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Posts posted by tl2

  1. I have been away from this site but after going back and reading the posts I thought it could be helpful to bring everything up to date 

    I found a fantastic surgeon in Colorado Dr J Harris at the hair science center in Denver . Dr. Harris was able to take the terrible job done at the LeBeau clinic In Pensacola Florida and gave me the results I had originally hoped for .  My only regret is I did not find this great doctor sooner . Not only were his results fantastic but the healing time and professionalism were head and shoulders above the other dr . 
    Just as I warned you to stay away from LeBeaus clinic  I  am telling you to go to see Dr Harris his bedside manner is fantastic and his knowledge of his field is in my option unmatched . Check his web site and his credentials and see for yourself  . I can’t thank him enough for what he did for me !!

  2. thanks 86 I am in the search for the right doctor to do the right procedure and has experience in fixing what inexperience has done wrong . I have visited a couple of the Dr. who seem to have a good reputation on here . I wish I could get some feed back from others who have had the same experience and found the Dr. that fixed it and not useless opinions from some on here who shouldn't be on here thanks again for your support

  3. one more thing to Skylar... the Lebeau clinic was not cheap it was $10,000 . that is a lot of money to me and to try to put enough together for the surgery to fix what Dr Lebeau did is not the easiest thing for me to do. after reading what other have gotten and what they paid. a price of about $4000. should have been what I got charged for the grafts I had done by no means should it have been $10,000

  4. thank you Chris $18 ain't cheap. When I started my search I really didn't know what to look for and had just found out about the Artas procedure . when I did my initial search that's when I found Dr Lebeau and at my consultation he answered all the questions I had at the time. Now after this terrible experience with the Lebaeu clinic I know what to ask and have a much better understanding of the whole Artas procedure and the fact that the machine can only be as goods as the Dr. using it.


    I would be very interested in hearing great success stories naming the Dr. who performed the procedure and when you had it done . I have not made my final selection for the what I hope to be second and final transplant surgery but I am doing my best to find the right Dr. this time.


    ps Dr. Lebeau charged me $100 for the consutation and the other 2 Dr. I have seen have done the consultation for free and took a lot of time with me explaining what was done what should have been done and how they will fix what Dr. Lebeau left me with.

  5. I had a Artas hair procedure done at the Lebeau clinic, and all I can say is I am very disappointed with the outcome at the 7-8 month time frame . I thought I had done my research and had my consultation with Dr. Lebeau and felt confident in choosing him unfortunately at this time I feel that I made a huge mistake and hope to stop others from doing the same.


    9/4/2016 I have made arraignments to see another Artas surgeon for a consultation and a professionals opinion on the work done by Dr. Lebeau. I would not recommend him for an Artas hair restoration procedure. I cannot comment on his other cosmetic procedures. I will update this posting after my upcoming consultation.


    I have met with 2 other Artas Dr. since my first review. Both doctors said that they felt not enough grafs were used also placement of grafs was not optimal to achive my desired results . They both were surprised by the fact that Dr.Lebeau did not tell me how many grafs he used and when I went in for my initial consultation with Dr. Lebeau was told I would need a "medium" on his small- medium- large transplant menu. Both Doctors I consulted with were very close in their estimate that only about 500 grafs were used when 1200-1500 were necessary to achieve the desired results. with the follow up consults I discovered that with the number of grafs I received from Dr Lebaeu and what I was charged I paid over $18 per graf.

    Do yourself a huge favor , if you are looking into a artas hair transplant do not use the Lebeau clinic! There are numerous Dr. that specialize in ONLY hair transplants, do a bit of research and find one that you feel comfortable with . but stay away from Dr Lebeau in Pensacola Fl.

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