday readers

    Thank you for reading this post


    Back story:


    My father has sacrificed so much for his family. He's so hard working and always putting others needs in front of his own. I am honored he gave me the chance to give something back to him.


    He started losing his hair in his late 20's. At the age of 40 he had hair surgery in Michigan; unfortunately he isn't able to remember the name of the clinic but what he does remember is that the Doctor really wasn't present for the duration of the procedure.

    2005: Age 52 he had surgery at Bosley. Same case; the Doctor was in and out.

    Come 2015, if it wasn't for the little hair remaining from the 2 small surgeries (approx 1k-1500 grafts combined) he would be a complete NW6.


    For years he's always wanted to do something about his hair. He didn't want to have a full head of hair as it would look obvious he had some work done. His goal was to have a defined hairline and some more density in the front. Most of all, it had to look natural. (He's a hawk, he's always looking at other men's hair when out in public and can see a bad hair transplant from a mile away)


    I've been a long time lurker and there are some unbelievable surgeons on this site. I admit, I had been putting ideas in his head; about how advanced surgery has come in the past 10 years and that the doctors are more like artists. Dr Lindsey had an awesome video up of a flap repair and I showed it to my dad so he could see just how far things had come.


    One of his stipulations was that it had to be driving distance; he didn't want to go overseas or on the other side of the US. Living in the South East, there were a few surgeons recommended within 45 mins but they had no recent reviews or pictures.. a big no no. If I was going to put my dad in optional surgery, it would have to be with someone I would consider going to if it were me in this situation.


    I had been impressed with Dr Cooley's results for a while and his clinic was only about a 5 hour drive from where we live. Ironically enough, on father's day 2015 I reached out to Dr Cooley with my dad's pictures and he was fairly confident he could work some magic.


    The pictures can speak for themselves.

    My dad didn't think Dr Cooley would be in the operating room the whole time.. due to his past 2 surgeries, he wasn't expecting much. I am very happy to say, and re-iterate what other posters have said, Dr Cooley is in the room and performing his magic throughout.


    Dr Cooley, Lollie and the whole team took care of my dad that day. I was very nervous the morning of the procedure but in hindsight, I shouldn't have been.


    Over the past few months, I can tell my dad is smiling more, has a jump in his step.. a big thank you to Dr Cooley and his team.

    I'm going on and on so here are the details; I"ll be happy to answer any questions/ pose your questions to my dad incase I dont' have the answers:

    Date of surgery: July 2015

    Age of patient at surgery: 62

    2078 grafts: 1988 FUT, 100 FUE, 20 Beard FUE


    1's: 1140

    2's: 716

    3's: 98

    4- 4

    Total hairs: 2882













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