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Posts posted by slycooper

  1. I was asked by friends to join them in Florida for a weeklong vacation. I would love to go, but the week they have in mind is only 1 month after my scheduled FUE.


    At one month post-op, to what extent can you even be in the sun? And more importantly, will this even be a vacation worth having?


    I've read on this forum that the sun is very bad for grafts and that you must use sunscreen and sun blocking hats. Is it worth the risk? I would love to hear experiences people may have had trying to swim and party in the sun with a tomato for a head. Thanks guys

  2. My advice is to be conservative with the lowering the hairline. You seem to be under 30, which means you might lose more hair on top. You rather keep the height of the center hairline and bring down only the temple corners. I would look up Tom Hardys high hairline. Or look up recent photos of soccer player Shinji Okazaki.

  3. Unicio, i wouldnt take meds for transplanted hairs. Meds are meant for thinning native hairs. Id say the best thing to do is eat yogurt eggs and chicken like a crazy person. I truly believe in the protein diet, also nuts and seeds with lots of water. The growth looks decent to me. But obviously its still not at 100% regrowth. Not much more to say about the phase. I would wait till 8-9 months before i start worrying. Good luck man

  4. I'll be seeing Dr. Yaman soon. My mind was at peace till these two user's complaints.


    Indexo and unicio, while you may have had bad results, many people have had good results. If the purpose of this forum is to help others by sharing the experience, then can it be possible for your complaints to have more substance? Perhaps...new photos?


    Hair transplants are objective, so it does little help to the community to talk about your dissatisfaction. If you truly want to help us out, SHOW us some photos please. After all, you are both well into the growth phase. I apologize if I come off rude. But your remarks instill doubt when they should bring insight.

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