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Posts posted by ryu1989

  1. I don't see 3000 grafts there and there is very little density. honestly, it looks like u got about 500 grafts (I'm sure u got more) but its way too early to tell. u sure u got 3000 grafts and not 3000 hairs? maybe ur title is wrong but nonetheless u need more grafts their spaced too far apart.


    It was 3000 grafts for both hair and the beard, though I didn't ask for a specific number for each section, which I should have. After the transplant I did feel like I receive a sufficient amount of grafts for my hairline.i have a picture attached a few hours after the transplant, one before and one taken today. Before the ht I had no visible hairs on my corners. it was only until scabs came off I noticed, at first I was worried then I figured hair might have shed already but after posting and getting some response I'm starting to get a little nervous. I'll just have to wait and see what happens. They did a nice job on my beard, all grafts have yet to shed, but I'm a little worried about my hair... Worst comes to worst I'll have to get another transplant. There's still hope right?




  2. I have to be Honest here.

    The HT does NOT look good. The density is very Low in the cornors of the hairline.

    I am sorry and i know you proberbly not gonna like it but i dont Think the result Will be good. :(

    Your "natural" hair looks dense and when you new hairs grows back it Will not look dense. Infact i Think it Will look very thin! :(


    Really sorry buddy and i dont say This because im trying to make you sad but im saying This because i want you to know the truth and get you prepared for the results.


    Thanks for the reply, no worries.. We're all trying to help each other here and I appreciate the honesty. I see what you're saying. The density does look low, but I remain hopeful as there are still follicles that can cover my hairline if they start to grow. What's done is done, and I will live with the decision I made. I'll keep updating my progress through the months and hopefully his can be of use to any of you deciding to go this route.

  3. Hi everyone,


    Recently had a ht at Cosmedica in Istanbul. The place is located in a hospital next to the interstate & metro, I was a little anxious about going to Turkey but now glad I did. Everything was fine during my week long stay there. After my transplant I spent a few days exploring the city. Istanbul is a very vibrant city.


    Some background: I'm 24 years old, I always had a receding hairline through out my youth, but not until a couple of years have I noticed it receding to where it was very noticeable. I was able to hide it with a nice haircut, i was hiding it but it didn't look like i was hiding it but eventually it caught up with my tricks. I don't like to admit it but having hair loss really did a number to my self-esteem.


    I decided to go with Cosmedica after seeing many good results online, but truthfully the price was what drew me in. After a few days of communication via email, I scheduled my consultation. They are open all days except Sunday, scheduling an appointment was very easy. I arrived on a Wednesday morning and was transported to my hotel after I went to a tourist check-in after you pass customs. For the all inclusive price they give you two nights at the hotel. The next morning I was transported to the hospital with two other gentlemen. We were greeted by staff upon arrival. Then we were called into a room one by one to get blood drawn and was told it was for the PRP. One after the other we met with Dr. Acar. I discussed my hair goals with him and he was very sincere. My hairlines were then drawn then proceeded to get the hair shaved, was taking to get some before pictures taken then off for surgery. If this sounds like a quick process it's because it was. I had read how many clinics in Turkey are like this, but if the results are good that's all that matters.


    My ht lasted about 7 hours and was awake the entire time. During that time I was in a really chill state of mind thanks to the sedative given beforehand. Initially I had only planned to get my hair transplanted and that probably wouldn't have taken long at all. I decided to get a beard transplant as well after realizing it wouldn't cost much more to do so. My facial hair game has always been weak and it may be silly to some people but I have always wanted to sport some presentable facial hair and if a hair transplant allows me to do so, thank you technology! After the transplant was done I was transported back to my hotel. I went back two days to get my bandages taken off from my donor area and got a hair wash. I was then given instructions by an assistant and a paper that states my ht is guaranteed for ten years. Lastly, I was given the option to buy some supplements which I did.


    It's been 10 days post-op now and everything is looking good so far. Eager for the time to pass to see the results, but keep telling myself patience is a virtue. At the moment I'm taking 1mg finasteride per day along with a hair vitamin, biotin and using anti-hair loss shampoo.








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